We should celebrate the arrival of the ‘bro-dal shower’

A wedding tradition that we can totally get on board with.

There comes a certain time in a woman’s life when your weekends are either spent sipping an unnatural coloured cocktail through a penis straw while watching an oiled up (and rather short? Always so short) stripper with a cubic zirconia stud in his ear gyrate in front of great-aunt Beryl. Or sitting in someone’s kitchen drinking orange juice and champagne as a bride-to-be opens up an assortment of serving platters.

We’re talking about wedding season and all of the (mostly women only) events that come along with it – the hen parties, the kitchen teas, the bridal showers. Men used to just get the buck’s party and be tasked with showing up on the wedding day. But now, finally, things are evening out with the “bro-dal” shower.

Let’s call it a step forward for equality, because if women have to get excited about lasagne dishes then men should too right? But there might just be something more to the bro-dal shower than simply evening out the score.

Firstly though, what is a bro-dal shower and is it really a thing?

It’s pretty much exactly what you think. Namely that it probably involves plaid shirts, bratwurst sliders and men with expertly combed moustaches. Well, that is if you’re going by the stylings of Buzzfeed who coined the term when they held bro-dal showers for two of their staff members who were about to get hitched. It’s not the first time the trend has been acknowledged, but bro-dal shower definitely sounds better than “man shower,” right?

Anyway, it is very significant to note that the two dos were total Instagram bait. There were beard decorating games and beer and bacon trail mixes in tin buckets for goodness sake. It was like a refined hipster gent’s dream Pinterest had come to life.

Brodal showersThis is a giant moonshine cocktail flavoured slap in the face for all the people that say men aren’t interested in all that crafty, whimsical,wedding stuff. They can, and should, be. Weddings aren’t just about the bride.

On that, there were women allowed into the inner sanctum of the bro-dal shower too. This perhaps calls for a re-think on co-ed bucks and hens parties (hucks as they’ve been rather unsavourily dubbed). Because maybe they need to be a more common thing for these key reasons – it’s really not your last night to have fun as a single person (you’re getting married, presumably you haven’t been single for a while and you’re still going to have fun after you get married too), you might have friends of the opposite sex that you’d like to celebrate with, and you know, you don’t have to stick to the rules.

As my boyfriend, a veteran buck’s day attendee tells me,

“I’ve probably been to a dozen or so buck’s parties, and after a while they become pretty formulaic. The most memorable ones have been the ones where we did something a bit out of the ordinary, such as having a proper cricket match, playing bubble soccer or even just playing a round of golf.”

See, forced fun isn’t for everyone and that includes how we’ve been conditioned on what a bridal shower, or a bucks party, or a hen’s do should be like.

If you’re not down for a stripper cruise, you don’t have to have one. If you would rather bake a cake for your gentleman friends and wash it down with a craft brew than chug Fosters down a beer bong then go ahead!

If you love beer bongs, enjoy yourself thoroughly. Do your thing.

When it comes to weddings and its associated celebrations, we should be celebrating individuality, originality and breaking down stereotypes.

In any case, here’s hoping that the bro-dal shower becomes a wedding tradition, along with the rise of dudes crafter-nooning the party favours for them to their heart’s content.

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