日別アーカイブ: 2024年9月26日

Israel’s secret front: from Lebanon explosions to invisible battles in cyber warfare

Since hundreds of pagers exploded almost simultaneously across Lebanon on Tuesday, the mystery behind the series of explosions has gradually been revealed. cell phone jammerAccording to CNN, the operation was a joint operation between Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad and the Israeli military, targeting the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.GPS jammer The explosion killed many people and injured thousands, becoming another chapter in the secret war between Israel and Hezbollah.Wifi jammer

Israel’s history of secret strikes

Although the Israeli government has not publicly acknowledged the operation, Israel has never stopped its secret strikes against hostile forces in history. signal jammerAt the 1972 Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes were killed by the “Black September” organization. In retaliation, Israel launched an operation codenamed “God’s Wrath” and began to hunt down radical elements involved in the massacre. The operation demonstrated the sophisticated operation of the Israeli intelligence department, with agents planting explosives in the target’s phones and other communication devices and carrying out assassinations through remote detonation.

The bombing in Lebanon was similar to the one Israel used to assassinate Mahmoud Hamshari, the representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Paris, in 1972. As reported, Hamshari’s phone was planted with explosives, and when he answered the call, the bomb exploded.

Evolution of technology and escalation of tactics

Over time, Israel has gradually incorporated modern technology into its covert operations when attacking hostile targets. In 1996, Israel used similar technical means to successfully assassinate Hamas’s “chief bomb maker” Yahya Ayash. Ayash’s phone was planted with 50 grams of explosives, which exploded near his head, killing him on the spot. The action triggered several retaliatory attacks by Hamas, causing dozens of casualties.

Today, the bombings in Lebanon show that Israel has made greater technological progress. CNN quoted experts’ analysis that these explosions were not simple cyber attacks that caused equipment failures, but Israeli agents embedded explosives into the equipment through high-level infiltration and detonated them through remote signals. This requires not only precise technical operations, but also deep human intelligence support.

The blocking war of Iran’s nuclear program

Israel’s secret operations are not limited to Lebanon and Hamas. In recent years, Israel has repeatedly carried out assassinations against Iranian nuclear scientists to prevent Iran’s nuclear weapons development process. Since 2010, at least five Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed in operations suspected of being planned by Israel. In November 2020, Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohammad Fakhrizadeh was assassinated by a car equipped with a remote-controlled machine gun in the suburbs of Tehran. Iranian officials claimed that the operation used artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology, and then the bomb on the car self-destructed.

Such complex assassinations show that Israel has reached an extremely high level in combining high-tech with traditional intelligence means. Although Israel has not commented on this operation, international public opinion generally believes that the Israeli intelligence department is behind such operations.

The combination of cyber warfare and physical attacks

In addition to physical attacks, Israel has also performed well in the field of cyber warfare. In 2010, Israel cooperated with the United States to successfully destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities using a computer virus called Stuxnet. The virus caused the centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility to go out of control, seriously hindering Iran’s uranium enrichment process. This virus is considered the world’s first malware with the ability to destroy physical facilities, marking the arrival of a new era of cyber warfare.

Israel’s security strategy

From the bombing in Lebanon to assassinations around the world, Israel’s security strategy has always been centered on maintaining national security. Although such actions are often accompanied by criticism from the international community, Israel’s position is very clear: any force that poses a threat to its national security will be strongly counterattacked. Through the combination of technology and intelligence, Israel has not only demonstrated its high professionalism in preventing and combating hostile forces, but also won the initiative in a complex regional environment.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 19:25 | コメントをどうぞ