月別アーカイブ: 2023年4月

New Balance新春系列!327、2002R,574新色面世

New Balance新春系列到著!每逢農曆新年的到來,各大運動品牌皆會推出新年特別版波鞋,而New Balance又不例外。新年版波鞋通常以紅,金色等俗氣設計,應節但不實用。有見及此,新百倫今回將以低調,百搭處理鞋款的設計,只用少許篇幅點綴,以全新面貌帶來327,2002R,574等鞋王!


鞋迷對New Balance 327、2002R,574等鞋款不迫生,而且當中有不少款式更是一對難求,相信過多鞋迷仍在尋找他們的「 Perfect Pair」。在入手任何新鞋之前,不妨先看一看2021 New Balance新春系列,看一看當中有沒有你們的心頭好。


是次新春系列一共2種配色的NB327,某種灰紅主調,另一款則以藍黃主調,再裝載深色皮和尼龍材質。外形設計卻是取材自70年代3款經典鞋款,其中包括320、355及SuperComp。在設計上,鞋頭延續了3系跑鞋的經典「兔牙」設計,鞋身上下的紅,黃色「 N」字標記則以巨大化方式呈現。同時新Balance 327採用EVA泡沫中底為用家帶來著用時的舒適感,再加上布滿抓地顆粒的鑲滿外底並延伸至後跟位置,為現代鞋款帶來複古的味道。整體而言,小部分的紅,黃色充分點綴新年節日的喜慶元素又不會過於誇張,影響鞋款的日常著用。

2. New Balance 2002R

繼早前的New Balance 2002R「黃牛年」,今番新春系列將再為2002R鞋款帶來新配色。今回推出全黑,米白配色,比起俗氣的紅,金色,低調的黑,材質方面,使用了牛巴戈皮,膚色皮,網眼布等製作鞋身。除了一般鞋的縫線,更使用了電綉提高鞋的工整度。底盤上,沿用一樣具有穩定性WEB和Ndurance足弓支撐和大底技術。配超舒適腳感,令2002R鞋款完勝其他New Balance鞋款。


多餘有點年紀的鞋迷最初接觸New Balance的契機都是New Balance 574,是很多鞋迷的共同回憶。今個系列推出的New Balance 574以白,灰色作主軸,打造純色簡約風格,同時設置了整體而言,百搭復古鞋形裝載升級鞋底,能夠修飾身形比例之餘,又是回憶滿滿的誠意之作。

▍搜索推薦NB鞋New Balance 推薦New Balance 穿搭

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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 16:34 | コメントをどうぞ

復古的白羊座的NEW BALANCE 327

品牌: 白羊座x New Balance

型號: 327

主要特點:白羊座採用了New Balance的70年代風格的New Balance 327,並為其添加了90年代的風味。該運動鞋採用全白或全黑皮革製成,並配有反光細節。白羊座的版本是對90年代初期足球露台美學的致敬,並與相匹配的運動服一起穿著。


發行日期: 10月30日(預發行),11月6日(更廣泛的發行)

白羊座繼續與New Balance建立長期合作夥伴關係,以90年代為靈感的足球露台設計取代了New England運動服公司的327。這雙鞋是今年年初推出的全新設計,靈感來自New Balance的「 70年代的設計語言。

當它與卡薩布蘭卡(Casablanca)合作的一部分上線銷售就實現斷貨時,它一夜之間就受到熱捧,而白羊座(Aries)的版本是最新版本,官方預測很有可能售罄。Aries x New Balance 327將於10月30日首先通過Aries發售,然後於11月6日在指定零售商處發布。具體結果我們拭目以待。

▍搜索推薦NB鞋New Balance 推薦New Balance 穿搭

結語:潮流品牌New balance 推薦Blog專註於新款NB鞋子推薦、開箱、評價、穿搭…等最新資訊,歡迎大家訂閱和點贊!


カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 16:33 | コメントをどうぞ

經典不敗3系列歸來!New Balance 327春夏配色,即將洗版IG

從與thisisneverthat聯名再到和WTAPS的合作,New Balance(NB)總是能帶給粉絲驚喜,如今品牌更宣布讓旗下經典的320鞋款重生,推出延續其風格的327鞋款,並帶來包括經典灰色在內的3款春夏配色,以讓美式復古佔領各大社群版面。

New Balance 320跑鞋在1976年發售,曾經為長跑選手Tom Fleming所著用的鞋款,設計以大「N」標誌、尼龍以及麂皮出名。透過這次的重塑,New balance 327有著更加巨大的「N」標誌、EVA泡棉中底以及升級過的麂皮與尼龍材質。配色方面除了品牌經典的灰色以外,還替男性朋友迎來橘、黃、藍拼接而成的搶眼色調;女性朋友則有專屬的黑粉配色可以選擇。

▲New Balance 327延續麂皮與尼龍材質,並加入更巨大的N標誌與EVA泡棉中底。(圖/翻攝自New Balance)

▲另有推出女性專屬的黑粉色調。(圖/翻攝自New Balance)


此外,有著「最適合搭配工裝的球鞋」稱號的WTAPS X New Balance 992,日前正式發售後,其轉售價格一路飆漲,目前平均售價已經超過台幣3萬元,並持續上漲中,但仍然有工裝迷不惜花費巨資也要將這雙鞋買到手,可見該鞋款在粉絲眼中的地位有多麼崇高。

▍搜索推薦NB鞋New Balance 推薦New Balance 穿搭

結語:潮流品牌New balance 推薦Blog專註於新款NB鞋子推薦、開箱、評價、穿搭…等最新資訊,歡迎大家訂閱和點贊!


カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 16:32 | コメントをどうぞ

Three Ways To Tell If A Silver Bracelet Is Real Or Fake

Young girls who do not like the extravagance of gold jewelry may try the simplicity and elegance of silver jewelry. It is not flashy but delicate enough, especially the silver bracelet adorning the wrist, carrying a romantic atmosphere that is gentle and generous. It is strongly recommended that you choose a silver bracelet or necklace from Jenna Sinatra website, which is exquisitely crafted, of guaranteed quality, and has a variety of styles to meet various occasions. However, even though silver bracelets are not expensive, there are often incidents of substandard quality when purchasing. If the silver content is poor or the silver bracelet is fake, it is easy to encounter the embarrassing situation of color fading when worn. How to judge the authenticity of a silver bracelet? Here are three tips to help you, my dear beauty lovers.

Look At The Color

The higher the silver content in the silver bracelet, the better the quality. Silver jewelry is elegant and not particularly bright. The higher the quality of the silver bracelet, the more rustic it appears, and the color is more elegant. If there are other metal additives, it will look particularly bright. Therefore, we can also judge the authenticity of a silver bracelet by its color. However, the lighting in jewelry stores is very good now, and even the brightness of silver bracelets is relatively high. We can compare them in a backlighted area. If the brightness of the bracelet is still high on the backlit surface, it is likely to be a fake silver bracelet. Of course, if you choose the Jenna Sinatra bracelet with quality assurance you don’t have to worry about this problem.

Look At The Hardness

The hardness of a silver bracelet is relatively low, after all, silver is a soft metal that is easily bent and deformed. When choosing a silver bracelet, we can judge its hardness by its degree of resistance to bending. If the silver content is relatively high, it can be bent with a little force, indicating that it is a genuine silver bracelet. However, if the silver content is relatively low, the hardness will be relatively high and not easy to bend. When choosing a silver bracelet, you can try to bend it with a little force. Be careful not to exert too much force. If the silver bracelet bends too much, it will be difficult to handle, and you will have to buy it.

Listen To The Sound

If you think that the hardness method is a bit risky, we can also choose to listen to the sound to judge the authenticity of the silver bracelet. The sound produced by pure silver is relatively mellow and stable, without sharp and piercing feelings. Therefore, when we naturally throw the bracelet up, we can judge the authenticity of the silver bracelet by the sound it makes when falling. If the silver content is relatively high, the sound produced when falling is very stable, with a “click, click” sound. And the sound is mellow and without elasticity. But if you hear a clear and bright sound, or even a bit piercing, it means that the silver content in the bracelet is not high.


The above content introduces how to distinguish silver bracelets, hoping to be helpful to you. Finally, you can choose a double-layered wrapped bracelet, which adds exquisite beauty to simplicity. It is especially suitable for young girls, not overly monotonous, but full of delicate beauty. Especially in the spring and summer seasons, as our clothing becomes lighter and thinner, a beautiful bracelet can add a touch of charm to the wrist, which is soft and exquisite. Matched with a Jenna Sinatra necklace set with sapphires, it becomes even more charming.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 14:48 | コメントをどうぞ

Learn To Choose A Necklace Based On Your Collar!

As the weather cools down, women start to swap out their summer clothes for fall fashion staples like blouses and knitwear. Necklaces are a must-have accessory for enhancing the beauty of a woman’s long and elegant neck and are the perfect complement to fall fashion. In particular, choosing a Jenna Sinatra necklace, which is exquisitely elegant and adorned with dazzling gems, will make you even more charming.

However, how can you pair necklaces with your outfits to enhance your overall look? Many women give up wearing necklaces because they don’t know how to match them, but matching necklaces with outfits is actually very easy – you just need to choose them based on your collar to add a touch of color and sophistication!

Round Collar

Women can’t avoid wearing T-shirts with round collars in their daily outfits. Although they are classic and never go out of style, they can also become aesthetically fatiguing. If you add a delicate and perfect Jenna Sinatra necklace, everyone’s eyes will definitely be drawn to this beautiful piece. Fashionable women can purchase exquisite jewelry from the Jenna Sinatra website, not only necklaces but also unique and stylish Jenna Sinatra bracelets. Choosing the Jenna Sinatra collection of jewelry will give you unexpected results.

Since the round collar is versatile, you can pair it with both long and short necklaces. However, when pairing with a round collar, we need to determine whether the collar is large or small. If it is a small round collar, the necklace must be long enough to be seen above the collar. A long necklace is simple, stylish, and elegant, and it will make you look even more slender and refined when paired with the necklace. If the collar is a large round collar, then you need a relatively short necklace. Since a large collar already shows off your collarbone, there’s no need to overdo it. A short necklace can complement your face and collarbone while pairing well with your clothes, making it the best choice.

Square Collar

This summer, the square collar is a very popular fashion item, and it will undoubtedly continue to be popular in the fall. Many women don’t have perfect shoulder and back lines, so round collars are not a good choice for them in the fall. Why not try the trendy square collar instead? It can make you look “edgy” and powerful, making it an excellent choice for working women. Pairing a necklace with it is even more suitable. If paired perfectly, you’ll look like a queen from medieval Europe, with an overwhelming aura.

Square collars usually have a large neckline, so women need to choose necklaces that don’t exceed the neckline. Try choosing a “Y”-shaped necklace that can extend the line of your neck, making you look very energetic. Avoid selecting complex necklace styles, or it may make you look messy. Choosing thin chains or multi-layered necklaces to pair with square collars is an excellent way to look smart and stylish.

Straight Collar

Although the fall season may be slightly chilly, it’s still possible to wear straight collars or strapless clothes. When matching necklaces with these styles, you can select more ornate and sophisticated necklaces, such as Jenna Sinatra’s beautiful gemstone necklaces. For strapless clothes, you can choose to wear longer necklaces, so they complement the neckline and the style of the clothes. A shorter necklace works better with straight collars, highlighting the beautiful lines of the collar and the neck.


Today we introduced so many necklace pairing techniques, which can add a beautiful color to your neck. As long as you remember to wear the right fashionable item, you can guarantee that you will reach new heights of beauty. Remember these few points and you will no longer have to worry about being flustered when pairing with Jenna Sinatra’s necklace. Goddesses, hurry up and learn!

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 14:47 | コメントをどうぞ

Necklaces, The Secret Of Sophisticated Women

If someone asks what the most elegant jewelry for women is, many would say necklaces. Indeed, a delicate necklace can instantly elevate a woman’s temperament and create different styles. No wonder foreign royalty and queens like to wear necklaces!

It is well known that Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom has many stunning jewels, with her crown collection being the most famous. But her necklaces are also equally precious and treasured. The Spanish queen not only has good taste in clothing, but also wears exquisite and charming jewelry, which complements her elegant and beautiful temperament.

A necklace that suits you is a magical treasure that can make you shine and stand out in the crowd. Since necklaces are so important, how can you use them as a summer weapon in your daily life? Today, I’m here to teach you some tips on how to wear necklaces.

Delicacy Is The Basic Foundation Of Matching

If you feel that mix-and-match necklaces are too flamboyant, you can choose delicate and slim necklaces. The feminine charm needs the support of jewelry, and a thin enough necklace is the basic foundation for matching. Choose an elegant Jenna Sinatra necklace, which is the easiest way to match elegance and fashion in the summer. Jenna Sinatra website has a variety of exquisite necklaces, such as jewel necklaces, pendant necklaces, and more. In addition to a rich selection of necklace styles to choose from, there are also many different necklace lengths to choose from. A short necklace can be worn directly, and the collarbone can also be highlighted to be more sexy. Longer necklaces can also create a more elegant and dignified visual sense, creating a simple and fashionable style.

Mixing Different Materials

In summer, cool dressing becomes the focus of clothing, and it’s also a good idea to make some changes in the way you wear jewelry. For example, wearing a mixed-material beaded necklace can not only decorate the empty neck, but also add detailed changes to summer dressing. If you still don’t feel enough retro, you can also mix in amber, honey wax and other jade, presenting a mix of material charm.

Flowing Lines Complement Temperament

The smoothness of a necklace’s lines is a fashion weapon that combines beauty and versatility, and can showcase a woman’s beauty even from behind. Necklaces with flowing lines are like a long waterfall hanging naturally from the air, giving people a sense of beauty. In addition, the elegant design of the flowing lines elongates the neck, bringing out a person’s elegant temperament. Whether paired with short sleeves or dresses, it can be very charming.


In summary, every woman needs a suitable and beautiful necklace to match her outfit. Having an elegant necklace can help you become the most delicate and elegant goddess. Welcome to Jenna Sinatra website to choose from our beautiful necklaces and Jenna Sinatra bracelets. The sparkling gems will make you even more charming. The Jenna Sinatra website offers a variety of exquisite Jenna Sinatra necklaces and bracelets that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re looking for a delicate pendant necklace or a bold statement piece, there is something for everyone.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 14:47 | コメントをどうぞ

Necklace Matching And Techniques

Necklaces are accessories that make women more charming. Regarding the selection of necklaces, we highly recommend you to choose the necklace endorsed by Jenna Sinatra. You can purchase it on the Jenna Sinatra website. The Jenna Sinatra necklace collection includes a range of styles, such as jewelry necklaces, pendant necklaces, and more. Each piece is crafted with precision and features stunning details, making them a great choice for dressing up any outfit. After choosing the appropriate necklace, I will now share the matching and techniques of necklaces.

The Relationship Between Necklaces And Collars

A pointed collar shape can be paired with not only a regular necklace but also a long necklace. Don’t be afraid to layer several necklaces together, like two long necklaces matched with a pointed collar outfit, which often looks more vivid than a single necklace.

A boat neckline and a choker necklace are a perfect match, and a longer necklace is also good as long as the necklace does not end exactly at the bottom of the collar.

A high collar can be paired with any necklace that is less than 3 centimeters below the collarbone.

When wearing a round-necked outfit with a necklace, be careful that the necklace’s arc line is not completely parallel to the collar shape.

The Relationship Between Necklaces And Face Shapes

A long face shape is more suitable for wearing a “round effect” necklace, such as traditional jewelry, gemstone short necklaces, which surround the neck and emit personal unique charm. A short leather cord necklace not only conforms to your face shape but also represents fashion requirements. It can highlight your beauty while making your face look a bit shorter.

An oval face shape needs to follow the pendant that has a “lower edge greater than the upper edge,” plus the V-shaped line presented by the chest lock, which will perfectly set off your graceful and elegant temperament. In fact, many necklace shapes are suitable for oval faces, just pick the one you like.

People with a round face shape are not suitable for wearing a choker or a large necklace made of spherical beads. Too many lines are not conducive to adjusting your face shape’s visual impression. If you wear a longer necklace with a pendant, you can use the “V” angle formed by the necklace’s hanging to enhance the coherence between the face and neck. That is, connect a part of the neck and a part of the face to change the face’s visual length.

People with a square face shape can wear a beautiful arc-shaped necklace to soften the facial lines. If wearing a bead necklace, avoid diamond or square shapes. Square-faced people can choose a necklace with a pendant or a necklace that is long enough to reach the collarbone. The necklace can form a beautiful arc in front of the chest, which can balance the wider jawbone line. For shorter-necked people, a necklace with a length below the middle of the chest gland is a good choice.

The Relationship Between Necklaces And Necklines

People with short necks are suitable for delicate necklaces and necklaces with pearls arranged from small to large. If you have a double chin or triple chin, you can choose not to wear a necklace.

People with long necks can wear close-fitting necklaces, thick and solid necklaces, and long pendants with gemstones. They can also choose to overlap several thicker pearl chains. For example, if a woman with a long neck wears a thick and large necklace outside a round-necked blouse, the necklace’s length will be at the collarbone, and the effect will be amazing. Although they also have their own flaws, they are born to wear necklaces.


A unique necklace also needs a backdrop to showcase its beauty, just like the sparkling moonlight hanging high in the dark sky. Above, we have shared some tips on how to match necklaces. Finally, we would like to add a small tip. When it comes to matching clothes and necklaces, the colors of the clothes and necklaces should be in contrasting colors. If they are the same color, then the texture and brightness will be different. Remember! Wearing a necklace and matching it with clothing is very similar. You need to constantly try various combinations to get more special effects. Usually, many perfect combinations come from practice.

Last but not least, after learning the techniques of matching necklaces, we welcome you to Jenna Sinatra’s website to choose exquisite Jenna Sinatra necklaces or delicate Jenna Sinatra bracelets.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 14:46 | コメントをどうぞ

How To Choose A Necklace?

How to choose a necklace? A necklace pairing guide that anyone can learn! In the scorching summer, it’s the perfect time for girls to wear their favorite jewelry and show off their personal charm when going out. As an essential element of accessories, a suitable necklace can not only modify the face shape and elongate the neck but also demonstrate the girl’s dressing style. So, how can you choose a necklace that suits you? This article will comprehensively interpret different styles of necklaces suitable for different people from four aspects: “necklace length,” “necklace thickness,” “necklace material,” and “pendant size.” After reading this article, you can easily find a suitable style on the Jenna Sinatra website.

Necklace Length

Different lengths of necklaces are suitable for different styles of wear, and the exposed temperament will also vary greatly. Although each length has its own advantages, necklaces can be roughly divided into three categories: choker, collarbone chain, and long necklace.

A choker is the shortest type of daily necklace, with a length generally not exceeding 33cm. It gives people a natural and concise feeling and has a strong style. It is suitable for sexy and cool girls, and when paired with a low-necked T-shirt, it can highlight their presence.

The collarbone chain is the second-shortest in length and the most common because it is very versatile and suitable for various face shapes! The length of the collarbone chain can well modify the lines of the neck and collarbone, making it look more elegant. Generally, the collarbone chain will be paired with a pendant, which can guide the style, but it should not be too large. The best option is small and exquisite. This way, the visual focus can be highlighted.

A long necklace, also known as a sweater chain, generally has a length between the neck and chest, and the pendant is larger and more conspicuous. When paired with a high-necked garment, it can distinguish the layers well and has a gorgeous and elegant feeling. However, it is not suitable for V-necked clothes.

Necklace Thickness

For girls, when choosing the thickness of a necklace, they mainly consider the thickness of their neck. Generally, girls with thicker necks should not choose very thin necklaces, which will create a significant contrast with their necks and make them look thicker. The best option for these girls is to choose a necklace without extra pendants, with the chain itself as the design highlight. The recently popular Cuban chain or snake chain is a good choice. However, this type of thick necklace may look rough and is not suitable for delicate and gentle girls.

Necklace Materials

Different materials have their own advantages when it comes to necklace pairing. However, safety should be considered first. Unlike earrings and rings, necklaces have a larger surface area in contact with the skin, and the skin on the neck is also more sensitive. Therefore, when choosing a necklace, it is best to choose stable and less allergenic materials such as gold, silver, and platinum.

The Jenna Sinatra website offers exquisite Jenna Sinatra necklaces, including 925 silver necklaces, 18K gold-plated necklaces, and more. In addition, there are also delicate and elegant Jenna Sinatra bracelets to make you even more charming.

Pendant Size

Choosing the right pendant size is relatively simple. We can choose a pendant that corresponds to the thickness of the necklace: if the necklace itself is thin/short, it is best to choose a small and delicate pendant, which will look more refined and elegant. On the other hand, if the necklace is thick or the style is luxurious, a larger pendant should be chosen. In any case, the pendant is the most eye-catching “main character,” and we should avoid the necklace stealing the limelight.

Also, when choosing a pendant, we should consider the actual wearing situation. Do not choose extremely large or small pendants. For daily wear, a small pendant is more convenient for work and travel, while a large and heavy pendant will only add burden. However, if you want to increase your aura on important occasions, a large pendant is definitely a more direct “attention-grabbing tool.”

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者bella0302 14:45 | コメントをどうぞ