High school students protesting “sexist” dress code

Pupils of the Stanislas College in Delft are attending school on Tuesday in crop-tops and hot-pants in protest against the new prom dresses 2016 code. The school’s director sent a letter to parents stating that students and staff members are not allowed to wear “short shorts/skirts and short shirts”.

Hotpants and crop-top (Photo: CSD2006/Wikimedia Commons)“I want to show that they can not send us home because of our clothes”, an 18-year-old pupil said to the Telegraaf. “Clothing is for girls in high school a way to express themselves. It enables them to differentiate themselves from the group. Almost all the girls at school try to look alike. Being different is scary and I don’t think that the small group of girls who can put their insecurity aside and dare t pull those cute shorts out of the closet should be hampered by restrictions.”

The revealing clothing in summer fashion is sometimes a struggle at many schools, according to a survey done by newspaper AD. Arnoud Kuijpers, teacher at Candea College, can see that some summer fashions can be considered distracting, but feels that he can’t say anything about it. “That might seem sexist”, he said to the newspaper. “I ask a female colleague to do so if it really can not be tolerated.”

“If the school starts to too much resemble a beach in Scheveningen, I intervene”, Adam van Heest, rector of the Prince Maurits school group in Middelharnis. “The school is a workplace, so you do not come in beach attire. If you’re with your employer soon, you’ll also have to appear in appropriate clothing.”

Marcel van Loo, rector of the OMO School Group in Bergen op Zoom, also admits to having to address a few girls every summer on their clothing. “If large parts are exposed, we will talk. Because it is distracting and makes some teachers feel downright uncomfortable.”

Read more:2016 prom dresses

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