Ways Being An Only Child Helped Shape My Style For The Better

Growing up as an only child helped me in a number of ways, ranging from allowing me to become a pretty independent person to helping me feel at ease when meeting new people. But being an only child also helped shape my style in unexpected ways.

Being an only child isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, of course, much like I’m sure growing up in a family with brothers and sisters isn’t always, either. There were plenty of times when my friends were busy, so my collection of My Little Pony’s had to step in. My close buddies would sometimes share things with their siblings instead of me, and I felt a lot of pressure to excelhard at life.

However, there were plenty of great things about being an only child, especially when it came to discovering who I was and how I wanted to portray myself to the world. I was (and still am) a very social person. But whenever I had free time as a kid and teen, I spent it scouring through Vogueand Elle Girl for style inspiration.

I’m not saying that people with siblings haven’t had similar experiences when it comes to finding their own style, but being an only child directly helped me find my own. Here are some ways how.

1. I’m Not Afraid To Look “Silly”

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I’ve never had to live in fear of being teased or taunted by siblings. Sure, I might have been bullied by people at school, but this was actually beneficial in the long run and allowed me to see who my real friends were.

2. I’ve Always Felt Totally Free To Experiment

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Without the fear of embarrassing a sibling with my own unique sense of style, I could always do what I wanted sartorially, whenever I wanted. I could also try out new styles without the worry of “copying” a sister who tried it first. I’ve always been free to experiment with fashion and beauty in my own time and at my own pace.

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