burning laser

When Will Human Enter the “Star Wars” Era

The United States announced a video about a UAV destroyed by a burning laser weapon which let the world exclaim “Star Wars era”. In the huge list of American weapons development , there are kinds of laser weapons, their deployment have a wide range from the ground, air to the space, target also have different emphases, covering the battlefield. If these lasers are really successful, they will change the face of the future. Chinese military expert Liu Jiangping , told the Global Times reporter, any advanced weapons have their own limitations, the laser can not be completely invincible.

Powerful Laser Pointer

Tactial burning laser weapon system

Its service to China’s air defense combat power to enhance the benefit is very big, than the current prevailing in the world called the missile defense system more effective.The Pentagon believes that the high accuracy of the 30000mw Laser weapon is expected to allow the United States to get rid of this dilemma. The NATO air strikes on television Belgrade in 1999, the missile explosion caused 16 people died, but if used laser weapons, it would destroy precise antenna and transmitting equipment to make television paralysis without causing any casualties. Even against tanks so heavily armored targets, tactical laser weapons can also destroy its antennas and other communications and observation system, let the tank becomes “deaf” or “blind”.

Air defense laser weapon

That is, Chinese air force can be implemented in its surrounding coastal areas of about 600 nautical miles to combat combat, which does not include the war zone outside the military supplies two combat capability.Tactical 200mw Laser Pointer weapons are basically used in air defense. In the aspect of air defence laser weapon, according to reliable information, China has been successfully developed at the beginning of this century “. The laser weapon for the main features of the attack speed fast, far range, shoot at the transfer is fast, accurate flight in any type of aircraft or missile hit. At present, it has become people’s Liberation Army full range, low altitude interception of ideal counter defense weapon, an official with serving in the specific department of the air defense team and part of the ship.

The development of China’s burning laser weapons has attached more attention. Chinese air force not in the ranks of the world’s top, however, China is building the J-10 combat system and imported from Russia, the relatively primitive Su-27 fighter series has also been improved and further development, China has used its own technology on the 1000mw Laser Pointer weaponChina can now control off the field, has reached 1200 km radius. In 2009, Boeing took advantage of a C-130H aircraft carrying high energy chemical lasers to destroy the engine of a ground car to make it break down. Boeing says such an attack would not damage the personnel in the vehicle.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者lasernzh 19:56 | コメントをどうぞ


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