日別アーカイブ: 2016年5月6日

How mommyhood changes a woman

Becoming a mother is one of those experiences that changes a woman forever — and not just physically. These alterations are subtly visible in the way her personality undergoes a makeover once she gives birth and becomes engrossed in rearing her child. There are psychological, physiological and emotional changes, most of which are for the better — thereby elevating this phase in a woman’s life to be one of the epitomes of her existence.

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The deeply satisfying phase enriches her

Motherhood is demanding, however, at the same time, it is deeply satisfying too and this contentment enriches the mother to a large extent. Weight management and Ayurveda professional Dr Amrapali Patil says, “A mother instinctively knows that she is a special creation because she alone has been given the power to bring forth another human life and this builds up her resilience, character, strength, happiness, confidence, faith, love — all these characteristics reflect externally, making the mother look more charming and charismatic.”

Hormones play their magic and enhances her beauty

A new mom -to-be’s body is flooded with pregnancy-related hormones, say doctors. These tend to add a lovely glow to the skin, which make her appear radiant and fresh. The quality of her hair also improves, and hair fall reduces due to these hormones, say experts. The body develops soft curves and the breasts look fuller. Cosmetologist Dr Jaishree Manchanda says, “A woman’s blood flow changes during pregnancy. This increased blood flow happens in order to help nourish the growing baby, but by a happy accident, it can make a woman look gorgeous and radiant too. So, once a woman is pregnant, her skin glows with an unmistakable radiance.”

Motherhood becomes a source of strength

Being a mother requires strength and the process of going into labour and delivering a baby requires a woman to have faith and vanquish fear. Patil says, “This enhances her confidence further (a concept referred to as the Aishwarya Bhava in Maharishi Patanjali and Ashthanga Yoga). This adds to her internal stamina to take on life and manifests externally as enhanced body confidence.” And one of the best things that a woman can wear is her confidence.

The immense power of pure love becomes a reality

Becoming a mother increases a woman’s ability to love by many folds. Patil adds, “Love is a very powerful emotion and tends to make the facial features become tender, soft and less fierce. Such a face is more joyful, appealing and attractive.”

Tips a mother can follow to enhance her beauty

Though one day in the year is not enough to celebrate motherhood, at least on Mother’s Day, many acknowledge the mother who is invariably taken for granted on all other days. Mothers need to take care of themselves — their hair, skin etc and Dr Manchanda gives us tips…


Have a healthy diet that is rich in antioxidants to strengthen the roots of your hair.

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The best natural ingredients to deal with this are aloe vera and eucalyptus.

Dark circles and puffy eyes:

Sleep for seven to eight hours, eat healthy and stay hydrated.


Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables. Use cocoa butter, almond or olive oil on skin to avoid stretch marks.

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