Join the Game “Race for Your Love” to Win Amazing Landybridal Wedding Dresses

Landybridal plans a big game named “Race for Your Love”. As a famous and trustworthy dress shop, Landybridal has held a lot of impressive activities such as donating dresses and “Landybridal Fashion Night”. However, unlike all other activities, “Race for Your love” is the biggest and the funniest one. And the winners get more than they expect.

The game is announced on the home page of Anyone can click on the notice to enter the page to get more information. People do not have to register for the game on the website. They can also register on the game spot. After the registration, the participants get the number card. They need to attach the card to their clothes or pants when the game starts.

picture: chiffon bridesmaid dressAlthough it seems open to the public, this game has it’s a serious limitation – the participants should be a couple. In other words, two people should register for the game together. And they have to be a couple because the game is “Race for Your Love”. A couple should race for their love, race for their marriage and race for the beautiful Landybridal Wedding Dresses UK collection.

The game is kind of a marathon. But different from a marathon, there will be ten games in the whole race. Participants should complete all the games and finish the race. The first couple arriving at the destination wins. They will be out if they fail in any games. They should run to the first game center. The first game is three-legged race. The couple should tie their foot together and pass the single-plank bridge. If they fall into the water under the bridge, they fail and cannot proceed. After the first game, they should run to the second game center. The second game is “Ride to Fight”. One participant of the group swings the other on his or her back. And the one on his or her back should fight with another person from another group. Anyone who fails to the ground loses the game. For example, there are 2 groups, group A and group B. A1 wings A2 on his back while B1 wings B2 on his back. A2 fights with B2. However, while they fight, A1 and B1 cannot attack each other. Then the winner comes to the third game center to finish the “Deliver the Balloon”. The couple has to carry the balloon with their chest together and deliver it to the place stated. While transferring the balloon, they cannot use their hands and they need to answer ten questions correctly. If the balloon falls to the ground, they answer less than ten questions correctly or they spend more than 5 minutes, they fail. After finishing all the ten games successfully, they should run to the destination. The first one wins. They can pick up their wedding dresses from the wedding dresses UK collection. And they will also get a vvip card. They can get great discounts on any products at The most importantly, they couple can get their wedding fund to perfect their wedding ceremony.

Although the race game has been over, more amazing activities are on the way. Landybridal plans the game for the couples and send wedding dresses for them. But next time, Landybridal may surprise you and send their Prom dresses UK to you.

read more: discount wedding dresses

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