How to block the car GPS positioning?

Now more and more people are using the car GPS locator. Whether it is a company or a private car, GPS is already very common. Installing the GPS locator on the car can make the company or car owner quickly find the car on the GPS monitoring platform Essence However, some criminals use the function of GPS positioning to install the GPS positioner on other people’s vehicles to obtain other people’s itinerary information, privacy information, etc., and wait for the opportunity to perform illegal acts such as theft. In order to prevent the leakage of their itinerary information, many car owners will block the GPS positioning illegally installed on their own vehicles. How can the car GPS positioning block?         signal jammer

There are the following methods for car GPS positioning shielding:

1. Generally speaking, the car GPS positioner uses GPRS and CDMA to transmit signals. You can find a phone card. If so, you can remove the signal;

2. You can also find the power supply of the positioner directly, pull the power supply, and the positioner cannot receive the signal;

3. Buy some anti -GPS positioner, anti -GPS tracker, GPS jammer, GPS shield, GPS blocking device. These can shield the position signal of the car GPS.

Anti -positioning shielder can make the GPS locator fail within the specified electromagnetic band by releasing radio waves, forming the purpose of using the same electromagnetic environment as the equipment to use the same electromagnetic environment. The GPS positioning shield can be shielded by the GPS satellite signal, so that the data cannot upload the platform to make the device be used normally.

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