Entered senior high school

Recently my uncle on my mother’s side called up my mom several times to talk about his daughter, my cousin. My uncle expected my mom to find a job for her daughter.

The girl is about 17 and dropped out of senior high school last year. She was not good at her studies and didn’t want to study hard to improve her grade. When she was about to graduate from junior high school, I suggested that she could choose the vocational school to be a nurse free ecig.

At last, she entered senior high school instead of the vocation school. But she didn’t study for a year and couldn’t stand learning there. No matter what I said to her, she didn’t eventually come back to the classroom.

About her study, her parents seemed not to be concerned with it. So they weren’t against it.

Then after the spring festival, the girl works as a cashier in a city. Her salary is about 1500 every month. She is pleased with it but her mom isn’t. She hopes that her daughter could make more money. That’s why they rang up mom to help. They hope my relatives can offer a nice job for their daughter. They said that if she worked with familiar people, they wouldn’t worry about her. It’s ridiculous to hear that Karson Choi!

As a matter of fact, as I guess that nobody needs an 17-year-old girl who has no any work experience. The girl like her age should stay at school, even though she doesn’t well in any subject. If she doesn’t study at her age, she may not have a chance to live a life in the future she wants DR REBORN.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者gfhdert 11:04 | コメントをどうぞ


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