月別アーカイブ: 2021年9月


我們經常在微博、推特上看到網紅們佩戴的手錶,上面有著“dw ”字樣,個性尼龍表帶,和簡約的錶盤。那麽dw手錶是什麽牌子呢?

窮玩車富玩錶,說到手錶,除了百達翡麗、勞力士這些耳熟能詳的土豪牌子之外,今天給大家介紹介紹一個平價的手錶品牌,那就是如今的網紅手錶——Daniel Wellington。比起那些天價手錶品牌,Daniel Wellington不僅價格更親民,設計款式也非常年輕時尚,所以它被稱作是全球最熱的腕錶品牌,在Facebook和Twitter上都有極大的粉絲群,全球各大網站處處都可以看見它的蹤影,dw官網 發展至今,Daniel Wellington已經一躍成爲各路時尚達人們提升格調的新興腕錶。

Daniel Wellington是來自瑞典的手錶品牌,品牌創始人FilipTysander。與莊重奢華的傳統腕錶不同的是,DanielWellington以休閑去莊重,以簡約替奢華。Daniel Wellington手錶主張保持産品的簡約風格,用簡潔線條來呈現精湛工藝,就外觀來看,尼龍錶帶和清新學院風就是Daniel Wellington錶表的特色,所以備受年輕一代的青睐,這幾年也一直是銷量第一的腕錶品牌。

說到Daniel Wellington(丹尼爾惠靈頓)這個名字大家可能有點陌生,但是說到DW錶表,你肯定就熟知了。並且它們家的經典款幾乎是人手一只,帆布錶帶極具辨識度。多彩的尼龍錶帶,輕薄的錶身、幹淨的錶盤是DW錶表的特色,塑造了DW腕錶百搭的書卷味的氣質。



カテゴリー: dw | 投稿者vanshop 19:03 | コメントをどうぞ

dw手錶 tgjtyjer2

I can’t wait for a lifetime, dw    I can’t say more a day, just for a summary, sum up every detail of life, and question my yesterday.  dw手錶  Even if you have nothing, you have to work hard, not afraid of other people’s jokes, and worry about the future. Every turbulence in life is the greatest splendor of life. When you estimate a person’s world, you can see a person. dw官網The endurance of a person can also be seen in a person’s temperament. Don’t be disgusted with some common principles around us, no matter if they are big or small, as long as they are useful to us are good principles! ! The road must be walked by oneself, people must learn by themselves, life can look forward to their own future, life can adjust their own speed, every change, every helplessness, is a kind of bondage and a kind of luxury! There is a yearning, called youth does not look back 

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者vanshop 21:07 | コメントをどうぞ