Social Media & Self Esteem: How To Build Confidence And Love Your Looks Part 2

Psychologists use the term “body image” to describe our internalized sense of what we look like. This can be thought of as a mental representation or map of our body, held against what we judge as our external appearance. For most of us, there is a relatively good match between what we think we look like and how we appear to other people.

But with the rise of social media and the phenomena of the selfie, Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a Manhattan-based neuropsychologist, says it can be harder to maintain a positive body image these days. “To some extent our body image is idealized, based on how we would like to look. It is also based on a mirror image of our actual appearance,” she explained. Other people see animated or moving images, whereas we view our own image mainly through photographs or mirrors where our expression is still. Dr. Hafeez totally gets the perils that women can fall into in on Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms. Check out her tips from Dr. Hafeez on how to love and accept yourself more.

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Focus on what you have the power to change. Rather than spending your energy on wishing you were taller, redirect your focus on something you can change, like toning up with a yoga or Pilates class, or honing one of your talents. Then celebrate with a new handbag.

Surround yourself with beauty. Creating a beautiful environment at home or in your workspace will provide a greater sensual experience, which is what we all crave. Keep fresh flowers on your desk or table, add some silk pillows to your sofa, play your favorite music while cooking dinner, and drink mineral water out of a nice wine glass!!

Ask for help if you need it. Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up and who contribute to your happiness and look to them when you falter in your goals. Whether you need help sticking to a healthy eating plan, a buddy to workout with, a personal trainer to show you how to do the exercise that is right for you or someone to discuss emotional issues with — never be afraid to ask.

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