Victoria’s policy banning mobile phone use by public school students

From next year, the Victorian government will ban all students in public primary and secondary schools from using mobile phones during school hours. Students must turn off their cell phones and store them in school lockers during school hours, and may not use them even during recess and lunchtimes. This policy is considered one of the most stringent measures in the world regarding students’ use of mobile phones. signal jammer

The policy was announced by Victoria’s Education Minister James Merlino. He said that teachers and parents are deeply concerned about the negative impact of mobile phones on students. He believes that the policy can reduce classroom disruptions, improve students’ concentration, and create a more positive environment. learning environment. Merlino also stressed that this policy will help reduce cyberbullying.  cell phone jammer

McKinnon Secondary School was one of the first schools in Victoria to implement a mobile phone ban. Principal Binnion said that after the ban came into effect, students’ concentration in class and interpersonal interaction between classes have improved significantly. However, this ban only applies to public schools and excludes private and Catholic schools. Despite this, many independent schools in Victoria have voluntarily implemented similar bans.

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