月別アーカイブ: 2016年3月

Ways Being An Only Child Helped Shape My Style For The Better

Growing up as an only child helped me in a number of ways, ranging from allowing me to become a pretty independent person to helping me feel at ease when meeting new people. But being an only child also helped shape my style in unexpected ways.

Being an only child isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, of course, much like I’m sure growing up in a family with brothers and sisters isn’t always, either. There were plenty of times when my friends were busy, so my collection of My Little Pony’s had to step in. My close buddies would sometimes share things with their siblings instead of me, and I felt a lot of pressure to excelhard at life.

However, there were plenty of great things about being an only child, especially when it came to discovering who I was and how I wanted to portray myself to the world. I was (and still am) a very social person. But whenever I had free time as a kid and teen, I spent it scouring through Vogueand Elle Girl for style inspiration.

I’m not saying that people with siblings haven’t had similar experiences when it comes to finding their own style, but being an only child directly helped me find my own. Here are some ways how.

1. I’m Not Afraid To Look “Silly”

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I’ve never had to live in fear of being teased or taunted by siblings. Sure, I might have been bullied by people at school, but this was actually beneficial in the long run and allowed me to see who my real friends were.

2. I’ve Always Felt Totally Free To Experiment

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Without the fear of embarrassing a sibling with my own unique sense of style, I could always do what I wanted sartorially, whenever I wanted. I could also try out new styles without the worry of “copying” a sister who tried it first. I’ve always been free to experiment with fashion and beauty in my own time and at my own pace.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bestlook 16:30 | コメントをどうぞ

Robert Pattinson, FKA Twigs Wedding CALLED OFF?

There have been incessant rumors surrounding Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ wedding. And the latest report claimed that there will be no more wedding for the couple.

FKA Twigs seemed to be taunting Robert Pattinson when she recently stripped for another man as she became the new face of Calvin Klein’s ad campaign. Australia News Network even hinted that Twigs’ latest sexy stunt could be the reason for the cancellation of the wedding.

FKA Twigs and Robert Pattinson Source: black bridesmaid dresses

So, did Robert Pattinson really get jealous because of FKA Twigs’ sexy Calvin Klein ad? Fortunately, he didn’t. Twigs’ stripping was intended only for the company’s commercial campaign, “I Create In #MyCalvins.”

In the video, Pattinson’s 28-year-old fiancée and dancer Kaner Flex stripped to her undergarment while flaunting their artistic dance moves, with her latest single “Good to Love” playing in the background. And aside from being a star in the short commercial, she also directed the video and choreographed the dance routines, along with Aaron Sillis, Daily Mail reported.

“When I first started thinking of concepts for a Calvin Klein advert, it dawned on me that Calvin Klein is such an iconic brand and that I really wanted to combine artistically what I do with the striking imagery Calvin Klein has always maintained,” the British songstress said, as per Us Weekly. “I guess it’s kind of tongue in cheek, fun, sexy but still with the emotional ignition and openness that I always aim to achieve when I direct.”

“I wanted to make something that could feel artistically futuristic, tense, crucial, loaded, emotionally complicated but ultimately still include the seductive, free and young feel of Calvin Klein,” she added.

Meanwhile, this has not been the first time that Robert Pattinson and FKA Twigs’ wedding was reportedly called off. In fact, the couple’s marriage may not push through because they were allegedly having issues with each other’s demands, as previously reported.

Based on the reports, FKA Twigs has given the former “Twilight” actor an “ultimatum” to set the date of their wedding within the year or their relationship will end. Robert Pattinson, on the other hand, was demanding the presence of his ex-girlfriend Kristen Stewart at the wedding.

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カテゴリー: wedding | 投稿者bestlook 15:03 | コメントをどうぞ

Associate dean for student affairs at Fowler School of Law has officiated at seven weddings for alumni

For some people, the law may not be the most pleasant thing – some might only really think about it when they’re in trouble. But the law also has the power to bring profound happiness.

Jayne Kacer, associate dean for student affairs and administration at Chapman’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law, is proving what a positive force the law can be through perhaps its most joyous deployment – marriage. Kacer recently wrapped up officiating her seventh wedding, all of which have had Fowler alumni on at least one side of the aisle.

Ordained before the first wedding she officiated in 2010, Kacer has performed the rites at all seven of her weddings for free. It’s not remotely about financial gain for her, it’s a labor of love – and seeing the impact she’s able to have as her former students enter an exciting new chapter of their lives is a richer bounty than she could ever hope for.

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“To have them ask to be part of one of the most important days of their lives, that’s incredibly rewarding,” Kacer said. “It’s very special – it’s also very nerve-racking, because I do know them, and it’s personal. It’s not just a job where I go and do someone’s wedding. I know these people, I’ve spent three years with them. In many instances, I’ve met their future spouses well in advance of their wedding. … I want their special day to be perfect. I want their ceremony to be everything they dream of and hope for.”

To help the ceremony be everything the betrothed could hope for, Kacer often works ahead of time with couples to find out anything about them that she may not already know. Things like how they met and what they value in one another are important to consider when preparing the vows.

Some couples prepare their own vows, some look online or revise samples that Kacer provides – others, like Lauren Shaw and Kevin Grochow, grace Kacer with the chance to pen the most important part of their big day. The couple, both Fowler alumni, met at law school and thought it would be appropriate to weave a Supreme Court ruling (specifically Obergefell v. Hodges, the recent decision on same-sex marriage) into the language of their vows. They left the exact wording up to Kacer, and the result was splendid enough to bring Shaw to tears.

As it turns out, the legal ingredients for a proper wedding aren’t too demanding, Kacer explained. For the most part, the California Family Code simply demands that the couple vow that they’re entering the relationship with the intent to stay married, Kacer says. The code doesn’t ask for specific vows or really anything else – meaning marriage can be highly customizable.

Kacer works with this legal flexibility to tailor weddings to whatever the couple should want – do they want a parent to give them away or not and other such elements. In one case, Kacer was officiating a wedding where the bride was Jewish and the husband a Christian. The ceremony mixed in elements of both religions, including the traditional Jewish breaking of the glass.

Now with seven officiated weddings to her name, Kacer says that everything began thanks to her position as associate dean of students. In that role, she spends three years working with students and getting to know them and then compounds that relationship through student events where she often meets her students’ intended. Once she officiated her first wedding, word of mouth took care of the rest.

Performing marriages is an unusual – yet oddly natural – evolution of Kacer’s role as associate dean of students. For example, several times through alumna Kandis Burns’ time at Fowler, Kacer counseled her on the wait for marriage equality. Years later – surprise, surprise – Kacer found herself officiating the marriage of Leah Summers and Burns, her wife (now Burns-Summers.) For many of these alumni, law school may be but a memory, but the bonds they forged with Kacer are still quite real.

“For me, it’s incredibly gratifying that after someone has graduated and they’re on the threshold of one of the most important days of their life, they ask you to be a part of it – even though for them, law school is over.”


A “Supreme” set of vows

What follows is an excerpt of the vows Jayne Kacer prepared for the marriage of Lauren Shaw and Kevin Grochow this pastin November. The wedding was the latest of seven weddings for Fowler alumni for whichKacer has officiated. Both alumni, Shaw and Grochow met at Fowler and requested that Kacer weave in language from the majority opinion by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy for Obergefell v. Hodges into their wedding vows. It only seemed fitting for a pair thatwho met at law school. The result? Better than you could imagine!

Given how Kevin and Lauren first met and the nature of their chosen profession, I looked to the law for inspiration when looking for something to say about marriage.

A noted legal dictionary defines marriage as the legal union of a couple as spouses. The basic elements are (1) the parties’ legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties, and (3) a marriage contract as required by law.

While this is marriage reduced to a law school Contracts outline, it does little to capture the essence of marriage.

A far more eloquent and true description of marriage is found in the United States Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the case in which the Court found that marriage is a fundamental right that must be granted to all, regardless of sexual orientation.

Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote:

“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than they once were.”

Lauren, are you ready to become something greater than you are now, to accept the responsibilities of marriage, and to be a loving, faithful and helpful wife to Kevin in all the days of your life?

Kevin, are you ready to become something greater than you are now, to accept the responsibilities of marriage, and to be a loving, faithful and helpful husband to Lauren in all the days of your life?

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カテゴリー: wedding | 投稿者bestlook 18:03 | コメントをどうぞ