Self drilling anchor is in particular of interest for underground tunnelling

Rock reinforcement and ground control are key issues in underground excavation.
One scope of research, which is in particular of interest for underground tunnelling,
are self drilling anchor products. In the past decades, substantial
technical advances in the development and design of these systems have been
accomplished. On the basis of some practical examples, this manuscript illustrates
the development and successful application of self drilling anchor system.

The main features of all self-drilling anchors and rock bolts are the application of a
single-use drill bit in combination with the anchor rod being used as a drill steel. Thus,
the anchor or rock bolt is connected to the hydraulic rock drill by an adapter device
and installed in the way a conventional borehole is drilled. In modern underground
mining and tunnelling, the following types of self-drilling anchors and rock bolts are in
development or already available:
− Self-drilling hollow bar bolts
− Self-drilling resin grouted bolts
− Self-drilling friction bolts
− Self-drilling mechanical anchors

Metis has significant experience and know-how in the supply of self drilling anchor, components, finished goods, specially designed/engineered equipment, and services from China. The company caters to medium to large scale clients who are doing projects.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者metiscn 16:35 | コメントをどうぞ


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