7 Wedding Dresses We’d Love to See on Dr. Vicki Belo

Congratulations are in order because Dr. Vicki Belo and Dr. Hayden Kho will be tying the knot in September of this year—and it will be in the beautiful city of Paris. The couple’s wedding will cap off their 12-year relationship.

Images: online wedding dresses

Hayden and Vicki made the announcement just last week and possibly in the most casual and cutest way possible—a text message from their darling daughter Scarlet Snow, and if you’re not following her on Instagram then you better get on it. The message sent to Inquirer Lifestyle EIC Thelma Sioson-San Juan read, “This is Scarlet Snow Belo and I would like to invite you to be present when my parents, Daddy Hayden and Mommy Vicki, get married in our favorite city, Paris…” Of course, the rest of the details are kept in private, you think we’d share it, huh?

To celebrate, or at least divert this energy to something, we picked out a few dresses we’d love to see Vicki wear on her wedding day. With Paris as your backdrop, we expect nothing less than beautiful and romantic from her. I mean, we’re pretty sure she helped plan her daughter Cristalle Belo-Pitt’s wedding in Italy and she also gifted Georgina Wilson-Burnand her dream wedding dress, so you know what Vicki is capable of.

We can’t wait to see your beautiful wedding and of course, what little Scarlet Snow will wear. Congratulations again, Vicki and Hayden!

Related: lace wedding dresses

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