タグ別アーカイブ: Open Beta

MU Legend Will Come Out With More Content Than Originally Planned

We finally got the long awaited information about the release date of MU Legend. The game will come out in September and will contain more content than originally planned.

mu 2017

From the information available on the official MU fan page, we learned that besides the previously announced location in the Polish language, we will receive much more content than we saw on CBT, and even more than it was available at OBT in Korea. Consequently, everyone expecting to release MU Legend has received an extra dose of hype. In the coming weeks we are going to learn more about the new features and changes in our game.

If you are looking for a reliable MU Legend site and want to join us, we invite you for more information here.

カテゴリー: Guides, MU Legend, News, Tips | 投稿者mulegend 18:13 | コメントをどうぞ