of five 9 hour days on followed b

Christmas patrol gives Longview cop a dose of naughty and nice

A few people got gifts, sure, but a few others got handcuffs, and more 911 calls were ringing than carolers singing.”It doesn’t feel like Christmas in the traditional sense,” Longview police officer Womens Demaryius Thomas Jersey Brian Streissguth said during his Christmas morning shift. “We’ll do family Christmas tonight, maybe it will start feeling like it then.”For a day when so many other people are home or away really anywhere but work it was a fairly typical shift for Streissguth, if such a thing exists.”It’s hard to compare to a normal day, because there isn’t really a standard Karl Mecklenburg Jersey (kind of day),” he said.She was left with warmth and a smile, and the knowledge Karl Mecklenburg Broncos Jersey she’s not alone plus a whole box full of treats.”Bless you and everything you do for this community,” she said after unwrapping a Betty Boop blanket made by a familiar voice in the dispatch center.The next person Streissguth met threw the day into a 180 degree spin, as instead of being left Authentic Karl Mecklenburg Jersey with presents she was unwillingly hauled by three officers from an apartment building.”You’re usually contacting people on their worst days,” said Streissguth, 31. “One minute we’re passing out Christmas presents, the next we’re tussling with someone in the hallway.”As the officer in charge on his shift Thursday, Streissguth was able to move from place to place in a supervisory role good practice for Demaryius Thomas Jersey the father of two’s upcoming promotion to corporal at the start of the year.He earned it this holiday season, since despite a rotating schedule of five 9 hour days on followed by three days off, Streissguth worked Thanksgiving and Christmas Day and will work New Year’s Day as well.Everyone on shift works together like a family, he said, to make sure everyone gets time with their actual family.The Authentic Demaryius Thomas Jersey next stop was a man wandering on Ocean Beach Highway who was soon shipped to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.Joining him soon after was a woman who apparently hopped the fence of a car lot, dug a CD player out of a car and climbed back over when Streissguth asked her to.Some days, Streissguth said, more people are taken to the hospital than the jail or vice versa. This shift, this Christmas, was more a day for psychiatric evaluations than bookings, at least for four hours of the day.In the psychiatric holding area at St. John Medical Center was a woman who allegedly had assaulted a hospital guard. She was howling like it was the end of the world, and staff had their hands full.

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