タグ別アーカイブ: Bride

Bride Diagnosed With Rare Cancer Just 24 Hours Before Wedding After Routine X-Ray Following A Fall

A bride learned devastating news just 24 hours before her wedding. The bride, Milly Simmie, says she thought she was the picture of health before a fall from a horse that resulted in a “routine” X-ray. However, following the X-ray, Milly was told that a radiologist wanted her to come back for a CT scan due to some things that were seen on the X-ray reading. Milly was told that there was nothing to worry about and that the CT was just to be on the safe side.

Despite the doctors calm approach to the issue, Milly was told a few days later that she had 40 tumors in her lungs and five in her liver. A biopsy was performed, and the results came back the day before her wedding day. The news was not good. Milly was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE), and was told she likely had two to 10 years to live. Instead of allowing the diagnosis to get her down, Milly went through with her wedding and says that the newlyweds will work through the diagnosis together and that she won’t take her condition lying down.

The Daily Mail reports that a bride, 29-year-old Milly Simmie, was all set to marry her dream man, 30-year-old Alistair, before learning devastating news about her health. The young woman from England fell from her horse, which resulted in a trip to the doctor. At the time of the fall, Milly complained of pain in her collar area, and doctors performed a routine X-ray to determine if something was broken during the fall. However, what they found was shocking.

image: wedding dresses

Milly SimmieMilly Simmie shared this wedding photo on her Just Giving page. [Image via Just Giving]

The young woman who claims she thought she was in perfect health before the fall learned that she was suffering from a rare form of cancer and that the diagnosis was likely terminal. The blushing bride was given two to 10 years to live just 24 hours before her wedding, and her life was forever changed. However, instead of allowing the diagnosis to get her down, Milly says she was determined to just “enjoy the wedding” and not think about the diagnosis until after her dream wedding.

“I just wanted to enjoy the wedding and then learn more about the EHE.”

With just 24 hours to her wedding vows, Milly informed her guests and six bridesmaids of her diagnosis but told them that the wedding was still going to take place. Milly says that her friends and family were very supportive and that the wedding went just as planned aside from the new bride forgoing the wedding reception dances due to fatigue.

“Alastair was understandably upset but we both just wanted to enjoy the day. My bridesmaids were amazing, they worked so hard to make sure everything came together. The guests just wanted to have a really good day, as I wanted them to.”

As for Milly’s new husband, Alistair, the newlywed says that her new husband is supportive but obviously upset. However, Milly says she will fight this disease to the best of her ability and that she doesn’t plan to fight the cancer laying down.

“I have vowed not to take my condition lying down. I’ve always been very positive and delimited — now more than ever.”

As part of her bid to get better, Milly will be the first patient from the UK to undergo a revolutionary treatment in the United States. The treatment is less invasive than treatments available in the United Kingdom. Milly’s treatment is scheduled for early next year, and Milly says in the meantime, she is swapping “biscuits for broccoli” and is eating as healthy as possible in a bid to heal herself from the potentially terminal disease.

Read more at http://www.sheindressau.com/green-bridesmaid-dresses

カテゴリー: wedding | 投稿者bestlook 11:37 | コメントをどうぞ