タグ別アーカイブ: laser

Industry Development of Laser Cutting Machine

Laser cutting machine industry has developed quite rapidly in recent years. From the initial YAG equipment and CO2 equipment to the current fiber, from low-power fiber to the current 10,000-watt fiber, which shows that our blue laser pointer technology continues to improve, and now the price of laser cutting equipment compared with previous years To be much cheaper, this is a very delightful thing for friends who want to buy equipment, no matter what the industry can afford the laser, afford to use the laser.

For the majority of customers, the purchase of equipment will shop around, so the competition among peers is bound to be ultimately! Nothing more than the concern of people who buy equipment, in addition to configuration, is the price and after-sales service, which is also the competition of major manufacturers. Price competition, the most common peer competition. When you consult the same piece of power equipment, there may be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of price difference between the price. When it comes to configuration and technology, many people might say that the lasers are all for others, and for those of you who are just assembling them together, you do not need any technology at all. Yes, in appearance, this is indeed the case. So many people think that the green laser pointer cutting machine industry threshold low, high profits, just a few people can pull a few. However, how much is done and how much is sold.

red laser pointer

Grasp the rules of laser cutting machine processing factors on the processing of surface quality, you can find ways to improve the surface quality of the process measures to improve the quality of the processing surface. When the laser is cutting the sheet at high temperature, the traces of the molten material do not appear in the notch below the vertical laser beam, and instead, it is ejected at the rear of the laser beam. As a result, the curved lines are formed at the cutting edge and the lines closely follow the moving laser beam. In order to correct this problem, the feed rate is reduced at the end of the cutting process and the formation of lines can be substantially eliminated.

The cutting width generally does not affect the quality of the cut. The cutting width has an important influence only when a particularly precise profile is formed inside the part because the cutting width determines the minimum internal dimensions of the profile. As the thickness of the plate increases, the cutting width also varies with Increase. So you want to ensure that the same high precision, regardless of the width of the incision, the workpiece in the high power laser cutting machine processing area should be constant; when the material thickness of more than 18mm, the cutting edge of the verticality is very important; away from the focus, the laser The beam becomes divergent, depending on the position of the focus, the cut becomes wider toward the top or bottom. Cutting edge deviation from the vertical line a few millimeters, the more vertical edge, the higher the cutting quality.

The heat-affected zone refers to the laser cut where the area along the incision is heated. At the same time, the structure of the material itself changes. For example, some materials can harden. Heat affected zone refers to the regional structure of the internal structure changes due to high temperature; and depression and corrosion of the cutting edge of the surface has an adverse effect on the appearance of laser cutting machine. They appear in the general should avoid the cutting error; Finally, if the cutting makes the part heated rapidly, it will be deformed. This is especially important in fine workmanship, where the contours and tabs are usually only a few tenths of a millimeter wide. Controlling laser power and using short 500mw laser pointer pulses can reduce the risk of heat build-up and avoid distortion.

As said above, there are many manufacturers, the equipment sold out is very cheap, of course, with spare parts and machine tools are poor. Such manufacturers generally do not have a long-term strategic plan of sustainable development, there is no core technology. What they do is some low-end things, simple assembly is also OK, if they let them study some high-tech stuff, there is no professional talent, to give him the same configuration of components, they also create good equipment. In addition to a laser device, the machine tool is also important, the same laser, different manufacturers to make the device, and some can use for years without any major problems, but some day-to-day problems.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 19:59 | コメントをどうぞ

Laser Cutting Machine in Decoration Industry

In this study, a cadmium sulfide (CdS) line with a diameter of 204 nm and a length of 15 μm was used as the core design of the optical cavity (Fig. 1). The high refractive index of the nanowires causes the incident light to have a high reflectivity factor at the end face and be guided by the nanowires. This arrangement forms the Fabry-Burrow cavity, which, when activated by an external light source, forms a laser. The blue laser wavelength thus formed depends on the refractive index around it. By measuring the wavelength of the laser output, the refractive index of the liquid immersed in the nanowires can be determined.

red laser pointer

There are a variety of methods for surface nanocrystallization of materials. There are a large number of surface nanocrystallization technologies. It is a surface layer which can realize the nano-characteristics by means of laser surface treatment technology and nanometer technology. It can be collectively referred to as laser surface nanocrystallization technology; More generally referred to as laser nano-surface engineering technology, is directly or mainly the use of laser this specific technical means to directly change or add material to change the surface of the solid material is treated, the composition or structure, so that the formation of nano-crystal Grain or a certain nanoparticle composition of the surface layer. Or the use of high power laser etching, laser embossing, laser hair, laser micro-nano modeling and other means to achieve nano-structure on the surface of the material.

Laser shock peening (LSP) is a kind of high and new technology to improve the fatigue, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of metal materials by using plasma shock wave produced by laser beams. The impact of laser surface nanocrystallization technology as shown in Figure 6, when the short pulse (NS) high power density (GW/cm2) of the laser irradiation to the metal surface absorption layer, absorbing layer to absorb laser energy explosive vaporization, high pressure (GPa) plasma, the plasma is constrained layer constraint, produce high impact wave effect on the metal surface and to the internal communication, the formation of dislocation structure dense and stable on the surface of the material, plastic deformation by dislocation slip, and the shock wave at the grain boundary reflection and refraction, the shock wave in multi direction effect on grain, thus the complexity of the dislocation slip, agglomeration and annihilation after the formation of new grain boundary, sub grain formation and smaller nanocrystals.

Air cutting: the advantage is very low processing costs, only need to consider the green laser pointer itself and air compressor electricity can be, without the need to produce high auxiliary gas costs, and cutting efficiency in the sheet can match the nitrogen cutting, is a kind of economic And efficient cutting method. But the shortcomings in the cutting surface is also obvious. First of all, the air cutting section will produce the bottom of the burr, laser processing products must also go through the deburring and other secondary processing, is not conducive to the entire product production cycle. Second, the air cutting section is easy to black, affecting the quality of the product. Therefore, the green laser pointer processing without the need for follow-up can not be reflected, so in the galvanized steel for the processing, many companies are reluctant to choose the way of air cutting.

At present, the stainless steel laser cutting machine with its beam of good quality, high precision, small slits, smooth cut, flexible cutting arbitrary graphics and other characteristics are widely used in metal processing industry, decoration engineering industry is no exception, the following we look at Look at the application of stainless steel laser pen cutting machine in decoration industry.

Laser cutting system is constantly improving the high-tech, information technology, relative to the traditional mechanical manufacturing technology, another revolution, the stainless steel decoration industry has produced a huge role in promoting. With the increasingly fierce market competition, the technology will play an increasingly important role, and bring huge economic benefits.

カテゴリー: laser pointer | 投稿者lasernzh 12:01 | コメントをどうぞ

The Perfect Combination of Robot and Laser Welding

Laser welding is the fastest growing field in laser processing technology. Laser welding is the high-intensity laser beam radiation to the metal surface, through the interaction of laser and metal, metal absorption blue laser pointer into heat to melt the metal after the crystallization of the formation of welding. Compared with the traditional welding method, the technology will bring many advantages:

Beam spot is small, processing accuracy doubled. Heat affected zone is very small, high weld quality, easy to produce shrinkage, deformation, embrittlement and thermal cracking and other hot side effects, laser welding pool purification effect, to clean the weld metal, weld mechanical performance is equivalent to or better than the base metal The Can achieve the laser focus of the power and size according to the processing requirements of the dynamic adjustment, while the process of real-time monitoring to achieve a variety of applications possible.

red laser pointer

The use of fiber optic transmission of laser, so that the energy source and processing equipment from the space separation can be difficult to achieve. The light energy generated by the laser can be transmitted through a very small diameter fiber to the far distance of the station, through the robot, to achieve the workpiece welding. A green laser pointer welding robot can replace three to four resistance welding robot, if the full use of laser welding technology, processing a body, in the tooling investment, welding parts preparation, material consumption, body seal and other aspects of the cost will be reduced by about 200 US dollars, Steel utilization can be increased by 50%.

The use of laser welding can save a lot of templates and tooling equipment, so that the workshop area by half, saving investment. In the automotive industry, as a vehicle key components of the body, its value accounts for about 20% of the car, the use of laser welding, can reduce the overlap width and some reinforcement components, but also can compress the body structure itself volume, The weight of the body can be reduced by 56kg. Similarly, for a large number of spot welding in the body transfer, if the welding of a welding head on the edge of the workpiece for welding, the flange width of 16mm, and laser pen welding is unilateral welding, only 5mm, the spot welding to laser welding, each car can save steel 40kg. With the traditional spot welding two pieces of 0.8mm steel stamping parts, an average of 20 points / min, welding torch is 25mm, the speed of 0.5m / min, with laser welding speed can reach more than 5m / min.

Power laser welding machine, host, power supply, table, refrigeration unit split design; the machine into my company’s new condenser cavity, the photoelectric conversion efficiency, excellent beam quality, reflective surface and cooling medium without contact, cavity Long life, easy to replace xenon lamp and no need to adjust the optical path. PLC control and computer control in two ways to choose, the machine output power is stable, reliable performance, compact structure, beautiful appearance, easy to operate, with coaxial, paraxial gas protection device to improve the welding quality; and optional laser cutting Head, for cutting to expand the processing range.

Saving space, miniaturization of the design; change the lights for dimming, routine maintenance is more simple; modular design, easy to achieve functional expansion. Can achieve spot welding, butt welding, welding, sealing, etc .; red laser pointer focus / instruction, precise control, focusing light small, high-precision positioning; with long-term stable work capacity, especially for three companies Time operation; self-diagnosis, protection and early warning function; provide a variety of special industry fixture and control methods, the system easy to achieve and automatic production line matching.




カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者lasernzh 19:08 | コメントをどうぞ