Deployment of Cell Phone Jammers and Crime Prevention in Santa Fe Prison

Deployment of Cell Phone Jammers and Crime Prevention in Santa Fe Prison

As more and more criminal activities in Santa Fe prisons are confirmed to be ordered via cell phones, the provincial government has decided to take new technological measures to combat criminals from continuing to carry out illegal activities in prisons. cell phone jammerRecently, a new cell phone jammer system was installed in the No. 11 prison in Pinheiro Town, marking an important step in combating criminal organizations inside and outside the prison.signal jammer

Technology of Cell Phone Jammers

The system in Pinheiro Prison consists of eight devices whose antennas can emit radio waves that interfere with cell phone signals, preventing people in prison from using their mobile phones to communicate. GPS jammerThe jammer works by using the antenna to transmit signals to block cell phone signals in the prison, making it unable to connect to the telecommunications company’s network, thus making the phone offline. Wifi jammerThis technology is widely used around the world to prevent illegal communications activities in prisons, especially in areas that rely heavily on technology to coordinate crimes.

Claudio Briloni, the Minister of Security of Santa Fe Province, highly supports the move. He pointed out that although prisoners in prison can still communicate with the outside world through landlines, the use of mobile phones must be completely banned. This is to prevent the spread of criminal gangs inside and outside the prisons organizing and managing criminal activities through mobile phones.

Implementation and application of jammers

The installation of the new system marks an important step for the Santa Fe Provincial Prison in combating communication crimes in prisons. However, Briloni also admitted that the full implementation of the jammer system still needs to be tested and adjusted. Especially in the process of visiting lawyers and visiting family members, the prison’s communication needs still exist, so in the implementation process, it is necessary to make flexible adjustments based on actual operations.

The technology of the jammer was developed by Invap, Argentina’s leading state-owned technology company, based on Israel’s advanced technology platform and running on a 4G network. At the same time, in order to cope with the future application of 5G technology, additional antennas will also be added to this system in the future.

Briloni pointed out that the installation of mobile phone jammers is one of the important steps for the government to combat prison crime. He also recalled that a previous system had become obsolete due to advances in communication technology. This new jammer system will provide a model for other prisons in Santa Fe Province and will be gradually promoted in more prisons, including Las Flores and Coronda prisons.

The complex situation of crime in prisons

Pineiro Prison is an important high-security prison in Argentina, about 20 kilometers away from Rosario. The security situation in Rosario has become increasingly complex in recent years, especially the increasing violence related to drug trafficking and organized crime. According to data from local prosecutors, about 80% of shootings were ordered by criminal leaders in prisons through mobile phones.

In March 2023, Messi’s father-in-law’s supermarket was attacked by gunfire, and the commander behind the incident was also found to be a prisoner in prison. What is more worrying is that drug dealers use mobile phones in prisons not only to organize violent activities, but also to illegally make money through extortion and other means.

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