日別アーカイブ: 2024年6月18日

Russia passes law: primary and secondary schools will completely ban mobile phones

Recently, the Russian State Duma passed a new law that clearly stipulates that from September 1, 2024, primary and secondary schools across the country will completely ban students from using all communication tools, including smartphones. The main purpose of this measure is to reduce the distraction of mobile phones on students and their potential impact on health.

In fact, as early as last year, Russia had banned primary and secondary school students from using mobile phones in class. In a speech to parents, Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov pointed out that “according to the new health regulations, starting from the new semester, students will not be allowed to use mobile phones in class to prevent them from distracting students.” He further explained that mobile phones not only affect students’ concentration in learning, but also have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of young people. He particularly emphasized that if parents need to contact their children in an emergency, they can choose to call the school or the students themselves during class breaks.

The passage of this law was not achieved overnight. According to reports, a previous opinion poll conducted in Russia showed that half of the teachers supported a complete ban on the use of mobile phones in schools, but only 30% of parents of students agreed with this idea. Despite the low support rate from parents, legislators decided to take stricter measures to maintain the teaching order in schools and the learning environment for students.  cell phone jammer

It is worth noting that the ban does not completely prohibit the existence of mobile phones. In some specific circumstances, such as teaching needs and emergencies, the use of mobile phones is still allowed. This flexible regulation aims to balance the relationship between students’ learning and emergency communication needs.

Russia is not the only country to implement a mobile phone ban in schools. Just a few days ago, New Zealand also announced a similar policy. In a statement on December 1, Christopher Laxon, the new Prime Minister of New Zealand, said that students will be banned from using mobile phones in primary and secondary schools across the country. He emphasized, “We want children to focus on learning and teachers to focus on teaching.” Educationists pointed out that the reading and writing skills of primary and secondary school students in New Zealand have declined significantly in recent years, even reaching a “crisis” level, and banning the use of mobile phones is seen as an important measure to improve this problem.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:11 | コメントをどうぞ