Mobile phones are prohibited from being brought into campus, and children should be able to “pick up and put down” their mobile phones

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 1 (Reporter Hu Hao) Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the “Notice on Strengthening the Management of Mobile Phones for Primary and Secondary School Students”, requiring that primary and secondary school students should not bring personal mobile phones into campus in principle. If there is a real need, parents must agree and apply in writing. After entering the school, the mobile phone should be kept by the school and is prohibited from being brought into the classroom.

Should mobile phones be allowed into campus or banned? This topic has been discussed for a long time, and both sides have their reasons. Those who oppose mobile phones entering campus believe that teenagers’ self-control ability is still insufficient, and some students with poor self-control are prone to be addicted to mobile phones, which affects their studies, damages their eyesight, and even exposes them to bad information such as violence and pornography. Other parents who support mobile phones entering campus believe that without mobile phones, children are like kites with broken strings and cannot communicate with their parents. Others have suggested that some homework requires them to be completed and submitted online, so how can they do it without a mobile phone?

Regarding how to solve the communication needs after the ban on mobile phones, the Ministry of Education has made arrangements in the notice: schools should include mobile phone management in the daily management of schools, formulate specific measures, clarify the unified place, method, and person in charge of storage, and provide necessary storage devices. The need for students to communicate with their parents should be solved by setting up public telephones on campus, establishing a communication hotline for class teachers, exploring the use of electronic student cards with call functions, or providing other convenient ways for parents to contact students.

The Ministry of Education also made it clear that schools should strengthen classroom teaching and homework management, and should not assign homework with mobile phones or require students to complete homework with mobile phones. Has the problem been perfectly solved here? In fact, the dispute over mobile phones entering campus is only the surface of the problem. The real core is how to guide children to use mobile phones correctly and reasonably.  cell phone jammer

In fact, many adults have been “kidnapped” by mobile phones, let alone primary and secondary school students.

A university in the United States conducted a 24-hour “no media” experience experiment on 1,000 students from 10 countries in the world, asking them not to use any multimedia devices including mobile phones within a day. Most of the students who went through this project said that losing their mobile phones made them “uneasy”, showing negative emotions such as irritability, anxiety, tension, depression, and many people did not even complete the entire project.

Zhang Hengzhu, deputy director of the Education Bureau of Xuanwu District, Nanjing, introduced that it has become a global consensus to control the use of mobile phones by primary and secondary school students in school. Italy, France, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries have expressly prohibited students from bringing mobile phones into campus or classrooms. Some regulations stipulate that students can use mobile phones only under the guidance of teachers and parents. Finland prohibits the sale of mobile phones to students below the third grade of junior high school.

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