High Speed Laser Cladding Technology

As a surface modification technology of metal materials, laser cladding can effectively change the hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance of metal surfaces. For more than half a century, the technology has been continuously improved and developed in practical applications. In addition to materials and processes, high power laser pointer and powder feeding technologies have been continuously upgraded. In the 1980s and 1990s, cladding lasers were mainly CO2 lasers and YAG lasers. After 2010, semiconductor lasers (both direct output and fiber coupled output) appeared. In recent years, fiber lasers have begun to compete for the cladding market of semiconductor lasers.

At the same time, people are constantly exploring ways to improve the function of powder and laser, and invented a variety of powder feeding techniques, including preset powder feeding, side-by-side feeding and center feeding. The preset powder feeding adopts the powder laying or gravity powder feeder to preset the powder on the path through which the spot passes. The preset powder feeding technology is simple, the powder feeding process has no powder splash, the powder utilization rate is high, but the versatility is not strong. The side-by-side powder feeding adopts pneumatic method to send the powder into the spot, the side-by-side powder is divided into asymmetric side feeding powder and symmetric coaxial feeding powder, and the side feeding powder is easily affected by the moving direction, and the cladding quality is relatively high. difference. Coaxial powder feeding has good quality and versatility. Coaxial pneumatic powder feeding is a “powder-packing” technique that uses a multi-beam converging powder stream or a ring-shaped converging powder stream to surround the central military laser pointer beam. The center powder feeding is also a pneumatic powder feeding method. It is a kind of “optical powder coating” technology, which is designed to surround the center powder flow by designing a hollow beam.

Ultrafast lasers concentrate light energy in picosecond to femtosecond time intervals and focus light into areas of ultra-fine space that are smaller than the diameter of the hair, making the intensity of the electromagnetic field stronger than the force of the nucleus to its surrounding electrons. It is several times higher, and many other methods that do not exist on the earth can not achieve extreme physical conditions. At the same time, the laser energy is concentrated in such a short period of time, and a huge single pulse energy and a very high peak power are obtained. The high power density laser pulse can easily strip the outer electrons, and the electrons are separated from the atoms and form a plasma. .

Since the interaction time between the laser and the material is extremely short, the plasma has not been able to transmit energy to the surrounding material, and has been ablated from the surface of the material, which can largely avoid the melting of the material due to the long pulse width and low intensity astronomy laser pointer. And the continuous evaporation phenomenon (heat effect) ensures that the surrounding materials in the space range involved are not affected during the processing, and the processing quality is greatly improved. Ultrafast laser processing is therefore also referred to as “cold processing.”

In addition, the non-contact processing of the laser can avoid the problems of chipping and cracking in the traditional machine-added cutting, high precision, no micro-cracking, chipping or chipping problems, high edge crack resistance, and edge maintaining optical performance. It does not require secondary manufacturing costs such as rinsing, grinding, polishing, etc., and reduces the cost while greatly improving the workpiece yield and processing efficiency.

In recent years, high-speed laser cladding as a new laser cladding technology has attracted widespread attention in various industries such as coal mines, steel, petrochemicals, and electric power. Recently, Zhongke Zhongmei successfully used powder feeding in high-speed green laser pointer cladding technology. They used multiple lasers to wrap the center powder, and the powder melted on the molten pool and fell into the molten pool.

Compared with the coaxial pneumatic powder feeding, the central powder feeding is characterized in that the powder is a single powder flow, and there is no mutual impact scattering of the powder flow in different directions. In addition, in the vertical down-cladding process, a lower powder feed pressure can be used, so that on the one hand, the powder flow rate is relatively slow, the powder and the laser act for a long time, and the powder is more easily melted over the molten pool. On the other hand, the lower powder flow rate also reduces the ejection between the powder flow and the substrate. The practical application shows that the splash of the high-speed cladding cladding process in the center powder feeding is obviously reduced, the spark is quite gentle, and the powder utilization rate is greatly improved.

As an important part of additive manufacturing technology, laser cladding technology is a new advanced green manufacturing technology that replaces traditional surface treatment technology. The utility model utilizes a high-energy waterproof laser pointer as a heat source, simultaneously melts the high-performance powder and the base material of the part, and forms a surface cladding layer with wear resistance and corrosion resistance on the surface of the part, which not only improves the use performance of the parts, but also prolongs the service life by two. three times. Laser cladding technology is mainly used in the surface treatment of large high-value parts, especially in the surface treatment of large iron-based rotary parts. At this stage, the related technical processes have become mature for the cladding processing of the outer surface of the part, and a wide range of applications have been realized. However, the laser cladding process for the inner wall of the part, especially the inner surface of the thin-walled part, has been the bottleneck of the application of this technology.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 19:01 | コメントをどうぞ

Principle of Laser Soldering Paste

Laser soldering is a laser welding technology in which a laser is used as a heat source to melt solder paste. The main feature of laser soldering is the use of high energy of astronomy laser pointer to achieve rapid heating of local or tiny areas to complete the soldering process. Laser soldering is compared with conventional SMT soldering. Has an irreplaceable advantage.

Traditional SMT technology, that is, surface mount technology, mainly uses wave soldering and reflow soldering technology. There are some fundamental problems, such as lead wires of components and pads on printed circuit boards, which will diffuse Cu, Fe, and molten tin. Various metal impurities such as Zn; molten tin is likely to generate oxides at high speed in the air. At the same time, in the traditional reflow soldering, the electronic components themselves are heated to the soldering temperature at a large heating speed, causing thermal shock to the components, and some thin package components, especially heat sensitive components, are destroyed.

At the same time, due to the overall heating method, PCB boards and electronic components have to undergo the process of heating, heat preservation and cooling, and their thermal expansion coefficients are different. The alternating heat and cold are easy to generate internal stress inside the components, and the internal stress exists. The fatigue strength of the solder joint is reduced, and the reliability of the electronic component is damaged. In addition, the excessive heating time of the overall heating method is liable to cause coarse metal grain of the weld metal and excessive growth of the intermetallic compound, thereby reducing the fatigue life of the solder joint. 532nm laser pointer soldering is a reflow soldering of local heating, which can well avoid the above problems.

Advantages of laser welding: Laser welding can achieve high quality joint strength and large aspect ratio, and the welding speed is faster. Since laser welding does not require a vacuum environment, remote control and automated production can be achieved through lenses and optical fibers. The laser has a large power density, has a good welding effect on difficult-to-weld materials such as titanium, quartz, etc., and can weld different performance materials. Micro soldering is possible. The laser beam is focused to obtain a small spot, and can be accurately positioned, and can be applied to the mass welding of micro- and small-sized workpieces produced by large quantities.

The military laser pointer beam can be focused to a small spot diameter, and the laser energy is confined within a small spot range, which can achieve strict local heating of the soldering part, and the thermal shock effect on electronic components, especially heat sensitive components, can be completely avoided. . The laser has a high energy density, a high heating and cooling rate, a fine metal structure at the solder joint, and an effective control of excessive growth of intermetallic compounds.

The input energy of the welded part can be precisely controlled, which is very important for ensuring the quality stability of the surface assembled welded wire joint. Since the laser welding can only heat the welded portion, the substrate between the leads is not heated or the temperature rise is much lower than the welded portion, which hinders the transition of the solder paste between the leads. Therefore, the occurrence of bridging defects can be effectively prevented.

The laser solder paste soldering process is divided into two steps: first, the green laser pointer solder paste needs to be heated, and the solder joints are also preheated. The laser solder paste used for soldering is then completely melted, and the solder paste completely wets the pads, eventually forming a solder. Due to the use of laser generators and optical focusing components for soldering, high energy density, high heat transfer efficiency, non-contact soldering, if the solder uses a common SMT solder paste, it will produce tin, splash, solder balls, wettability, etc. .

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 20:16 | コメントをどうぞ

Industry Development of Laser Cutting Machine

Laser cutting machine industry has developed quite rapidly in recent years. From the initial YAG equipment and CO2 equipment to the current fiber, from low-power fiber to the current 10,000-watt fiber, which shows that our blue laser pointer technology continues to improve, and now the price of laser cutting equipment compared with previous years To be much cheaper, this is a very delightful thing for friends who want to buy equipment, no matter what the industry can afford the laser, afford to use the laser.

For the majority of customers, the purchase of equipment will shop around, so the competition among peers is bound to be ultimately! Nothing more than the concern of people who buy equipment, in addition to configuration, is the price and after-sales service, which is also the competition of major manufacturers. Price competition, the most common peer competition. When you consult the same piece of power equipment, there may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of price difference between the price. When it comes to configuration and technology, many people might say that the lasers are all for others, and for those of you who are just assembling them together, you do not need any technology at all. Yes, in appearance, this is indeed the case. So many people think that the green laser pointer cutting machine industry threshold low, high profits, just a few people can pull a few. However, how much is done and how much is sold.

red laser pointer

Grasp the rules of laser cutting machine processing factors on the processing of surface quality, you can find ways to improve the surface quality of the process measures to improve the quality of the processing surface. When the laser is cutting the sheet at high temperature, the traces of the molten material do not appear in the notch below the vertical laser beam, and instead, it is ejected at the rear of the laser beam. As a result, the curved lines are formed at the cutting edge and the lines closely follow the moving laser beam. In order to correct this problem, the feed rate is reduced at the end of the cutting process and the formation of lines can be substantially eliminated.

The cutting width generally does not affect the quality of the cut. The cutting width has an important influence only when a particularly precise profile is formed inside the part because the cutting width determines the minimum internal dimensions of the profile. As the thickness of the plate increases, the cutting width also varies with Increase. So you want to ensure that the same high precision, regardless of the width of the incision, the workpiece in the high power laser cutting machine processing area should be constant; when the material thickness of more than 18mm, the cutting edge of the verticality is very important; away from the focus, the laser The beam becomes divergent, depending on the position of the focus, the cut becomes wider toward the top or bottom. Cutting edge deviation from the vertical line a few millimeters, the more vertical edge, the higher the cutting quality.

The heat-affected zone refers to the laser cut where the area along the incision is heated. At the same time, the structure of the material itself changes. For example, some materials can harden. Heat affected zone refers to the regional structure of the internal structure changes due to high temperature; and depression and corrosion of the cutting edge of the surface has an adverse effect on the appearance of laser cutting machine. They appear in the general should avoid the cutting error; Finally, if the cutting makes the part heated rapidly, it will be deformed. This is especially important in fine workmanship, where the contours and tabs are usually only a few tenths of a millimeter wide. Controlling laser power and using short 500mw laser pointer pulses can reduce the risk of heat build-up and avoid distortion.

As said above, there are many manufacturers, the equipment sold out is very cheap, of course, with spare parts and machine tools are poor. Such manufacturers generally do not have a long-term strategic plan of sustainable development, there is no core technology. What they do is some low-end things, simple assembly is also OK, if they let them study some high-tech stuff, there is no professional talent, to give him the same configuration of components, they also create good equipment. In addition to a laser device, the machine tool is also important, the same laser, different manufacturers to make the device, and some can use for years without any major problems, but some day-to-day problems.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 19:59 | コメントをどうぞ

Conventional Fiber Lasers

High-brightness fiber laser processing of high thermal conductivity material, it is best to use a small spot to maintain the stability of the welding hole, but this processing may make the process is too intense, resulting in a large number of welding splash. Experiments show that high-brightness laser pointer with high-speed positioning of the remote scanning head, significantly reduce the welding splash, which is achieved by beam swing to ensure that the welding hole stability to achieve. Welding copper, aluminum, if you do not use the beam swing mode, welding splash will be very serious. Once the high-frequency swing beam is used, the splash will be reduced. By installing a protective device, to avoid damage to the equipment by the back light. Processing of copper and aluminum such high reflective metal, the return light is inevitable, the traditional laser due to the natural sensitivity of the return light, may lead to processing instability and destructive automatic shutdown, or even scrapped.

red laser pointer

Conventional fiber lasers use fiber-coupled technology to couple multiple beam outputs together, resulting in lower brightness of the output laser. The new generation of fiber lasers uses an innovative architecture that combines the pump diodes and drivers into separate pump modules. The gain fiber is mounted in a configurable gain module that can output more than 8kW of blue laser power. The gain module is based on the novel main oscillator / power amplifier (MOPA) design, enabling high-brightness laser output. In addition, the Ennie laser also uses a reliable integrated backlash isolator to protect all modules from the impact of backlit light, can be high anti-material full power, uninterrupted, stable processing. These two technological innovations play a vital role in RLS applications.

If the servo motor parameter error affects the cutting quality, then the guide rail and screw accuracy error will directly lead to round hole accuracy is less than expected. This is related to the strength of laser cutting machine manufacturers, usually, some small factories will deceive customers that laser cutting machine accuracy can reach 0.1mm, but in fact, in the actual operation of the process, will make the laser punch quality and effect are not Good, affect product added value. So choose high quality and choose a large brand of laser cutting machine is very necessary. All of these parameters used to identify the accuracy of cutting the hole, speed, etc. parameters are met the requirements of the standard, are sufficient to identify the quality of the laser cutting machine purchased.

In certain cases, it is necessary to remove graphite and lithium metal oxides to reveal bare copper or aluminum foil labels. The key to this step is to remove the coating material without compromising the underlying metal foil. Pulse infrared green laser is best suited for this link. Similar to aluminum foil cutting, the cover film should also be cut into the desired shape with reference to the battery design. Because the isolation membrane is composed of organic compounds, pulsed ultraviolet laser is the most suitable choice. Lithium battery because of its excellent performance, is widely used in electronic consumer goods, motor vehicles and energy market, its production technology innovation is particularly important.

The use of fiber lasers as a source of light in many industrial laser systems on the market helps to ease service and reliability issues. Fiber lasers are energy-efficient, easy-to-replace and easy-to-maintain devices that are cost-effective in manufacturing environments. Long-term reliability is the main driving force for upgrading fiber laser mounting to one-third of all industrial laser sales.

The Chinese government also hopes to make breakthroughs in intelligent manufacturing, improve supply quality and efficiency, stimulate actual demand, strengthen new growth momentum, focus on manufacturing innovation and information and manufacturing technology integration, enhance information technology and high-end equipment, promote robotics and intelligent systems The development of all this directly or indirectly related to industrial red laser pointer technology. If these goals are achieved, it is expected to enhance the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises in the global market.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 19:12 | コメントをどうぞ

Laser Cutting Machine in Decoration Industry

In this study, a cadmium sulfide (CdS) line with a diameter of 204 nm and a length of 15 μm was used as the core design of the optical cavity (Fig. 1). The high refractive index of the nanowires causes the incident light to have a high reflectivity factor at the end face and be guided by the nanowires. This arrangement forms the Fabry-Burrow cavity, which, when activated by an external light source, forms a laser. The blue laser wavelength thus formed depends on the refractive index around it. By measuring the wavelength of the laser output, the refractive index of the liquid immersed in the nanowires can be determined.

red laser pointer

There are a variety of methods for surface nanocrystallization of materials. There are a large number of surface nanocrystallization technologies. It is a surface layer which can realize the nano-characteristics by means of laser surface treatment technology and nanometer technology. It can be collectively referred to as laser surface nanocrystallization technology; More generally referred to as laser nano-surface engineering technology, is directly or mainly the use of laser this specific technical means to directly change or add material to change the surface of the solid material is treated, the composition or structure, so that the formation of nano-crystal Grain or a certain nanoparticle composition of the surface layer. Or the use of high power laser etching, laser embossing, laser hair, laser micro-nano modeling and other means to achieve nano-structure on the surface of the material.

Laser shock peening (LSP) is a kind of high and new technology to improve the fatigue, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of metal materials by using plasma shock wave produced by laser beams. The impact of laser surface nanocrystallization technology as shown in Figure 6, when the short pulse (NS) high power density (GW/cm2) of the laser irradiation to the metal surface absorption layer, absorbing layer to absorb laser energy explosive vaporization, high pressure (GPa) plasma, the plasma is constrained layer constraint, produce high impact wave effect on the metal surface and to the internal communication, the formation of dislocation structure dense and stable on the surface of the material, plastic deformation by dislocation slip, and the shock wave at the grain boundary reflection and refraction, the shock wave in multi direction effect on grain, thus the complexity of the dislocation slip, agglomeration and annihilation after the formation of new grain boundary, sub grain formation and smaller nanocrystals.

Air cutting: the advantage is very low processing costs, only need to consider the green laser pointer itself and air compressor electricity can be, without the need to produce high auxiliary gas costs, and cutting efficiency in the sheet can match the nitrogen cutting, is a kind of economic And efficient cutting method. But the shortcomings in the cutting surface is also obvious. First of all, the air cutting section will produce the bottom of the burr, laser processing products must also go through the deburring and other secondary processing, is not conducive to the entire product production cycle. Second, the air cutting section is easy to black, affecting the quality of the product. Therefore, the green laser pointer processing without the need for follow-up can not be reflected, so in the galvanized steel for the processing, many companies are reluctant to choose the way of air cutting.

At present, the stainless steel laser cutting machine with its beam of good quality, high precision, small slits, smooth cut, flexible cutting arbitrary graphics and other characteristics are widely used in metal processing industry, decoration engineering industry is no exception, the following we look at Look at the application of stainless steel laser pen cutting machine in decoration industry.

Laser cutting system is constantly improving the high-tech, information technology, relative to the traditional mechanical manufacturing technology, another revolution, the stainless steel decoration industry has produced a huge role in promoting. With the increasingly fierce market competition, the technology will play an increasingly important role, and bring huge economic benefits.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 12:01 | コメントをどうぞ

The Perfect Combination of Robot and Laser Welding

Laser welding is the fastest growing field in laser processing technology. Laser welding is the high-intensity laser beam radiation to the metal surface, through the interaction of laser and metal, metal absorption blue laser pointer into heat to melt the metal after the crystallization of the formation of welding. Compared with the traditional welding method, the technology will bring many advantages:

Beam spot is small, processing accuracy doubled. Heat affected zone is very small, high weld quality, easy to produce shrinkage, deformation, embrittlement and thermal cracking and other hot side effects, laser welding pool purification effect, to clean the weld metal, weld mechanical performance is equivalent to or better than the base metal The Can achieve the laser focus of the power and size according to the processing requirements of the dynamic adjustment, while the process of real-time monitoring to achieve a variety of applications possible.

red laser pointer

The use of fiber optic transmission of laser, so that the energy source and processing equipment from the space separation can be difficult to achieve. The light energy generated by the laser can be transmitted through a very small diameter fiber to the far distance of the station, through the robot, to achieve the workpiece welding. A green laser pointer welding robot can replace three to four resistance welding robot, if the full use of laser welding technology, processing a body, in the tooling investment, welding parts preparation, material consumption, body seal and other aspects of the cost will be reduced by about 200 US dollars, Steel utilization can be increased by 50%.

The use of laser welding can save a lot of templates and tooling equipment, so that the workshop area by half, saving investment. In the automotive industry, as a vehicle key components of the body, its value accounts for about 20% of the car, the use of laser welding, can reduce the overlap width and some reinforcement components, but also can compress the body structure itself volume, The weight of the body can be reduced by 56kg. Similarly, for a large number of spot welding in the body transfer, if the welding of a welding head on the edge of the workpiece for welding, the flange width of 16mm, and laser pen welding is unilateral welding, only 5mm, the spot welding to laser welding, each car can save steel 40kg. With the traditional spot welding two pieces of 0.8mm steel stamping parts, an average of 20 points / min, welding torch is 25mm, the speed of 0.5m / min, with laser welding speed can reach more than 5m / min.

Power laser welding machine, host, power supply, table, refrigeration unit split design; the machine into my company’s new condenser cavity, the photoelectric conversion efficiency, excellent beam quality, reflective surface and cooling medium without contact, cavity Long life, easy to replace xenon lamp and no need to adjust the optical path. PLC control and computer control in two ways to choose, the machine output power is stable, reliable performance, compact structure, beautiful appearance, easy to operate, with coaxial, paraxial gas protection device to improve the welding quality; and optional laser cutting Head, for cutting to expand the processing range.

Saving space, miniaturization of the design; change the lights for dimming, routine maintenance is more simple; modular design, easy to achieve functional expansion. Can achieve spot welding, butt welding, welding, sealing, etc .; red laser pointer focus / instruction, precise control, focusing light small, high-precision positioning; with long-term stable work capacity, especially for three companies Time operation; self-diagnosis, protection and early warning function; provide a variety of special industry fixture and control methods, the system easy to achieve and automatic production line matching.




カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者lasernzh 19:08 | コメントをどうぞ

A laser product falls into one of the categories

For some blue laser types with a narrow gain bandwidth, single-mode output is achieved with a very short resonant cavity.Operating a nanosecond-pulsed laser is substantially different from operating a CW laser.There are no wavelength filters hidden in the head to separate the laser wavelengths.

With the dramatic growth in the application of blue laser in everyday activities.Laser emission is similar to direct sunlight exposure in that the light arrives at the eye in parallel rays.Each of the wavelengths used in therapy lasers interacts with tissue in a unique way.This wavelength is also very popular because superpulsing the laser eliminate the risk of eye damage.

The 200 W beam that enters LIGO’s interferometers begins inside a high powered laser diode.It presents a look at the major commercial laser lines, the wavelengths they produce, and their many applications.The laser cavity, or resonator, is at the heart of the system.Multi frequency lasers are used for a variety of applications, including various types of spectroscopy, laser microscopy.

The world’s first high powered laser came into the world on May 16, 1960, a little over 50 years ago.The manipulation of the output wavelength of an optical device such as a laser.NPL is the home of the frequency-stabilised lasers that provide the practical realisation of the metre within the UK.For frequency metrology in telecomms near 1550 nm, traceability is provided via one of NPLs acetylene-stabilised lasers.

Green 2000mw Laser Pointer

To amplify the seed beam, the molecules in each rod are first energized by shining separate 808 nm green laser into each rod.Real laser beams somewhat deviate from this ideal behavior.However, even a single laser line actually covers a range of wavelengths.The red laser penetrates through nuclear sclerotic cataracts and moderate vitreous hemorrhages better than lasers.

Ultra-stable, high precision quantum cascade green laser drivers, laser diode drivers and temperature controllers are available.Some other commonly used lasers, classified by type of lasing material, and their emission wavelengths include.Laser diodes are often tuned via the temperature.Single-frequency laser can be tuned within approximately one free spectral range of its resonator.

When you select a Red Laser you are simply telling the power meter which point on the sensitivity graph it should take into account in order to give you the accurate laser power measurement.The laser manufacturer is required to certify that a laser product falls into one of the categories.The following summary table compares the wavelengths of various cold lasers.

  1. http://lasernzh.exblog.jp/27636050/
  2. http://lasernzh.bcz.com/2017/03/13/multi-line-lasers-emit-several-different-wavelengths/
カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 13:47 | コメントをどうぞ

burning laser

When Will Human Enter the “Star Wars” Era

The United States announced a video about a UAV destroyed by a burning laser weapon which let the world exclaim “Star Wars era”. In the huge list of American weapons development , there are kinds of laser weapons, their deployment have a wide range from the ground, air to the space, target also have different emphases, covering the battlefield. If these lasers are really successful, they will change the face of the future. Chinese military expert Liu Jiangping , told the Global Times reporter, any advanced weapons have their own limitations, the laser can not be completely invincible.

Powerful Laser Pointer

Tactial burning laser weapon system

Its service to China’s air defense combat power to enhance the benefit is very big, than the current prevailing in the world called the missile defense system more effective.The Pentagon believes that the high accuracy of the 30000mw Laser weapon is expected to allow the United States to get rid of this dilemma. The NATO air strikes on television Belgrade in 1999, the missile explosion caused 16 people died, but if used laser weapons, it would destroy precise antenna and transmitting equipment to make television paralysis without causing any casualties. Even against tanks so heavily armored targets, tactical laser weapons can also destroy its antennas and other communications and observation system, let the tank becomes “deaf” or “blind”.

Air defense laser weapon

That is, Chinese air force can be implemented in its surrounding coastal areas of about 600 nautical miles to combat combat, which does not include the war zone outside the military supplies two combat capability.Tactical 200mw Laser Pointer weapons are basically used in air defense. In the aspect of air defence laser weapon, according to reliable information, China has been successfully developed at the beginning of this century “. The laser weapon for the main features of the attack speed fast, far range, shoot at the transfer is fast, accurate flight in any type of aircraft or missile hit. At present, it has become people’s Liberation Army full range, low altitude interception of ideal counter defense weapon, an official with serving in the specific department of the air defense team and part of the ship.

The development of China’s burning laser weapons has attached more attention. Chinese air force not in the ranks of the world’s top, however, China is building the J-10 combat system and imported from Russia, the relatively primitive Su-27 fighter series has also been improved and further development, China has used its own technology on the 1000mw Laser Pointer weaponChina can now control off the field, has reached 1200 km radius. In 2009, Boeing took advantage of a C-130H aircraft carrying high energy chemical lasers to destroy the engine of a ground car to make it break down. Boeing says such an attack would not damage the personnel in the vehicle.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者lasernzh 19:56 | コメントをどうぞ

Powerful global laser sword

The SaberForge team also made a series of cool laser sword belt, belt buckle, laser sword frame, T-Shirt, Cosplay and other peripheral products posters.For the fans, completely unable to resist Adaptive Saber Parts laser sword.With your laser sword, back rate is not generally high.Adaptive Saber Parts (ASP) launched on Kickstarter to raise the public got the support of the 353, raised to $122474, have exceeded their financing target of $100000, all the chips from the end of the project .

Adaptive Saber Parts is the burning laser sword suit, including a large number of different design image of the laser transmitter, pommel, body, light blade, light blade plug, a series of different kinds of LED lamps, a motion detector, sound board, battery charger, switch box, metal and so on, in order to let users have more choose, create their own laser sword.

Powerful Blue Laser

What is Adaptive Saber Parts?

The high powered laser sword appeared at Star Wars movie, Jedi used a civilized era weapons.Its cool appearance attracted numerous fans, their laser sword obsession is not less than the original works of love.A team from the United States launched the SaberForge Adaptive Saber Parts, so that everyone can create high quality laser sword.

Pick Up Your Laser,Let’s Play A Sword!

A basic ASP package includes a Laser Sight transmitter, making the pommel handle, handle body, light blade, blade light plug and a plug element set (12W LED lamp, battery box, battery charger, metal switch).This set of ASP priced at $150 (about 930 yuan), ASP with a sound package priced at $350 (about 2172 yuan), if everything goes smoothly, is expected in November 2017 will be shipped.

SaberForge team will provide more than one hundred unique metal parts, you can design a variety of different kinds of 300mw Green Laser sword.In addition, the SaberForge team will release a new expansion part each month, create unlimited possibilities.We will also provide a variety of plug and play, no electronic components to be welded, easily upgrade your laser sword, such as LED lights, motion detector, voice board.We provide a multicolor LED, white, blue, orange.

  1. http://www.localtalentconnect.com/blogs/item/how-about-russia-laser-weapon
  3. http://www.devote.se/htpow/the-birth-of-laser-weapon-system–30542804
カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 20:07 | コメントをどうぞ

High Energy Burning Laser Can Beat Everything

The technical difficulty to reach these requirements is quite large. If we can improve the output power of the 100mw Laser Pointer , we can reduce the development difficulty of the tracking device and the focusing mirror. In addition, researchers have improved the laser size using optical sighting the target, and hit the target multiple sites. This kind of design thought to facilitate the focused beam, reduces the requirements on the beam quality, thus reducing the complexity of the system.

Laser pointer weapon power

High energy burning laser weapons are mainly composed of high energy laser, precision tracking device and beam control system. The key technology of high energy laser weapons development are power, excellent beam quality of the laser, precision tracking device, light weight and anti radiation beam launch control system, laser beam radiation to the target.Laser weapon power, beam quality and focusing mirror size of laser weapons might play decisive role. At the same time, in order to ensure that the laser beam hit to stay for a period of time, to deposit enough energy to kill a target and demanded to aiming device of high accuracy of micro level, require high precision control of beam.

Ultra power Laser Htpow

From the point of view, the development of the world’s most powerful laser pointer in the world will become one of the main weapon in future war, its application scope will be expanded, including against enemy ballistic missile, satellite and goals.I like the sights and eye relief is good especially for the price. I just put the batteries in just before writing this review and the laser is not working. At this moment I do not know if it’s the laser unit or just a bad battery. I’ll check it and update my review another day soon. Otherwise the scope seems well built and is very cool. I bought my wife an AR15 for her birthday along with this scope. She loves the “tactical” look. If I simply have a bad battery then I will recommend this scope..if it’s a bad laser I’ll let you know what kind of service I get and rate it then. Good shooting and God Bless America!
So my original review was good but I had a problem with the Laser Sight . Turned out to be my fault and was only a battery issue. The scope works well. I was particularly impressed with the seller who promptly emailed me after reading my review and offered their assistance and assurance that they would stand behind their laser sight . I love this scope and I really appreciate the company values. I look forward to buying another laser pointer soon. I plan to mount 45 degree angle sights on my AR.

Reviews on laser sight weapon

This green laser is really very bright, sharp and visible out to long distances. It is true that there is no power adjustment, so if this is really important to you because you want to use it indoors at night for example, considering how bright it is, you may want to consider a different product, although you still might be happy with it even for that use, as I am. We’ll see over time how well it holds up, but considering how well built it feels and how well it performs, I’m guessing this is a product that is made to last. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase, or should I say purchases because I just ordered two more!


  1. http://htpow.publicoton.fr/different-kinds-of-laser-weapon-system-801204
  2. https://htpow.userecho.com/topics/4-laser-weapon-defense-system-history/
カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 12:50 | コメントをどうぞ