Here Are 5 Beauty Trends That Should Stay In 2016

Yes, we all are grateful in some way or the other that this year is coming to an end. Not only has 2016 been a rollercoaster ride for all of us, but even the beauty industry witnessed some strange trends. Think about saplings manicure, claw nails, and all things unicorn – even unicorn highlighter. We appreciate evolution in beauty, but here are five major trends that we feel should stay in 2016.

Bold boxy eyebrows


pics:cocktail dresses

Yes, we know that thin eyebrows are not the trend de jour. We are not talking about the un-groomed eyebrows (we love those). It’s about the boxy Instagram brows. There is something about those boxy lines and the dramatic arch that makes the eyebrows look fake. Your brows can still look full, but you want them to be soft.

Claw nails

claw-nails.jpgCan these just be gone already? We thought that they wouldn’t make a return after 2015, but they came back looking sharper than ever. Let’s not make them a mainstay in the coming year. After all, they are not even practical.

Kylie Jenner lips

kylie-jenner-lips.jpgWe don’t understand the obsession with over-lined and over-injected lips. Yes, lining your lips a bit with a nude liner to create a fuller version works. But, going all they way out to inject to the degree that makes your pout looks bee-stung is just not cool. This practice not only looks fake, but also makes your face appear bigger than it is. It’s time we bid adieu to it.

Heavy strobe

heavy-strobe.jpgWe are not asking you to give up on your highlighter. We love strobing. High-beam cheekbones may gain you a lot of “likes” on social media, but an intense strobe doesn’t necessarily look great IRL. You don’t want your make-up to look chunky, you want it to look flawless. So, dust your highlighter with a light hand.

Super matte lips

matte-lips-.jpgAgain, liquid lipsticks look great in pictures, but their texture is not very flattering. They give a very dry feeling and the lips start cracking in no time. If you still love your matte lipstick then make sure to exfoliate your lips, and keep your pout well hydrated so that it glides easily.

Read more:formal wear

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