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Eat Tiger is an eat-and-run verification community that helps members avoid being eaten and financially damaged when using Sports Toto and casinos, while providing members with a lot of benefits and safety. We help identify and share information with companies that are abusing online and private operations, and provide a guarantee company for safe use.

We provide a safe way to use the Toto site by realizing high profits without any damage in the future through the Eat Tiger Eat-and-Go verification method. In our Food Tiger, we will tell you how to verify an individual’s eat-and-run on the Toto site.

① Domain Search
There is a lot of scam verification community, and while exchanging information on scam sites, we provide information on many scam sites through “Google search”. We hope that the member will search for the address of the Toto site to join. If you search for a domain address, you will see a history of scams. If there is no record of eating, the first verification step is passed.
② Company name search 먹튀검증 커뮤니티 추천
Eat-and-go sites repeat scams and renewals. Often after being robbed, only the domain address is changed and the site name and site configuration remain the same. If the domain address is different, but there is a record of being scammed with the same site configuration and business name, it is better not to use it.
③ Search for charging account
They change the domain address and company name, renew all the site configuration, and repeat the scam. However, there are not many companies that spend a lot of money on expensive accounts and prepare for gossip. So, if the domain and company name have been passed, please do a Google search for the charging account number as well. Occasionally, after renewing all accounts, a charging account with a record of eating is found through account inquiry.
④ Check the operating period and server information
It is not recommended to use the Toto site during a short operating period. This is because information is lacking and the direction of future operations is unknown. If you look up a domain through “Whois Whois”, a domain information collection agency, you can find out the domain creation period and server information, and you can see how strong the firewall is.

먹튀타이거 먹튀검증 If any of the above is closely related to an issue related to eating, do not use it! It is more important to protect your precious member’s money before winning money and making a profit. Our Food Tigers provide more detailed verification and information through a verified institution. If you have any questions about eating and drinking verification, please contact us at any time through the food verification menu!


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カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者mttiger2022 13:31 | コメントをどうぞ


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