Bride leaves wedding celebration mid way after ceremonial horse found to have better dancing skills than the groom

Guests at a high profile wedding in New Delhi were left clueless after the bride walked off from the venue after it was found that the ceremonial horse was found to be a better dancer than the groom. Neha Sharma, who was all set to get married to Rajveer Khurana, left her family and in-laws red in the face and fumbling with excuses as guests began getting increasingly impatient.

Eyewitness say the problem started after the baraat arrived and the groom made his way dancing to the venue. Speaking to Faking News, a guest revealed, “His dancing looked more like a zombie who got an intense itch on his backside but with no hands to scratch it. In contrast, the horse looked like a better dancer with coordinated steps, gyrating to the bollywood music. No wonder Neha ran away after seeing what was on display.”

horseImages: low back wedding dresses

The sudden turn of events caused pandemonium as the guests, majority of whom turned up for the food, were left famished. Sources say that a few guests even beat up the family doctor of the Khurana’s, prompting frantic calls to the local police station. “A few guests were angry with wedding being called off and wanted to vent their anger. The family doctor came across as a soft target and got beaten up no fault of his,” said a cop.

There were also speculations that an apparent financial deal falling apart led the wedding fiasco, but the brides family refuted saying after demonetization they had absolutely no money to pay as dowry.

Meanwhile, Ashish has not given up in his efforts to woo the bride and has even started taking up dancing lessons. Close friends say that he even planing to compete for dance reality contest. “Yes its true and I and confident of winning the contest. I have practiced all my steps and also have my emotional backstory ready. The judges will cry buckets after hearing it. This is the only way to prove that I am indeed a good dancer and win her back. I can’t let a horse ruin my wedding,” he affirmed,” he said while checking out a popular bollywood dance number.

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