Quantum Jammer: A New Direction for Anti-Jamming Technology of Quantum Communication System

With the continuous development of quantum communication technology, how to ensure that the quantum communication system is free from the threat of interference and eavesdropping has become a key issue that needs to be solved urgently. As a new type of anti-jamming technology, Quantum Jammer (Quantum Jammer) provides a new technical way to guarantee the security of quantum communication system.

Working Principle of Quantum Jammer
Quantum signal jammer utilizes the principle of quantum mechanics, by injecting quantum noise signals, it precisely interferes with the quantum communication channel, and realizes the quantum measurement damage to potential eavesdroppers. It can precisely control the jamming intensity so that the quantum states between legitimate users remain coherent while causing strong interference to illegal detectors.

Advantages of Quantum Jammer
(1) Concealment, cannot be monitored.
(2) High precision, can be accurately applied to the quantum channel.
(3) It does not affect legitimate users, but only targets eavesdroppers.
(4) Complementary with classical wifi cellular jammer to form a full-dimensional protection.

Possible Quantum Jammer Schemes
(1) Phase random modulation jammer: inject random phase noise into the quantum channel to disrupt the coherent measurement of the eavesdropper; (2) Radiation field injection jammer: inject random phase noise into the quantum channel to disrupt the coherent measurement of the eavesdropper.
(2) Radiation field injection recording jamming device: introducing controlled decoherence noise by utilizing electromagnetic radiation field coupling; (3) Artificial noise injection jammer.
(3) Artificial noise injection Jammer: the use of artificial noise sources, such as ion traps, NV centers, etc. to inject quantum noise; (4) Quantum coding Jammer: the use of electromagnetic radiation field coupling, the introduction of controlled decoherence noise.
(4) Quantum coding jammer: injecting classical or quantum noise in the quantum state coding layer.

Application of Quantum Jammer in Quantum Communication Networks
Quantum Jammer can be deployed in key nodes, relay stations and other locations to implement precise protection for the entire quantum network. Through artificial intelligence algorithms, Jammer arming strategy can be optimized to achieve targeted jamming protection for specific areas and time periods.

Synergy between Quantum Jammer and Classical Network Encryption
Combining quantum rf signal detector and classical network encryption technology can realize the three-dimensional security protection of the whole communication link, effectively preventing the threat of attack by quantum computers on the classical encryption system, and laying a foundation for the security of the communication system in the post-quantum era.

In conclusion, quantum Jammer, as an emerging anti-jamming technology, will provide a powerful means to guarantee the security of quantum communication system. With the continuous progress of quantum science and technology, quantum Jammer will be studied in depth and widely used, laying a solid foundation for the construction of a safe and reliable quantum communication network.


  1. https://matome-link.com/24151/
  2. https://findpenguins.com/18lpamdovsozs/footprint/670e2b1f3091b6-79547188

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者thejammer 17:35 | コメントをどうぞ


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