MU Legend Showcased Crazy Graphics With Four Classes

Webzen’s MU Legend has released gameplay trailers featuring Dark Lord characters, Whisperer, War Mage and Blader.

Webzen seems to have an extremely large-scale intention for the MU series in the virtual entertainment industry. From promoting the testing process of MU: Origin international version, until revealed information about MU2 capital long time. Continuing its momentum, MU Legend’s rookie continues to shatter with the official gameplay, introducing the four-player Dark Lord, Whisperer, War Mage and Blader genre.

Each of the four warriors, each with a unique power and fighting style, will ensure the frenzy of fire that MU Legend delivers to the player in the future.

MU Legend – Dark Lord

Dark Lord.fw

At first sight gamers will get acquainted with the “old” Dark Lord, the warrior class with the right amount of blood plentiful and overwhelmed by physical damage. Crazy moves hit the ground as well as monster clumps like garbage, actually showing the Dark Lord’s prowess in the MU Legend.

MU Legend – Whisperer


A strange and familiar face that we next point to is Whisperer, which was inspired by the MU Online Fairy Elf. Using long-range weapons, Whisperer is responsible for knocking on enemies with stormy names and fast-paced moves. Next to the War Mage, this is a Class that focuses entirely on wide-ranged attacks, controlling the majority of enemies. Even if you notice, we can see the War Mage develop an evolutionary version of “dragons” to suppress enemies in the gameplay field.

MU Legend – War Mage

War Mage

MU Legend – Blader


Another class of character that MU Legend brought to the Blader, at first look similar to Dark Lord. There is still not much information on this class, but it is clear Blader is completely melee, although Webzen can make a difference to the Dark Lord by reducing the blood count.

But despite the development path, gamers still feel the MU Legend’s fierce fighting style, assuring fire of any form of attack. Beside that, the game also met a 3D graphics are extremely eye-catching with the effect to say is “flooded” the screen. The light rays, the color effects spin before the eyes will bring a special part of the gameplay of Mu Legend in the future.

Another very interesting piece of information is that Dennis Czybulka, Webzen’s COO, has confirmed that the development team will bring MU Legend to the international market in this September. This would be a good news to the fan community, who do not live in Korea but want to enjoy this superstar. All information about MU Legend will be updated for MULegendZen readers in the shortest time.

カテゴリー: Guides, MU Legend, Tips, Videos | タグ: , , | 投稿者mulegend 17:49 | コメントをどうぞ


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