日別アーカイブ: 2016年5月4日

The best way to happiness

Nowadays almost no one has no intention to lead a happy life. And what can be called a happy life?. Does it mean to own a spacious house or apartment, to get a good–looking spouse, to possess a luxurious car, to earn as much money as possible, and to have a large deposit in the bank, etc, as generally accepted?But once this has been realized, it is taken for granted, and a higher level is expected, as people’s desires are boundless.

There are also a small proportion of people making a different choice by secluding voluntarily themselves in deep mountains. Most of us have to be content with the present life when there is no hope to improve the conditions. As a matter of fact, our feeling of satisfaction at our situation is not determined by the external world but by our inner world― our minds. Our minds have all been contaminated by the conventional ideas and current trend of thoughts. I contend that the best way to purify our minds is to read the Buddhist scriptures.

The first I recommend you is the Diamond Sutra for in its final part the most important truth of this world is revealed to us clearly. It tells us all things in the world are like dreams, illusions, soap bubbles, flashes of lightning and drops of dew, which are formed the universe, and we should think so. I believe your former insatiable desires will have been curbed efficiently when you finish the holy book and really comprehend its true essence. Then you’ll dismiss almost all anxieties from your mind and gain the true joy of peace.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者gfhdert 13:15 | コメントをどうぞ