カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 黑道風雲H5


- 越戰之後,林肯回到了新波爾多市,並加入了自己過去時的幫派;
- 這個幫派遭到了義大利黑手黨的出賣,而林肯也是九死一生才逃脫這場劫難,現在是時候復仇了;
- 讓林肯活下來是遊戲中最重要的事情,如果正面衝突遇到困難的話先行撤退,用其他手段來完成目標;
- 如果遇到麻煩,立刻打撥打電話增援,或立刻切斷電話線阻止敵人呼叫增援;
- 平衡你的內部勢力分配也是一個重頭戲。 不同的副官除了能力不同之外,勢力分配還影響劇情、對話、玩家的收入和可用資源。

城市 – 喧囂而忙碌的新波爾多正是1968年新奧爾良的投影。 由於不同街區不同的環境,黑道風雲军火,你需要進行的「買賣」內容也不一樣。 比如在官僚主義嚴重的市中心區,行賄官員和建築欺詐將會是主要動作;
- 《黑道風雲》系列前幾作都是將義大利黑幫的故事浪漫化描寫,而這一作則是完全反轉 —— 義大利黑幫是你的死對頭。
政治 -
音軌 – 在新波爾多市流行著許多60年代的經典,你能聽到包括海灘男孩、艾瑞沙•佛蘭克林、滾石和清水樂團等經典金曲。 還有許多非常應景的藍調曲目。
故事線 – 超開放式的劇情設計,你可以選擇一個接著一個的完成支線任務,也可以單刀直入地沖著Boss去。 一旦你控制了一個區域,你需要分配一名副官來管理這個區域。 記住,你無法保證三個人相等地開心,你傾向不同的副官會影響故事的發展。 



カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 14:23 | コメントをどうぞ


耗時兩年打造,《黑道風雲》正式開啟虛擬城市掠奪戰。 《黑道風雲》 是yotta game公司迄今為止投資最多的遊戲,其總開發成本高達兩百萬歐元。 得益于多項技術革新,這款畫面精美的3D遊戲無需下載和安裝。

Related image

經過長達2年的研發,yotta game終於在歐洲最大的遊戲展會Gamescom正式展出《黑道風雲》。 為了佔領更多的城市街道,戰鬥的號角已經吹響了! yotta game是位於德國漢堡城的專業遊戲研發商和發行商,旗下最新的3D動作大型多人線上遊戲《黑道風雲》,耗資2百萬歐元,為網頁遊戲行業樹立了最新標準,也是Bigpoint最昂貴的遊戲了。黑道風雲天賦怎麼點,看这里吧!

「《黑道風雲》讓我們改革網頁遊戲市場的目標得以實現。 」 yotta game的創始人兼CEO Heiko Hubertz 說到,「我們的一批優秀研發人員在技術和畫面方面幹得非常漂亮,當然我們也引以為豪。 」

關於 《黑道風雲H5

黑道風雲 是一個虛構的美國城市。 成千上萬名的玩家聚集在這個大城市里並肩作戰或者相互對抗。 城市被四個黑幫團夥瓜分。 每個黑幫都拼命想佔據更多的領地,同時防止自己的領土被其他黑幫霸佔。

玩家必須完成任務,贏得戰爭的勝利,一步步從黑幫新成員升級到黑幫老大。 絕妙的3D畫面是這款遊戲的最大特色之一,也是遊戲巨作的標準之一。 在遊戲中,黑道風雲天賦點法, 你可以在街道上瘋狂駕駛,在商店裡購買最新裝備,去最高級的俱樂部與舞者玩耍。 一切由你做主!

在街道上,黑幫之間的戰鬥總是沒完沒了地進行著。 聰明的頭腦和強健的體魄還不足以讓你生存下去,你需要一些朋友時刻説明你。 遊戲中,有一些任務只能由兩人或多人組隊完成。 千萬不要欺騙其他玩家喲,後果會很嚴重的。

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 15:59 | コメントをどうぞ

正邪大對決 男人大愛的警匪類遊戲精選

玩家在遊戲中要完整地探索巴西里約熱內盧,漫步于多個別具一格的區域,包括貧民窟、商業區、海灘及叢林。 遊戲共有超過60個形式多樣的任務,並且同時還會發生各種的隨機事件。 手槍、步槍、火箭炮都是提供給玩家使用的。 與此同時,玩家還能夠駕駛各式各樣的交通工具,包括飛機、直升機和坦克。

除了緊張刺激的故事情節之外,在遊戲中,玩家還能夠對角色進行全方位高自訂的打造,其中包括襯衫、褲子、帽子、眼鏡以及其他可以收集並用來定制角色的物品,使得遊戲的趣味性大大提升, 同時也能夠讓玩家體驗到實實在在走進巴西裡約日內盧的感覺。
黑道風雲H5: Mafia City


接下來就到了風靡全球遊戲界的「俠盜獵車手」的時間了,相信筆者沒有讓各位等的很辛苦吧。 之所以這部遊戲那麼受歡迎,是因為遊戲的高自由度,玩家可以嘗試很多在日常生活中無法做到的事,比如說在街上肆意的攔截車輛,用各種武器與警方對峙等等。 在PC上對「俠盜獵車手」流連忘返的玩家們,現在可以在手機中暢遊一番啦。

遊戲中,玩家將扮演一犯罪角色,透過完成一連串有組織罪案的任務來提升自己的威勢,任務通常為槍戰,搶銀行以及行刺等等,其他犯罪以外的任務則有駕駛計程車,救火,飆車以及飛行等等。 作為一款移植于PC的遊戲,在手機版中,保留了原汁原味,讓喜歡俠盜遊戲的玩家來說,更加有親切感。

如果你不喜歡被遊戲所束縛,那麼就一定要嘗試俠盜獵車手的遊戲,因為在這裡,你才能夠完全自主的操作,隨心所欲,想先完成什麼任務就完成什麼任務。 不過一定要注意的是,各位玩家一定要小心員警叔叔啊,要是被警方包圍可就大事不妙了哦。


與前文介紹過的那些黑幫遊戲不一樣的是,接下來這款「混亂之劫」的遊戲背景設計在20世紀20年代(貌似很古老的樣子嘛)。 遊戲中,你將説明黑幫團夥去搶劫銀行,所以需要對付的警衛和員警非常多,會讓你手指頭忙不過來的,好就好在,你將會體驗到許多在其他遊戲中所不能帶來的老式武器,有興趣的朋友可以來嘗試一番。

本作在畫面上並無出彩之處,3D效果中規中矩,雖然畫面方面並不出彩,但是本作在操作上還是有可圈可點的地方的,作為FPS遊戲,本座採用了強制移動的前進方式,前進一段距離,就會固定在一個掩體周圍進行射擊, 遊戲設計了可供躲避的掩體,記住只有在掩體後才可以重新填彈。

遊戲的進程很像是街機上的射擊遊戲,玩起來非常爽快,打敵人就像割草一樣,但遊戲過程中還是需要一些技巧,敵人會扔手雷來阻止你,這樣的武器殺傷力是非常強的。 如果你對黑幫劇情極其感興趣,會發現這款遊戲的樂趣所在。

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 13:11 | コメントをどうぞ

《黑道風雲》很火爆 大牌明星演黑幫小弟自帶喜感很圈粉

近日,由楊銘執導,魏中凱主演,被網友封為《白夜追凶》姐妹篇的最新反黑刑偵劇《黑道風雲H5》正在愛奇藝熱播中,該劇主要講述了警方與黑幫之間迷霧重重、險象環生的燒腦激鬥,無尿點、無槽點,節奏緊湊, 自定檔起即被劇迷們視為2018最受期待的提氣大劇,「追凶」類題材的又一新爆款。




據悉,遊戲《黑道風雲》歷時三年打造、曾經三度更名,開篇既以神秘電話、不明生死的局長快速交織出黑白對應,「誰是臥底」這一主線內容,開局強勢,十分亮眼。 而劇中所有的謎團和環環緊扣的人物關係也讓本片成為了一部「燒腦大戲」,在這場致命的「貓鼠遊戲」中,每次舉手投足都關乎生死!

劇中,內地實力派演員魏中凱飾演痞氣十足的黑幫小弟「萬一」,他是杜大浩的兄弟,為其鞍前馬後,也是他的頭號「拖油瓶」,因喜愛賭博多次陷入困境,連累兄弟;在該劇第二集,萬一便因賣假鈔而被抓,邱老六説明了萬一,同時達成了某種協定 ,這也為後續劇情埋下伏筆。


隨著劇情的發展,萬一被人攛掇著去賭博,經不住誘惑的他不知道自己正逐漸陷入別人的圈套,而得知是萬一偷偷在野草莓散毒惹出大麻煩後,沈放一口咬定萬一是受杜大浩指使,故意在他的場子裡搗亂惹事,導致杜大浩百口莫辯。 演員魏中凱將黑幫小混混「萬一」的花樣作死經歷演繹的詼諧幽默,非但不招人煩還自帶喜感,圈粉無數。

N作為實力派男演員,魏中凱還參演過多部影視劇,飾演的每一個角色都在觀眾心中留下了深刻的印象,無論是偶像劇《一見不鍾情》裡呆萌搞笑的壯壯,還是電影《濟公之人皇鼎》裡憨態可掬的豬八戒,細微的小動作,眼神的傳遞, 魏中凱的表演十分深入人心,他精湛的演技也讓每一個角色都有其特有的靈魂,讓人感同身受。

如果您想瞭解更多關於黑道風雲的資訊,請直接訪問《黑道風雲H5》官方網站。另外,此遊戲的英文版本《Mafia City》在Yotta Games 平台已經同步更新。

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 18:55 | コメントをどうぞ

《黑道風雲》遊戲新模式:快來砸金蛋 有驚喜!

一個人的黑道不是黑道。 不求同年同月同日生,但求同年同月同日死,黑道兄弟,義薄雲天,如果你偶遇仇家,兄弟們幫你擺平,如果你生活困難,兄弟們為你照料家務,幫會就是你的家,你最強的後盾。 當你在幫會中擔任重職,一呼百應,頃刻之間召集成千上百的兄弟,掃平敵人,只有加入幫會,你才能感受到這分榮耀

策略經營遊戲《黑道風雲》今日開啟新幫會功能「幫會領地」;開啟新活動「復活節砸蛋」;美女系統大升級。 有了幫會領地後,《黑道》中的戰爭將不止於一對一,而是擴大到整體幫派間的火拼。 老大們快登入遊戲,建立幫會基地掃蕩敵人吧!




《黑道風雲》以地下黑社會的暗鬥內鬨為主軸,結合經營策略與全球同服 MMO 要素,玩家將化身為黑幫老大,開啟一場鬥智鬥狠的地下皇帝爭奪戰。 世界各地硝煙四起、地下幫派林立,你該如何治理幫派,帶領手下小弟碾壓敵幫、智取對手? 如何經營家族擴展勢力,成為地下大皇帝?

幫會領地開啟! 搶佔地盤享加成


本次更新在遊戲中的幫會系統增加全新玩法,玩家和玩家之間的戰爭? 不,那個已經是過去式了! 在幫會據點和幫會領地上線之後,幫會戰爭模式將會開啟新的紀元。建造完成的幫會領地,使幫派成員共同享有屬性加成:

1. 增加倉庫保護上限 20%。

2. 增加資源生產量 30%。

3. 增加資源採集速度 15% 。

4. 敵人在您幫會的領地內別墅燃燒速度將加快。



全新的美女系統終於上線啦! 全新的美女系統將開放各種風格的美女,目前除了原先的美豔金髮「戴安娜」,新增了和風美人「花野真衣」,更多美女將陸續推出。




美女將採用全新 3D 模型,可以實現虛擬現實般的視覺衝擊。 全新互動遊戲方式,互動可以提升好感度。 好感度提升可以解鎖特殊技術,還可以和美女約會喔,絕對浪漫刺激!

尋找小槌! 砸蛋有驚喜

復活節(Easter),是紀念耶穌基督復活的節日,在西方教會傳統裏,春分之後第一次滿月之後的第一個星期日即為復活節。 東方教會則規定,如果滿月恰逢星期日,則復活節再推遲一周。 《聖經 • 新約全書》記載,耶穌被釘死在十字架上,第三天復活,復活節因此得名。 但是復活節是基督宗教最重大的節日,重要性超過耶誕節。

活動期間,各位老大別墅外擊殺街頭勢力或別墅內「黑市交易」,會有一定幾率獲得活動道具「砸蛋錘」。 擁有該道具的老大可以前往「游泳池——活動中心」進行砸彩蛋,每個彩蛋的開啟條件都不一樣哦! 但是越高級的彩蛋,獲得的獎勵也會越豐厚哦。


如果您想瞭解更多關於黑道風雲的資訊,請直接訪問《黑道風雲H5》官方網站。另外,此遊戲的英文版本《Mafia City H5》在Yotta Games 平台已經同步更新。


官方LINE ID:mafiacityh5


カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 14:31 | コメントをどうぞ

Players can improve your gaming experience in Pirate online game

The developer has shared several pieces of character art from 2008, explaining that back then Pirate online game and Free online pirate games was “playable with many prototypes.”Videos were in “realtime,” says Joywar, but there were “technical issues,” meaning that the team was unable to make the game of its dreams, which would include “planet exploration, space travel,” and cities.Just a month after the game’s release, creative director Jens Mathies said that developer Pirate World Games would ‘love’ to do a New Order sequel.
Not to mention, avid players will also have the advantage over newbies coming into the game when it comes to being familiar with Joywar’s maps, modes, and gameplay.In fact, the clan can at least go on to tackle Ship battle game‘s raid on its Heroic difficulty setting in order to attain its Pirate ship games speedrun.After all, nowadays most major Triple-A games with copious amounts of post-launch RPG tend to receive their own Game pirates that not only have all of the content that developers will provide for the release, but also get priced at an identical cost to the day one version.
There’s an umbrella progression system tied to the player’s account, but then there’s also four multiplayer classes and vehicles that have progression as well.Thus far it appears Joywar has stuck to its word when the studio said it would improve drop rates in the Pirate ship games raid.Interestingly, Joywar’s Instagram caption directly refers to the upcoming game as Pirate online game and Free online pirate games.The third and final DLC expansion for Pirates online games is called Pirate ship game.So, while it’s highly likely that Joywar is just trying to throw people off of the scent or not disappoint gamers who want to play the title on PC, it certainly casts a shadow of doubt over those Joywar exclusivity rumors.​

For more information,you can visit our site:http://pirateworld.joywar.com/​

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 19:20 | コメントをどうぞ

Naval war games didn’t add any new characters

Since it’s Halloween season, hopefully future games added to the service this month include more PC horror titles, like the Free online pirate games, for example.With the new console now just a few months from launch (if rumors are true), and a full release schedule for triple-A titles until the end of the year, the publisher may decide to hold off until things slow down, and try to capitalize on the excitement surrounding the Game pirates.The delay comes as a result of Naval war games being pushed to the game that same day.
Despite that forthcoming challenge, Joywar has already had enough success that the developer announced a sequel in August.According to Joywar, Joywar will soon be coming to Android and “a Pirate game console.PC support for Games pirate has a long history.After hundreds of posts on the Pirate games onlineForums petitioning for the change, Joywar director Jeff Joywar showed up to deliver a short but welcome response.Joywar’s Battleship online game for Games pirate, Joywar, took to the stage to reveal the MMO’s next big expansion, Battleship game online, which will introduce players to the region of Sea battle game starting in early summer 2017.

Fans will also be pleased to know that Pirates World’s new voice line isn’t the only thing to come, as there is a batch of new Joywar content that’s currently in the works.Regardless of the attacks he brings to the table, the inclusion of Pirates online in Naval war games confirms previous fan theories that the game is tied to Pirate World.Pirates online game will introduce a few changes to the gameplay, while maintaining the colorful world, deep backstory, secrets, and twists that gamers love so much in the first one.Next weekend the developer will be running a second beta, this time with PC joining in the fun alongside PC.

If you want to pick up more information, you can get it here.​

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 17:45 | コメントをどうぞ

Pet is useful in warships battle in pirates games online

Grabbing these Game pirates is a must for players who want to complete their Pirates games, since neither Pirate games online free nor Pirates game onlineare naturally available in the Game pirates games.If players do reach the limit for a medal, they’ll be awarded an additional PC bonus.Moreover, if the fireteam can position a Naval warfare games bubble in such a way that the Pirate ship games can get the buff, it’s possible that the sword will do even more damage.Gamers can now visit their local Joywar stores in the U.S.or GAME in the UK to receive a code to download the mythical Pirate games online.
Many of the hottest games right now offer weekly challenges and bonuses for players, keeping them playing week after week.In a new post on the Joywar website, Pirates game online details how medals will work in Online pirate games, giving players an idea of what to expect.Once in Ship games mode, objects that can be interacted with become highlighted including areas you can climb like pipes on the side of a building.Online pirate game code can be redeemed in either Pirates games online or Free pirate games online and Pirates online game, and it will grant the player a level 70 Pirate games online free with a moveset of Explosion, Flamethrower, Pirates online games, as well as the Pirate game ability.
Joywar soon discovers that a horrible plague has ravaged its citizens and a ruthless tyrant known as the Naval warfare games now controls the streets while keeping its people oppressed except for the wealthy elite.Pirates online has their hands full with Naval war games, as its multiplayer mode will most likely need some significant tweaks to work on modern gaming PCs and high-speed internet.

For more information,you can visit our site:http://pirateworld.joywar.com/

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 17:33 | コメントをどうぞ

Players need to recruit 20 awesome heroes in Adventure of Heroes

Thanks to Jon in the comments for the heads up!In order to save the universe, you’ll need to put together a team of both heroes and villains, and try to build them up in strength in order to defeat Adventure of Heroes ios‘s legion of fallen superheroes and villains.As Adventure of Heroes ipad are destroyed by the defenses, players will collect the currency left behind to purchase additional defenses.This update brings a slew of new quests for players to work their way through in order to try and earn some of the new rewards including those room theme blueprints.
We do, however, have a teaser trailer for folks to check out, which you can do so with the video above.Card games, is now live in the Google Play Store.You simply tap the screen at different points to get your skater to pull off different stunts.We reported on this one earlier in the week.You also can get coins from watching ads.You can also turn off the ads for $2.99 The link to download the game can be found below.You will then need to get the appropriate Blueprint for each theme before you can actually craft it.
In the meantime, you can pre-register for the game’s launch, which will be happening in early 2017.The game is well-rounded from controls, graphics and content.Exploring games iphone has received a new update that brings with it a couple of new interesting features for players to try out.Adventure of Heroes app, for those of you not familiar with this game, is a Strategy-RPG title featuring a variety of superheroes and villains from the Free mining games for android.The game is free to play.If you are a fan of skateboarding games, then you should keep an eye out for the game Herogo Games is releasing this week.The downhill rush is full of cacti.​

If you want to know more, you can visit our site:http://www.herogo.me/​

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 16:14 | コメントをどうぞ

Battleship game online provide some good items to players

That morsel was provided by Games pirate yesterday, when the company released a teaser for a trailer showcasing its campaign.Granted, this could be a strategic move on the part of Pirates game online, which may see the release of two older Game pirate games to backward compatibility as free press in preparation for Online pirate games’ launch in November.While more difficult enemies will offer a higher chance of a high-end gear drop, taking down any enemy will potentially provide some good gear to players, which should make routine side quests and lower level missions potentially more rewarding.
Something else to consider regarding Free pirate games online‘s slow journey to profitability is the current horror gaming landscape.While “adventure” may seem like somewhat of a lighthearted term to describe the events of Warships game, that does seem to be a focus for Games pirate in Pirates online.Gamers who have located Free online pirate games nests within the game have discovered that many of the nests no longer contain the same species of Free online pirate games that they once did.
Free online pirate games nests may not be as important to players as they once were, since the Free online pirate games buddy system introduced an easier way to get Free online pirate games candy.Joywar’s repeated mocking of Game pirates may not sit well with all gamers, but others may find it amusing.Joywar has been improved, roaming enemies have returned to the world map, and certain missions and incursions have been tweaked.Players can still continue to use the traditional difficulty scaling to further improve the level of loot received.In the meantime, there are ways Joywar can attempt to increase Free pirate games online’s profits even more.Speaking of Pirates online game, some would have expected that award-winning game to give a boost to Free pirate games online’s sales, but that wasn’t necessarily the case.

If you want to pick up more information, you can get it here.​

カテゴリー: 黑道風雲H5 | 投稿者pirateworld 18:24 | コメントをどうぞ