日別アーカイブ: 2015年12月22日

5 Keys for the Best Day of Your Lives

If you have already started planning your wedding, you will have discovered that it is no small enterprise. Easy to forget is the reason you are celebrating this special day as you get caught up in designing stationery, choosing a menu, deciding on the dress, the cake and the all important suppliers who will be producing your event.

Here are five keys to assist you in creating a ceremony that is truly memorable and meaningful for you, and for your guests.

Daniel Berehulak, Getty Imagespicture: cheap bridesmaid dresses uk1. Set an Intention for your Ceremony. Envisaging how you would like to experience your Ceremony will assist you to choose the Music, Readings, locale, colour scheme, and ambiance. If you are out of doors, you can include a bright sunny day in your Intention. When you leave the Ceremony, how do you feel? How do your guests feel? What are the comments they share with you about the Ceremony? They may feel happy, relaxed, uplifted and find the Ceremony touching, heartfelt, beautiful, true to you. Writing your Intention you may find that on the day, the Ceremony will actually exceed your expectations. Write down your Intention and include at the end:This or something better for the highest good.

2. Reflect: what do you most love in each other?

In all of the organization details, it is too easy to forget why you are creating this event. Take some time to be together and remind yourselves of the special love you have for each other. What are the qualities and strengths you particularly appreciate and admire in your loved one? How do you make a difference to each others’ lives?

3. Prepare your Vows. What are the promises you wish to make to each other? These commitments are central to your Ceremony and form the foundation for your life together. Think about when life is stressful – work pressures, relocation, job changes, the demands of a young family – and the strengths and qualities you will express to each other to deepen and grow your love at these times.

4. Write Declarations of Love to each other to share with your guests. Unlike Vows, these can be light-hearted, anecdotal and humorous. They can show the values and priorities that are important for you. At the beginning of your Ceremony, your Declarations of Love make your guests feel included in your celebration and help them to understand what brings you together, and why they are here with you on this day.

5. Be well prepared in advance. Leave nothing to the last minute so that you can relax and fully enjoy this special day. Your Wedding Ceremony will go quickly. You will want to savour every moment. Later, let your photos and video remind you of the high points, long into the future. On wedding anniversaries, you will be able to re-connect with the love you experienced and expressed with each other on the Best Day of your lives.

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