Gunter family celebrate Chris qualifying for France, but wedding means they could be double-booked!

A FOOTBALL mad family who support Wales star Chris all over Europe and the UK for club and country; it’s going to be an interesting summer for the Gunter family… because they are double-booked!

The entire Gunter clan were at the Cardiff City Stadium on Tuesday to celebrate Wales’ qualification for the European Championships in France next summer, where they will be going to support Chris, who won his 63rd Welsh cap in their 2-0 win over Andorra.

However, those plans are more up in the air than they should be because Chris’ brother Marc – himself a talented footballer – is getting married during the tournament, in Mexico, an event planned for well over a year.

And it gets better, because Chris is scheduled to be Marc’s best man!

picture: red bridesmaid dresses uk“The wedding is booked for Mexico, Marc’s getting married, it’s not in the group stages but… I don’t think he’s too concerned, but his partner is. I think my mum and dad have a big decision to make,” Chris explained to the Argus.

“Hopefully the guests at the wedding do too, as Wales are doing so well. Marc might not make his own wedding!

“It’s funny really, it was booked way before the campaign and after our results, the clash became more and more likely. But in all seriousness, my family are all delighted. They’ve supported me all the way through and it’s for them as well, getting to a major tournament means so much.”

The boys’ father, Gerald, explains that while the family are understanding; Marc’s friends have been a little less forgiving.

“The timing could be very, very tight,” Gerald explained.

“They went ahead with booking the wedding ages ago and I think Marc was casual about it, at the time there was no way of even knowing if Wales would qualify.

“What will we do? I’ve got no idea! We’ll wait until the fixtures come out and then we’ll decide.

“But I think Chris is probably going to have to put royal blue bridesmaid dresses the football before the wedding!”

Gerald admitted the feeling of pride in the Gunter household is unlikely to subside anytime soon.

“We are so thrilled for Chris and the boys, they are going to be remembered in Wales forever,” he reflected.


カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:31 | コメントをどうぞ

Incubator alumni form Philadelphia Fashion Alliance

Just as the semiannual fashion weeks in New York, London, Paris and Milan are finally winding down, one of Philly’s biggest fashion events, thePhiladelphia Collection, is in full swing. The week of pop-up stores and parties, which began Oct. 7 and continues through Wednesday, puts local designers and boutique owners in the spotlight.

As the Collection’s packed calendar suggests, many entrepreneurial designers have chosen to make their homes in Philadelphia rather than fashion havens like New York. Sunday’s launch of the Philadelphia Fashion Alliance, an independent organization for alumni of the Philadelphia Fashion Incubator, shows just how advantageous sticking around the city can be.

Eight of the twelve brands who have gone through the popular Incubator program — Granaté Annina King, Jovan O’Connor, Minkeeblue Handbags, Rebeca Imperiano, Senpai + Kohai, Supra Endura, Terese Sydonna and Victoria Wright — are involved in the Alliance to date. The group’s main purpose is to maintain the support network and creative drive they fostered while working together at the Incubator. The designers also hope that by banding together they can raise their own profiles and, by extension, that of the city’s fashion industry. Essentially, they know there is strength in numbers.

To kick off their new venture, they held a group presentation of their upcoming spring and summer collections Sunday at the Philadelphia Art Alliance. All were represented except Supra Endura, covering two upper floors of the Wetherill Mansion with well-heeled women, racks of new clothes and the city’s chic set. The designers themselves were on the floor, too, mingling with fashion bloggers, admiring students and entrepreneurs.

The group’s goal is to host these collective events (think trunk shows and pop-ups) monthly to keep business booming. If their well-attended launch is any indication, the city is certainly interested.

“One of my favorite things about Philadelphia as opposed to New York is that the fashion designers here, the boutiques, the artists, the makers — we’re all such a tight-knit community,” said designer Victoria Wright. “I think the Alliance is really going to bring us all together to help support each other.”

Fashion Alliance launchpicture: black bridesmaid dresses“The talent is here,” designer Terese Sydonna agreed. “Boutiques are open to us, buying our collections. All of us are carried in stores. It’s definitely there.”

Though the involved designers are hoping to help the whole city’s fashion industry rise, they’re keeping the Alliance in the Incubator family for now.

“Having gone through that process, we all know the difficulty, the intensity and the challenge of completing that, so these designers are all of a certain caliber,” Sydonna said. “It’s so beneficial to our organization. It can only get bigger and better from here. It’s so unlimited now what we can do.”

Some might think that Philadelphia’s smaller fashion scene would make competition especially fierce. But for members of the Alliance, sticking together is a way to motivate and inspire each other.

“Honestly we look at it like each brand is different in its own way. We might have the same customers but each brand is so distinctive,” Sydonna said. “We see it as there’s definitely room for everyone.”

“We always want to be positive and support each other,” she added, “and we always, at the end of the day, want to let everyone know what we’re doing and that there is a fashion community in Philadelphia.

Information on future PFA events is under wraps for now, but the designers are already planning a special holiday pop-up.

“We’re still working out the details, so stay tuned!” Wright said with a grin. “But it’s sure to be really wonderful.”

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:21 | コメントをどうぞ

Meet Marblehead’s Doc Hollywood

Irv Danesh is a highly respected ER doctor and author, but his journey didn’t start the way you might expect. Just read his book – or maybe, in the not too distant future, catch his story on TV.

Danesh’s book, “The Loco Life of Doctor Taco,” has been picked up by a Hollywood producer to be turned into a sitcom. And now Danesh and his wife, Fanny, are trying to imagine which A-List actor will play him on TV.

“We’re curious to see,” said Danesh last week, with a laugh, as he sat in local coffee shop. “I’m excited to get on the set.”

Danesh’s semi-autobiographical novel chronicles the misadventures of a young man who, when he realizes his grades aren’t good enough to get into a U.S. medical school, decides to get his MD south of the border.

Dr. Irv Danesh on the picture: long bridesmaid dresses ukThat echoes Danesh’s real life – he attended med school in Tampico, Mexico. While there, he accumulated a group of expat friends from the states, all-hoping to become doctors. In the book, Danesh, now 59, details epic escapades involving smuggling, prostitution, grave robbing and alligator hunting. He said a lot of the book is true – including a bizarre night he spent in a Mexican prison.

The sitcom deal isn’t Danesh’s first brush with fame. After a chance encounter with a screenwriter at a wedding in Los Angeles, Danesh worked on the USA Network show, Royal Pains, about a concierge doctor on Long Island starring Mark Feuerstein. Danesh was an on-set medical consultant and even wrote a few scenes and appeared as a cardiologist in one episode.

In addition to Feuerstein, he also worked with stars like Henry Winkler.

“It’s a rush being on set and working in the writers’ room,” Danesh said.

While he’s looking forward to being back in show biz, he’s not giving up his day job. Actually, he works nights in the ER at East Boston Community Health Center. Previously, he helped run the ER at Lawrence General for 23 years.

“I love the adrenaline,” Danesh said. “I’m a real ER guy.”

Danesh is writing his second book, based on his years at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center in Brooklyn, where he trained and worked from 1978-1983.

“It was the wild west,” Danesh remembers. “Brookdale was a teaching and living experience, essentially run by the doctors-in-training. The average workweek was 120 hours plus. The surgical uniform was at least a scrub top, jeans and dirty white coat, at least on rounds.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 16:23 | コメントをどうぞ


Clothing might not be an essential purchase like food, water and shelter, but consumers spend so much on apparel that a chic skirt or a pair of designer boots might as well be necessary for survival. The statistics prove that Americans are in love with fashion, as the U.S. apparel market comprises 28 percent of the global clothing market to the tune of $331 billion, according to Statista.

However, while U.S. consumers have a constant love for fashion, the retailers which they shop from are constantly changing and evolving.

On Monday (Oct. 5), American Apparel, one of the trendiest clothing brands of the early 2000s, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Delaware, according to a Oct. 5 press release from the company. While American Apparel was dealing with legal costs related to litigation against former founder and CEO Dov Charney, there was another source of market competition that siphoned sales away from the formerly popular chain: fast-fashion retailers.

“This process will ultimately benefit our employees, suppliers, customers and valued partners,” CEO Paula Schneider said in a press release. “American Apparel is not only an iconic clothing brand but also the largest apparel manufacturer in North America, and we are taking this step to keep jobs in the USA and preserve the ideals for which the company stands.”

picture: cheap plus size wedding dressesWhile traditional apparel sellers like Old Navy and Gap and fast-fashion retailers like H&M and Zara have coexisted in the same market space for some time, American Apparel’s downturn might indicate the start of a slow decline for unwieldy apparel merchants that don’t have answers for fast fashion’s two primary value propositions.

First, as Forbes explained, clothes are inexpensive in both price and quality, allowing customers to buy up styles of the season they like without worrying about the high-priced commitment to an individual article of clothing. Secondly, this high turnover of products allows fast-fashion merchants to restock their stores with new styles and designers to keep customers coming back.

American Apparel isn’t the only traditional apparel retailer that has struggled to resist fast fashion’s pull on consumers. According to data from Forbes, Gap – once the king of the casual apparel mountain – has watched its market share in the U.S. drop from 5.1 percent in 2010 to 4.7 percent today. However, Gap still sits several percentage points above retailers like Old Navy and Banana Republic.

Not all traditional apparel retailers are cowering in the face of the fast-fashion onslaught, though. J.C. Penney has announced plans to launch a new brand specifically targeted at the fast-fashion market, and CEO Marvin Ellison explained at a recent conference that the company had been studying fast fashion’s successful tactics closely.

“We are piloting a private brand called Belle & Sky, which is our version of fast fashion that is a private brand,” Ellison said, as quoted by The Street. “I have had two trips to Asia since March, and it was very informative because we spent a lot of time with suppliers talking about fast-fashion retailers, not trying to replicate fast fashion as a strategy, but to learn elements of the strategy.”

What exactly are those elements that J.C. Penney will try to incorporate? Details are still scarce, but it’s expected that items will include T-shirts priced under $20 and jackets ranging from $60 to $120. Prices like that might not bring J.C. Penney the success of H&M or Zara, but it’s a clear indication that fast fashion is the new normal in the apparel retail business.

After all, when it comes to traditional apparel retailers, if the fast-fashion shoe fits, they better wear it.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:24 | コメントをどうぞ

Just show me some barbecue, please.

This weekend we’re meeting with a potential caterer. I have high hopes this time around because this caterer is also behind one of our favorite downtown restaurants.

I also had high hopes for the last guy. His office walls were plastered with awards of all kinds – awards from well-known wedding websites, awards voted on by the people – there were at least a dozen.

Awards aren’t everything.

I’m not one to blast people on the internet because I disagree with the way they run a business. I’m willing to bet this company has done great work for some clients. For that reason, it will remain nameless.

Everybody’s customer style is different. I operate under the theory that a company vying for thousands of my (admittedly, my parents’) dollars should want to impress me. I’m really not even hard to impress.

I’ll recommend a company if they’re nice, they don’t even have to be the best at whatever service they offer.

Just last week I got my hair colored and trimmed at a salon. It wasn’t life-changing, but I was happy with it so I wrote positive reviews on three (3!) different websites. Sometimes I get all caught up on the idea of pushing more positivity out into the internet world, because it’s so darn angry all the time.

So here’s the thing, all this guy had to do was be friendly and offer to make a menu that is somewhere in the realm of what we have in mind.

He did neither of those things.

Russ & Elizabethpicture: peach bridesmaid dressesHe spent the first half of the meeting telling my mom, who accompanied me in Russ’s absence, how everything we already have planned for my wedding is wrong – right down to the tables my parents have been using for large parties for years.

He was blasting decisions that had absolutely nothing to do with the food. It was mind-boggling.

I don’t know if you’ve been following along, but my bridal playbook is made up of a two-step process: make a decision, and be done with it.

Second-guessing any decision that is already settled is not the way to my heart or my money.

This guy managed to bruise my ego and momentarily quell my excitement – all before he even pulled out any menu ideas.

I went to the meeting with pulled pork barbecue on my mind. It’s a southern staple, and a huge deal in my home state of North Carolina. I wanted barbecue. Russ wanted barbecue. It was one of the first things we decided.

I left that catering appointment with a menu made up of ham, chicken, and shrimp & grits.

I don’t know how it happened. I know I said I like shrimp and grits, but it was after I’d said I wanted barbecue.

I remember saying ham is my least favorite meat, and Russ’s as well.

I do remember saying chicken is a good second option to barbecue because some people don’t like pulled pork (I love them anyway).

I don’t remember anything else about how that menu was planned, probably because I was still reeling over the verbal dismemberment of everything wedding-related I’d accomplished up to that point.

This weekend we’re heading to one of our favorite barbecue joints – we’re zeroing in on barbecue from the start. I have all ideas these folks will be helpful and the service will be as good as it is when we dine in their restaurant.

This time around I don’t even want to see any awards.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 16:10 | コメントをどうぞ

Abby: Woman will need cousin’s support

Dear Abby: I have a very close cousin (and friend) who is in a toxic relationship with a man who breaks up with her repeatedly, manipulates and abuses her emotionally, and probably cheats. It has made me sad to see her go through the same pattern with him for so many years.

They were supposed to be married soon, but are having the same problems again. She’s unsure what steps to take, even though family and friends are advising her against marrying him. I don’t support the idea either, but I don’t want to create a rift with my cousin.

If the wedding takes place, can I decline to be part of the wedding party? Is there anything I can do to make her “see the light”? It’s hard to watch a good person go through this. I know it’s her choice, but it’s wearing on our relationship as well. — Concerned Cousin in Wyoming

Dear Abby columnist Jeanne Phillips.Picture: chiffon bridesmaid dresses ukDear Cousin: Have you been asked to be in the wedding party? If it hasn’t happened yet, you may be putting the cart before the horse.

Because you haven’t been able to get your cousin to see the light before this, I doubt anything you can say will accomplish it now because love is blind and often deaf. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tell her you think she deserves better than what she’s getting, and that it pains you to see her hurt the way she has been. However, at the same time, let her know that whatever she decides, you love and support her and will be there for her, because if he actually marries her — which he may not — she’s going to need it.

Dear Abby: I recently started a new job, and the past three months have been wonderful! One co-worker in particular has contributed to that. He’s a tall, handsome man with a great personality. We get along wonderfully, socialize outside of work, and we flirt … a lot. We have briefly talked about being friends with benefits, but I’m not sure how I feel about it. I have never been FWB with anyone before, and I am very nervous about the possible downside.

I am very attracted to this co-worker, but I also consider him a great friend who could potentially someday be even more than a friend. I am scared that being FWBs would ruin our friendship and any possible future we may have. Should I accept being an FWB and enjoy it while it lasts, or decline and explain to him why? — Friends Without Benefits in Virginia

Dear Friends: If I were you, I’d enjoy the flirtation for as long as it lasts and pass on being his FWB.

While “friends with benefits” may seem enticing, what it really stands for is “sex without commitment or responsibility,” and in the majority of instances it leads to — nothing. Couple that with the fact that if you do, and someone else attracts his attention, you will not only have to cope with hurt feelings, but also the embarrassment of still having to work with him. So start thinking with your head, and don’t do anything you might later regret.

To My Jewish Readers: Tonight at sundown, Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, begins. It’s a day of fasting, reflection, prayer and repentance. To all of you, may your fast be an easy one.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:23 | コメントをどうぞ


Natasha Zinko, a Ukrainian, London-based jewelry and ready-to-wear designer with thick red cork curls, has been holding private appointments since she graduated from Central Saint Martins. Regarding her decision to go on-schedule for the first time, she said simply: “I can, and I will.”

A neon sign with the same phrase hung on the wall of her presentation Saturday and that ferocity and self-confidence, the fashion equivalent of “leaning in,” came through in the collection. There was a lot of leather, boned corseting, laser cutting and rouching that was easy on the eyes — yet clearly had a lot of technique behind it. She only used primary colors, adding to the collection’s primal scream feel: “This collection is a lot about confidence in women — so many of us believe we don’t have it, but each one of us has a strength we are not aware of — and that needs to come out. A lot of women undercut themselves when they shouldn’t. What’s with us? Why can’t we be more confident?”

Natasha Zinko at her spring 2016 presentation. Photo: Natasha Zinkopicture: vintage bridesmaid dresses ukIn Zinko’s world, confidence doesn’t cancel out femininity, so she added a few floral details as well as lace and satin. It was a huge departure from her last collection, which had a lot of safe-yet-sound nautical themes, and tons of cuteness. I wondered: does this new ferocity and confidence have to do with her Ukrainian heritage, and what is currently going on there politically — or is that a no-go question for fashion?

On that note, Zinko is clear. “Up until a decade or so ago, people just thought the Ukraine and Russia was the same thing. Ironically, since the conflict, it’s made me more aware of my Ukrainian roots and the difference between us — and believe me there is one, in a good way. Now that the Ukraine is more on the map, it’s made me feel stronger and more confident to venture into areas I wouldn’t have before – just like my country.”

Perhaps the same could be said for other designers from the region. Fellow Ukrainian Vita Kin is already an Instagram star for her colorful dresses inspired by traditional Ukrainian folk embroidery, which can seemingly only be found on street style stars. We’ve been promised Vita Kin for months on Net-a-Porter and Matches, and we’re still waiting. Talk about demand outstripping supply.

Though she doesn’t show during fashion month, Russian designer Olga Vilshenko is also noted for her exquisite Russian “folkloric couture,” which can be found at Net-a-Porter and Moda Operandi.

Says Zinko: “I think the division of lines between the Ukraine and Russia has brought out the best of many of us. We are all focused on our regions, our backgrounds, our experiences, our language. And it all comes out in the expression of fashion. You know, sometimes, good things can come out of conflict. Now let’s hope the conflict ends.”

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:57 | コメントをどうぞ

Duggar Family News, Update: Reality TV Clan Accused of Spending Donations for Vacations

Known for their conservative views and upholding the Christian way of living, the Duggar family is now being surrounded with new controversies, this time involving some money matters.

Citing the report from Realty Today, an article said that clan member Jill Duggar and her husband, Derick Dillard, are being asked by fans if the donations they received to help finance the mission to help the poor in Central America are being used the right way.

The issue, as first pointed out by ETOnline, surfaced when the couple flew back to the States at least twice since they embarked for the Central American mission on July 5.

Jill Duggarpicture: black and white bridesmaid dressesSuspicions grew stronger when one of Jill’s latest social media posts of herself, her 26-year-old husband, and 5-month-old son was seen with a caption that says “Travelling.”

The public couldn’t help but take notice of their frequent get-aways rather than their supposed to be mission trips.

On top of this, Mr. and Mrs. Dillard were seen attending the wedding of their cousin Amy Duggar’s wedding in Bentonville, Arkansas last weekend as well as the ceremony for the “Bringing Up Bates” stars Michaela Bates and Brandon Keilen back on August in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Fans, who claimed to be donors of the cause, fired some questions on the couple’s Facebook account asking them for a “detailed statement of what their money is being used for.”

One commenter went on to demand “pictures of the hospital, schools, and bible studies you helped with.”

To appease the public, Jill posted on her Instagram a picture of a group of people she probably met during the mission.

“My heart aches for the hardships these people are facing daily due to pressure and violence from the gangs. Please pray for their safety!” she said in her post (via NE). “We look forward to returning there to continue ministering after language school!”

The husband and wife also took the time to explain the trips back to the US. They clarified that they did those trips to “take care of some things and enjoy time with family and friends” while they are, at the same time, taking care of the mission.

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:41 | コメントをどうぞ

What You Should Never Buy With Home Equity

The recent improvement in the real estate market has many American homeowners sitting on additional home equity. And it can be tempting to tap your home equity for any number of purposes — from making major home improvements to paying your kid’s college tuition. Some experts say that cashing in on home equity for such purposes can be a wise investment.

But there are also a host of purchases you might consider funding with home equity that fall into the realm of financial no-nos.

Here are four things you should never buy with home equity.

No. 1: Wedding expenses

According to The Knot, the cost of the average U.S. wedding now tops $30,000. With a slew of expenses and professionals to pay for — such as caterers, musicians, a photographer or videographer — it’s easy to see how couples, or their parents, might rely on a home equity loan or home equity line of credit to cover all the costs.

“But even if it’s a wedding, people need to make sacrifices and establish priorities,” says Jordan Niefeld, a Certified Financial Advisor and CPA at Raymond James & Associates in Aventura, Florida.

Besides, a wedding is a one-day affair; it’s the marriage in which a couple should invest time, money, and effort. So scale back on a wedding celebration rather than tapping home equity to pay for an over-the-top bridal gown, an expensive banquet hall, or a honeymoon in an exotic destination.

No. 2: A “guaranteed” stock or bond market investment

Vatican Popepicture: fishtail wedding dressesEven though there’s no such thing as a “guaranteed” return on Wall Street, that doesn’t stop stockbrokers, friends, colleagues, and others from pitching you investments that are supposedly a “sure thing.”

However, if you don’t have the cash to buy stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, “It’s risky to utilize home equity for investments,” says Donna Skeels Cygan, CFP and President of Sage Future Financial, LLC in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

No one has control over the vagaries of the stock market, and the money you put up could be gone forever — but if you used home equity for an investment, you’d still have a bigger house note to pay.

And consumers with home equity lines of credit that are nearing the repayment phase, known as the “end of draw,” are much more likely than other borrowers to go delinquent — not just on their HELOCs, but also on their primary mortgages and other debts owed, according to a 2015 study from Experian.

No. 3: Normal monthly expenses

Accessing your home equity doesn’t always mean getting a one-time lump sum, as is the case when you obtain a home equity loan. You can also have a home equity line of credit, which allows you to gradually draw down on your home equity anytime you’d like simply by using bank-issued checks linked to your home equity.

But beware of repeatedly eating away at your home’s equity by constantly writing home equity checks just to cover your normal household expenses, such as grocery costs, utilities, or transportation bills.

“We all pay toward our mortgage every month, and our home is our safety net,” says Cygan. “So home equity should never be tapped for anything frivolous, normal or routine.”

If you need to use home equity for recurring bills, it’s a sure sign that you’re living beyond your means and are in a danger zone when it comes to managing your financial obligations and controlling debt.

No. 4: Gifts of any kind

There are dozens of holidays throughout the year, from New Year’s and Valentine’s Day to Christmas and Hanukkah, and everything in between. Any one of these holidays or special occasions might tempt you to spend money on pricey gifts for others.

But buying big-ticket gift items for relatives (or others) is an imprudent use of home equity, as your spending during these times is bound to be emotionally charged, causing you to overspend unnecessarily. When you spend with your heart instead of using your head, and you add the lure of having substantial home equity to tap, you’re bound to go overboard.

“If it’s more of an impulse purchase or if it’s something that you really don’t need, says Niefeld, “these are all bad reasons to take home equity — or any type of loan.”

“Home equity is a very sacred thing,” he adds. “You don’t want to tap that for just anything.”

read more: knee length wedding dresses

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 16:32 | コメントをどうぞ

Bridegroom refuses to back off

Nick DeVries was not going to let a few broken ribs get in the way of his wedding day.

He took some pain medication and let his friends apply Icy Hot while he thought about his bride’s two-year wait to get married, the $5,000 they spent on the wedding, and all their friends and family who traveled across the country to see them tie the knot.

Then, the pain pills took over, and on Sept. 5, Fruita’s Nick and Holly DeVries got married at Five Winds Ranch outside Collbran. They danced, ate barbecue and mingled with guests. Nick “was feeling really good and then it kicked in and I said, ‘Yup, it’s time to go to the hospital.’ “

Truth be told, Holly said, she wanted to take Nick to the emergency room before the wedding. She was out on the balcony taking pre-ceremony photos when a group of people went running off behind her.

Her mom came in and said, “We are not going to tell you what happened.”

It was Nick. Holly knew.

In hindsight, Nick, 28, should have worn his seat belt on the RZR Side By Side he was driving. Then again, maybe he shouldn’t have even been in a UTV (utility task vehicle) moments before his wedding.

“I told him not to take those things up there,” Holly, 26, said.

Either way, a tire went flat, the rim caught some dirt and the RZR overturned.

091315_3a_wedding_kiss_bwpicture: short bridesmaid dresses uk“I guess I bent the steering wheel in half to the side,” Nick said. “I was trying to stay inside, I guess.”

He stood up to flip the UTV back over and collapsed. That’s when he assumed he broke his ribs.

When Holly saw him, however, “I was ready to take him to the hospital then and there.”

Nick had none of it.

“I’m getting married today,” he said, looking back. “I love my wife. I wasn’t going to sacrifice her day because I made a stupid mistake.”

Eventually, when the pain became too much to bear, Holly in her wedding dress and Nick in his tux showed up at Community Hospital for a CT scan. There, they learned Nick did not break his ribs as feared. He had “unstable fractures” in four vertebrae. He had broken his back. He’s lucky he didn’t do more damage during the ceremony and subsequent party.

The couple was transferred to St. Mary’s Hospital.

Nick was admitted and underwent a four-hour surgery with Dr. Brian P. Witwer. The repair required 10 screws, two metal rods and two metal plates. The surgery left a very clean and straight scar down half of Nick’s back.

But he was walking the next day. On Sept. 9, four days after he broke his back but got married anyway and ended up in a hospital, Nick was discharged.

“Dr. Witwer was amazing,” Holly said.

He won’t require physical therapy.

He went back to work at Cudd Energy Services wearing his hospital bracelets to say hello.

Holly, owner of Right By Your Side Home Care, joked that the couple had a $300,000 honeymoon. Thankfully, they have good insurance.

On Friday, Nick answered the door to his Fruita house. He’s walking slow, and he hasn’t been able to eat much, but he’s home and proudly wearing his wedding ring.

He and Holly had their first date four years ago at a Denver area Starbucks. Now, they have an unbelievable wedding story.

“We laugh about it now,” Holly said. “We laughed about it then because there was nothing we could do about it. … I told my mom, it isn’t a wedding unless it rains or something goes wrong.”

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者kuidry 15:54 | コメントをどうぞ