5 Relationship Red Flags That Lead To Backing Out

The idea of getting cold feet before your wedding may feel like something that only happens in movies. But that’s not the truth. Brides get cold feet more often than they’ll admit, whether it’s because their nerves are messing with their heart or their heart is trying to scream at them to say, “What the heck are you about to do?”

So if you are wondering if your relationship is ready for marriage, here are five red flags to check for that’ll leave you with a bad case of cold feet on your wedding day.

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1. There’s zero trust

If you are finding yourself double checking your partner’s every move, making sure they are telling the truth about who, what, where, why, and when, then maybe it’s time to run for the hills. You may not realize it now, but you are in a relationship that’s causing you a ton of stress and anxiety. Imagine on your wedding day wondering whether or not yourhusband or wife-to-be is telling the truth about something? You’ll drive yourself crazy.

2. The future isn’t planned

You may be dating someone who makes life seem a bit more fun, but when things start to get real, it’s worth questioning whether or not that person will stick around. If neither of you have chatted about future plans together (kids, place to live, etc.) then rushing toward the aisle with them may give you a last-minute panic attack when you realize an unplanned future freaks you out.

3. Someone can’t quit their ex

Can’t seem to quit stalking your ex’s social media profiles? You may be clinging on to old love and find yourself as a runaway bride on your wedding day.

4. You were never truly committed

Maybe your relationship feels like it’s heading toward something serious but deep down inside of you, you don’t want it to be anything serious. If you’re just moving through the motions and relationship milestones, it’s likely you’ll find yourself with cold feet before the wedding, finally admitting this is not what you want.

5. Nobody is eager to plan the wedding

Sure, you’re engaged, but now what? If no one has made a decision on when and where to have the wedding for a year or two after the engagement, it may be a giant sign that neither of you are eager for the next step of marriage.

Also see :sexy wedding dresses

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