7 craziest gun laws in America

7 craziest gun Frank Gore Colts Jersey laws in America

This originally appeared on ProPublica. Dan Herron Jersey

Friday’sdeadly rampageat a Connecticut elementary school marked the 13th mass shooting in the United Statesthis year. history, more than half took placein the last five years. During the same period, states have often relaxed their gun laws, making it easier for individuals to obtain guns, extending the places where concealed guns are permitted, or giving gun owners more robust protections.

A Authentic Dan Herron Jersey March 2012Colorado Supreme Court decisionheld that the University of Colorado could not ban students and employees with state issued concealed weapon permits from carrying guns on campus. The decision overturned the university’slong standing gun ban. While school policy prohibits guns at ticketed athletic and cultural events, Boulder and Colorado Springs’ campuses now designate dorms for permit carrying students. (Guns are still banned in other dorms). “Not a single student has asked to live where guns are allowed,” theDenver Post reported last month.

In September 2011, the Oregon Court of Appeals Bjoern Werner Colts Jersey issueda similar ruling, allowing guns on campuses throughout the Oregon University system.

Wisconsin passed legislation in 2011 allowing college students in the University Authentic D’Qwell Jackson Jersey of Wisconsin school system to bring a concealed weapon on campus grounds, parking lots and “other spaces that aren’t enclosed,”according to the Wisconsin State Journal. The school can prohibit guns in buildings, but only if signs are posted at each entrance.

A law passed by the Mississippi State Legislature in 2011broadly extended the placeswhere concealed weapons are allowed, including college campuses, secondary schools, courthouses, polling locations, churches, bars and passenger terminals of an airport places previously off limits. This year, theUniversity of Mississippi, Authentic Frank Gore Jersey which previously required students to leave guns in their vehicles, began allowing students to bring concealed weapons on campus, provided they have a concealed weapons permit and take an 8 hour training course.

Utah grants the least discretion: Since 2004, the state has prohibited any public college or university from banning concealed weapons, Mike Adams Colts ersey as campuses are considered state property.

2. Some states Ahmad Bradshaw Colts Jersey now allow you to bring guns into daycare centers, churches, and even “gun free zones”

Last week, the Michigan Legislaturepassed a lawthat would allow concealed weapons in current “gun free” zones such as schools, day care centers, bars, churches, hospitals and stadiums. Gun owners are required to receive eight hours of extra training before bringing guns into these places. The bill, which has yet to be signed into law, gives private business owners discretion to ban firearms Authentic Mike Adams Jersey on their property.

While Michigan’s legislation has gained attention LaRon Landry Colts Jersey given its timing to Friday’s shooting, it’s far from the only law of its kind. As we’ve already noted, Mississippi has also expanded the list of permissible concealed carry locations.

Elsewhere, loaded guns in bars are nowallowedin Tennessee, Arizona, Georgia, Virginia and Ohio. Georgia lawmakersintroduced legislationearlier this year that would expand the list D’Qwell Jackson Jersey of places where you can bring in a concealed weapon, proposing to allow them in colleges, places of worship and polling places.

Virginia,LouisianaandMaineallow firearms to be carried in state parks, state historic sites and state preservation areas. Recently passed federal legislation also allows the carrying ofloaded guns in national parks, but only if Authentic LaRon Landry Jersey state laws don’t interject.

3. You Mike Adams Jersey don’t have to be 18 years old or sober to lawfully use a gun in some states

In Missouri, it’s no longer a crime for an intoxicated person to handle or fire a gun, so long as they wereacting in self defense.

Federal law prohibits licensed firearms dealers from selling a shotgun or rifle to anyone under 18, or handguns to anyone under 21. Still, some states impose minimum age limits that go below Ahmad Bradshaw Jersey these federal limits.

For instance, in Vermont, it’s legal to sell a handgun or rifle to 16 year Authentic Bjoern Werner Jersey olds. It’s legal to sell a rifle to a 16 year old in Maine, Alaska, Minnesota or New York. In Montana, the legal age is 14, according to theLaw Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a non profit organization that tracks state gun laws.

4. Eight states have (symbolically) asserted their freedom to be Authentic Ahmad Bradshaw Jersey exempt from federal gun regulation

Current federal gun laws setbaseline standardsregarding the sale and possession of guns. For instance, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act requires licensed gun dealers to performbackground checkson prospective gun purchasers.

Still, eight states have passed resolutions stating that guns made and manufactured in state shouldn’t be subject to federal regulation: Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Bjoern Werner Jersey Utah, Arizona, Tennessee and Alaska.

The Montana gun activist behind the state’s legislation, whom theWall Street Journal profiled, explained he felt he should be “free from federal laws requiring him Frank Gore Jersey to record transactions, pay license fees and open his business to government inspectors.”

The Hakeem Nicks Jersey states’ moves are basically symbolic. The states are still following the few federal rules that exist.

But that could change. Montana Authentic Hakeem Nicks Jersey Shooting Sports Association and Second Amendment Foundation have filed a lawsuit in federal court to enforce the law.

5. Some states want to make it a crime for doctors Dan Herron Colts Jersey and employers to ask about your gun

In 2011, Florida became the first state to enact a lawprohibitingany health care professional from asking patients whether they own guns or store them safely. LaRon Landry Jersey A federal judge laterstruck down the lawbased on free speech grounds, stating that a physician who “counsels a patient on firearm safetydoes not affect or interfere with the patient’s right to continue to own, possess or use firearms.”

Other states have followed in Florida’s footsteps: Alabama and North Carolina have introducedsimilar Hakeem Nicks Colts Jersey legislationin the last year.

In 2010, Indianamade it easierfor people to store guns in their vehicles in a workplace parking lot. A year later, Indiana passed a law allowing job applicants and current employeesto suea private or public employer for requiring disclosure of firearm ownership D’Qwell Jackson Colts Jersey or use.

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