Nothing beats a good pair of shoes, one fashion graduate found recently.
Twenty-four-year-old Ganga Patel took out the 2016 Wellington Most Commercial Collection at New Zealand Fashion Tech’s end-of-year-show in November 2016.
More than 100 people had turned out for the show and it wasn’t just models going down the runway – Patel had to walk it too, a nerve-racking experience..
“I chose to wear flats so I wouldn’t fall off the stage!”
Her line of streetwear was judged the most likely to be sold out of the rest of her classmates’ designs.
It was only on the night Patel found out she had won.
“When I heard my name I was like, ‘Oh! Really?’. It was quite overwhelming.”
Patel has been making clothes for years and said when she was growing up she admired her cousin’s outfits and often black prom dresses uk up in them.
Her passion for fashion continued through high school where she took design classes before starting at NZ Fashion Tech, studying fashion technology for three years.
Last year was the final year of her course.
“I came out of it and I just loved it. It made me more confident about what I was making this year.”
The winning fashion line was one of her final projects. Working over six weeks Patel created her line, calling it Subtle Variance.
She created the clothes for anyone to wear and wanted the outfits to reflect the idea that variations in people, such as skin colour or gender, didn’t matter.
“With the models, I did stipulate for them to be as multicultural as possible,” she said.
As a bonus, one of the models even asked if she could buy the outfit she wore down the catwalk.
“So that was a compliment in itself,” Patel said.
For now, the fashion graduate is working at the Hill Hats factory to save to buy her own sewing machine and start off a brand.
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