日別アーカイブ: 2024年5月25日

The danger of cell phone radiation interfering with signals

From 1994 to 1998, many actual tests were conducted on “Big Brother”, “Second Brother”, walkie-talkies and other mobile phones. The actual measurement methods used the simulation comparison method and the simulation method. The test results are now listed in Table 5-1.   signal jammer
The actual measurement results show that the radiation field strength of different types of mobile phones produced by different manufacturers has certain differences. Generally speaking: the electromagnetic radiation field strength of “Big Brother” is about several hundred μw/c㎡; The electromagnetic radiation field strength is about several thousand μw/c㎡; the radiation field strength of the walkie-talkie is about 1-4 thousand μw/c㎡.
Through multiple organized measurements of the incoming field strength of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, it can be seen that a considerable proportion of mobile phones that have been put into use have excessively high radiation levels. According to my country’s international GB10436-89 hygiene standard for microwave radiation in workplaces: the average power density of continuous wave exposure for 8 hours a day is 50 microwatts/cm2; GB9175-88 hygiene standard for environmental electromagnetic waves: the allowable microwave field strength (middle zone) is For evaluations of less than 40 microwatts/cm2, 65~70% exceed the standard.

The huge increase in mobile phone users has brought about some unexpected serious consequences: using mobile phones while flying can interfere with the aircraft’s navigation system and cause plane crashes; using mobile phones in hospitals can interfere with hospital ECG monitors, hemodialysis machines, and automatic injection machines. The normal operation of medical equipment such as heart pacemakers and pacemakers can put patients’ lives in danger; using mobile phones at gas stations interferes with technical systems and even causes fires… The tragedies caused by improper use of mobile phones are shocking enough.
The radiation interfered with the pacemaker, and a life was almost lost while talking on the phone.
According to the Beijing Evening News Guangzhou Special News on the morning of August 24, a patient in Guangzhou with a permanent pacemaker was almost “killed” by a mobile phone.
The patient surnamed Wang went to the hospital to have a permanent pacemaker installed because of bradycardia the year before last. <Year> At 9 a.m. on August 24, after he borrowed a friend’s cell phone and made a call for a while, he suddenly felt his heart beat fast and slow, and his face changed drastically. His friend quickly escorted him to a nearby hospital for treatment. After examination by the doctor, it was determined that the radiation from the mobile phone was to blame. The doctor explained that electromagnetic radiation from radio electronic equipment can interfere with the control signals of medical equipment and instruments, disrupting their normal operation. When a patient with a pacemaker uses a mobile phone, pager or program-controlled telephone; or when he or she stays near a small mobile communication device such as a mobile phone or pager, his or her heart rate may slow down or stop, which may be life-threatening.
Therefore, patients with pacemakers must try to stay away from mobile communication devices and household appliances such as mobile phones, pagers, digital program-controlled phones, microwave ovens, and induction cookers. For the sake of safety, people with pacemakers can wear effective electromagnetic shielding clothing, such as shielding shirts, coats, vests, etc.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:44 | コメントをどうぞ