Để đáp ứng nhu cầu của các thuê bao của tôi, tôi sẽ liệt kê ra 5 nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất. Ngoài ra, tôi viết bài này để giải thích cẩn thận cho bạn về các nhà môi giới ngoại hối thấp nhất để bạn có thể nhận được lợi ích đầy đủ từ danh sách này.

Lan truyền là phí giao dịch bạn phải trả cho các nhà môi giới hoặc ngân hàng. Đó cũng là yếu tố phân biệt Giá thầu với Hỏi. Mức chênh lệch càng cao, chi phí giao dịch càng cao. Do đó, hầu hết các nhà giao dịch đều muốn kinh doanh với các nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp. Tôi hy vọng rằng bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn biết thêm về các nhà môi giới ngoại hối thấp nhất.

Sự khác biệt giữa lây lan và hoa hồng là gì?

Có 3 loại nhà môi giới ngoại hối là Market Maker, STP và ECN. Mức chênh lệch là thu nhập chính của Market Maker và STP, vì vậy họ sẽ tính phí chênh lệch cao hơn so với các nhà môi giới ECN. Market Maker và STP sẽ thêm phí giao dịch (chênh lệch) vào các báo giá đó (một quy trình gọi là Markup), khi họ nhận được báo giá từ các nhà cung cấp thanh khoản. Ngược lại, thu nhập chính của các nhà môi giới ECN là hoa hồng. Do đó, các nhà môi giới ECN sẽ cung cấp báo giá chính xác được cung cấp bởi các nhà cung cấp thanh khoản.

Sự khác biệt là:

- Lan truyền là thu nhập chính của các nhà môi giới Market Maker và STP.

- Hoa hồng là thu nhập chính của môi giới ECN là hoa hồng.

- Bạn sẽ bị tính phí cả hoa hồng và chênh lệch, nếu bạn kinh doanh với các nhà môi giới ECN. Tuy nhiên, những chênh lệch đó gần như bằng không và bạn chủ yếu trả tiền hoa hồng.

Chúng tôi sẽ tìm hiểu về 5 nhà môi giới phi ECN có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất trong bài viết này, bởi vì bạn sẽ chỉ bị tính phí chênh lệch khi bạn giao dịch với các nhà môi giới Market Maker và STP.

Dưới đây là top 5 nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất:






Những loại giao dịch viên có thể nhận được lợi ích môi giới lây lan thấp?
Có hai loại nhà giao dịch là nhà đầu tư và nhà đầu tư dài hạn.

Scalpers là những người giao dịch mở và đóng nhiều vị trí trong thời gian ngắn. Như thường lệ, các nhà giao dịch giữ vị trí của họ mở dưới 1 tháng là các nhà đầu tư. Ngược lại, các nhà giao dịch có vị thế mở hơn 1 tháng là nhà đầu tư dài hạn.

Nếu bạn là người đầu cơ, chênh lệch và hoa hồng là chi phí giao dịch chính của bạn, bởi vì bạn mở nhiều vị trí trong một thời gian ngắn. Hơn nữa, bạn cũng chỉ kiếm được một số pips trên mỗi đơn hàng, vì vậy các nhà môi giới hoa hồng thấp và hoa hồng thấp sẽ thuận lợi hơn cho bạn.

Nếu bạn là nhà đầu tư dài hạn, các vị trí của bạn có thể được mở lâu hơn để kiếm được hàng trăm pips cho mỗi vị trí. Các nhà đầu tư dài hạn chỉ phải trả tối đa 2% lợi nhuận của họ cho chênh lệch, vì vậy họ không cần phải chú ý nhiều đến chênh lệch và hoa hồng. Tuy nhiên, các vị trí của nhà đầu tư dài hạn sẽ mở trong nhiều tháng, vì vậy họ chủ yếu trả tiền cho trao đổi. Do đó, các nhà giao dịch dài hạn thích các nhà môi giới trao đổi thấp.

Rõ ràng, chúng tôi chỉ giao dịch với các nhà môi giới đáng tin cậy và quy định. Bên cạnh đó, bạn nên cân nhắc giao dịch.

Vì vậy, những loại giao dịch viên là bạn?

Nếu bạn là nhà đầu tư dài hạn, don don quan tâm đến sự lây lan.

Nếu bạn là scalpers, lây lan và hoa hồng là quan trọng.

Điều gì làm cho các nhà môi giới Hoa Kỳ và Vương quốc Anh cao:
Hai thị trường ngoại hối lớn nhất trên thế giới là Hoa Kỳ và Vương quốc Anh, nhưng các nhà môi giới của họ không cạnh tranh về chi phí giao dịch. Các nhà môi giới Hoa Kỳ và Vương quốc Anh không được phép cung cấp đòn bẩy hoặc tiền thưởng cao của chính phủ. Bên cạnh đó, họ phải trả nhiều hơn cho phí quy định. Do đó, các nhà môi giới của Hoa Kỳ và Vương quốc Anh có mức chênh lệch và hoa hồng cao. Nghiên cứu tiết lộ rằng chênh lệch và hoa hồng của các nhà môi giới Hoa Kỳ và Vương quốc Anh cao hơn so với các nhà môi giới Úc và CySEC.

Đọc thêm Các tiêu chí lựa chọn những sàn forex uy tín 

Thí dụ:

Dưới đây là mức chênh lệch EUR / USD của các nhà môi giới ngoại hối hàng đầu:

Spread cặp EURUSD
Giấy phép
0.7 Pip (Classic account)
1.1 Pip (Premium account)
1.1 Pip (Standard account)
1.7 Pips (Zero account)
1.7 Pips (Standard account)
1.8 Pips
1.7 Pips

Bằng cách nhìn vào bảng này, bạn có thể biết rằng Exness- một nhà môi giới CySEC, có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất. Các nhà môi giới của Vương quốc Anh và Hoa Kỳ có mức chênh lệch cao nhất cao gấp đôi so với Exness.

Tiêu chí nào thấp nhất tốt nhất phải đáp ứng:
Một lần nữa, chỉ khi bạn là người đầu cơ, môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho bạn.

Nhưng có một tá các nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp, vậy cái nào là tốt nhất cho bạn?

Bạn phải chắc chắn rằng các nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp tốt nhất mà bạn dự định giao dịch đáp ứng tất cả các tiêu chí dưới đây:

Quy định: Người môi giới phải được quy định ở nước bạn. Nếu bạn có thể tìm thấy một nhà môi giới được quy định tại quốc gia của mình, bạn nên chọn nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất và đáng tin cậy.

Hệ thống thanh toán cục bộ: Khi giao dịch với các nhà môi giới không có hệ thống thanh toán địa phương, thương nhân chỉ có thể gửi và rút tiền bằng Visa, thẻ tín dụng, Neteller và Skrill …. Hơn nữa, bạn sẽ bị tính phí 2 – 4% tổng số tiền gửi của mình như lệ phí cho các phương thức thanh toán quốc tế. Tóm lại, bạn không nên chọn những người môi giới không có hệ thống thanh toán địa phương.

Lan truyền thấp và hoa hồng. Như đã đề cập ở trên, mức chênh lệch và hoa hồng của Exness khá thấp, vì vậy bạn nên xem xét giao dịch với nhà môi giới này.

Những người ủng hộ địa phương tốt.

Tổng hợp:

Nếu bạn là nhà giao dịch Á CH U, Exness là nhà môi giới tốt nhất cho Scalpers.

Nếu bạn là thương nhân châu Phi, XM và FxPro là tốt nhất.

Nếu bạn là nhà giao dịch Hoa Kỳ, Forex.com là lựa chọn thông minh.

Nếu bạn là thương nhân châu u, bạn nên giao dịch với XM, FxPro và Exness.

Dưới đây là top 5 nhà môi giới có mức chênh lệch thấp nhất:






カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 15:47 | コメントをどうぞ


To be honest, forex trading is very hard for beginners, and it is demonstrated by some research that nearly 100% beginners failed when first started trading. Therefore, some people strongly recommend that beginners should start with forex demo account. They are also suggested practicing with this demo account several months before investing by their real money. In my opinion, I don’t think that this is a bad advice, but this is definitely not the best one. Because it is shown that the more you succeed with demo account, the more you lose with real accounts. Best forex brokers are the people who want you win with demo account so they usually offer better trading conditions for demo account, such as: lower spread, lower volatility, better execution and prices… Most forex trading beginners will become over confident when they win a lot of money from demo account. Therefore, they will think that they can handle with real account but they don’t know that real account is very different from demo account. So, they have to restart practicing with real account after several months of working with demo account. Actually, it takes time and money to learn to trade one more time. For some beginners, it even takes more time to study real trading account because of this first wrong way.

So, I really think that you should start with the right trading approach, which is using real trading account in the beginning. Besides, from my point of view, Cent account is the best real trading account for beginners because:

– Cent account is a real account. So, trading Cent account means you are trading in real trading conditions: real spread, real prices, real volatility, slippage… So, if you win with Cent account, you can win with other real account types.

– Trading Cent account will make you disciplined. Because if you don’t follow risk management, you will lose all of your fund instantly.

– Cent account is the best account for beginners because you are trading Cent Dollars. You can deposit 10$ and get 1000 USC in your account. For this 1000 USC, you can open hundreds of orders to practice trading. This is a real account so you can withdraw all your money and profit whenever you want. You may lose all your 10$ deposit. But it’s just 10$, which is enough for practicing for a month. This low studying cost can help you practice trading in real trading conditions. Moreover, because you are trading your real money, so you tend to study harder to improve your trading ability faster.

Why Exness Cent account is the best for forex trading beginners?


Big forex brokers usually don’t offer Cent accounts. Conversely, only small ones offer Cent account but it doesn’t mean that I recommend you to trade with this brokers. As I have said, brokers who are well-known offer better trading conditions and they are obviously more reliable. However, it is not true for Exness. It is one of the biggest retail forex brokers in the world but still offer Cent account. In order to know their trading volume, click here.

Please be aware of the fact that their report was audited by Deloitte, which is the most famous and independent audit company. So, you can obviously trust these reports. Click here to see more

Of course, beginners aren’t the people they want to target at, so they restrict the number of orders, but it’s still enough for you to practice within 1 to 2 month with the best broker and best trading conditions. I will show you why Exness’ Cent account is the best for you:

– The first reason is: Exness is the biggest retail forex broker. So, they are very famous and they have the best reputation. Click here to see more.

– Next, Exness Cent account don’t ask for minimum deposit. You can completely deposit as low as $1 or whatever you want. This is really important because most beginners don’t want to deposit too much money in the beginning. Click here to see more

– Thirdly, you can open positions at as low as 0.01 Cent or 0.0001$. You should know that this is the lowest minimum position value in the market. The lower the order’s value is, the better, because you are just a beginner and 90% chance that you will lose. The purpose of this stage is practicing. So, it can be understood that the lower the order’s value is, the more orders you can practice with. Because of this low minimum order value, you can practice from 1 – 3 months with just $10.

– Fourthly, Exness Cent account offers the highest leverage. It is true that the higher the leverage, the lower the margin. So, you will have more free margins to keep your orders open.

– Fifthly, you can deposit and withdraw from Cent account by local payment methods or by banks immediately. It’s very easy and convenient. Because you are just beginners, so the easier, the better.

– Finally, Exness will help you with local languages, which is very important for beginners because forex trading is very hard and complicated. I know that you will have loads of questions and it is lucky that only local language speaking supporters of Exness can help you to solve this problem. Moreover, Exness supports many countries in their local languages such as: China, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Saudi Arab, Iran, and English-speaking countries… So, it’s very convenient for you if you speak these languages.

How to open Exness Cent account?

Opening Exness Cent account is very easy for everyone, all you need is to have an email and a phone number and you just need to spend less than one minute to complete registration. So, why don’t you give it a try?

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:56 | コメントをどうぞ


Us traders always want to trade with the most reliable and trustworthy broker, however, it’s still quite difficult to give a conclusive answer as for who is the best broker since the answer itself varies from person to person. One broker who’s the best for you might not be that good for someone else and vice versa.

Nevertheless, in this article today, we’re going to share with you our top 5 largest forex brokers in 2019 which was rated largely based on trading volumes. It took us several months to gather enough information to properly make this list. We have tried giving reference point to other websites but we figured that the reviews out there on the internet are mostly fake. Most of them are written by people who are clearly not a forex trader, thus making their articles seem like a pure way to advertise the recently famous brokers. For example, most of them are about best forex brokers such as HotForex, Ichmarket, FBS or FXTM whose name are only recently recognized and known for targeting exclusively South East Asian and the Africa market. However, since not everyone is perfect, we may be wrong too and you should take our professional opinion with a grain of salt.

Here is our updated list of the top forex trading brokers in the world based on their month trading volumes:

  1. Exness.com: $395 Billions.

  2. XM.com: $320 Billions

  3. Forex.com: $300 Billions

  4. Saxo Bank: $300 Billions

  5. FXCM: $220 Billions.


1. Which standards to rank the largest forex brokers?

As we have mentioned above, in this article, we’ll be reviewing some of the top largest brokers based on their trading volume. A broker that has high trading volume should be quite trustworthy and has more to lose than those without so we should be feeling a little bit more assured when doing business with these ones. As far as we know, most top brokers out there publicly announce their monthly trading volumes as well as the name of the accounting company that did the auditing job to ensure the validity of those trading volume reports. For any broker that doesn’t publicly announce their trading volume record, we had another way of figuring it out which is to use statistic websites, or the news might mention some bit about it.

Xem danh sách những sàn forex có spread thấp nhất ngay.

Moreover, you should also note that there are some brokers that have impressive numbers of total trading volume and low forex trading volume at the same time. This is due to the fact that these brokers provide a wider variety of products such as Crypto, Forex, Future, Commodities, and Stock…


  • Forex.com’s total trading volume is $500 Billions, but Forex volume is $300 Billions.

  • Saxo Bank’s total trading volume is $600 Billions, but Forex volume is $300 Billions.

Learn more about Best ECN brokers now.

2. Why should we trade with these top forex brokers?

Most of the top brokers didn’t become one of the largest forex brokers because of good marketing. The majority of top brokers have over 7 years in the forex trading business without being involved in any official scam, so that must make that trustworthy to some extent. However, you also shouldn’t choose a broker solely because it’s one of the top ones. To choose a broker, you need to carefully consider many aspects such as location, trading conditions and your trading style/trading tactic. There’re also the smaller, shady brokers who would try to cheat on your money at every chance they get.

Why is it hard to identify a broker as shady at the beginning?

The majority of brokers, even the top, larger ones, all try to lure you in the forex trading market by making you win fairly more at the beginning, thus making you feel overconfident and thinking that forex trading isn’t all that bad. Well, forex trading should be hard for beginners but from the broker side, they want to make it looks easy so that you could lose more money to them. The benefit of trading with the top brokers is that you could have better trading conditions as well as feel more secured and protected. The smaller, shady broker won’t try to scam your money at first but only at the following months, after you’ve settled in and feel that this broker isn’t so bad. Most people don’t really recognize that they’re slowly losing money by doing business with shady brokers until it’s already too late to come back from the losses.

3. Choose brokers suitable for your location

For people who’re currently living in developing countries, local payment support sometimes can be a mandatory aspect when it comes to choosing a broker. That’s why for people who have problems with payment methods, you should also check some extra things when you’re choosing a broker such as:

  • Whether or not they are regulated in your countries.

  • Supports for local payment.

For people who’re living in developing continents such as Asia and Africa, we would suggest Exness to be your best broker since they offer excellent support in multiple language as well as supports for local payment. Exness is also famously known for their advanced payment system, which makes every transaction processing time to last no longer than 2 seconds.

Read more about Exness Cent account, the best choice for beginners.

If you are living in Europe, I consider Saxo Bank and Exness to be the best brokers that you could choose.

If you’re an Asian traders and still in doubts about whether or not should you trade with the US/EU brokers, we have an article suitable for you here: Best forex brokers for Asian traders

In conclusion, let us quote our list of the current top 5 largest forex brokers in 2018 again. We hope that after this article, we’ve helped you choose your broker to start your forex trading career with.

  1. Exness.com: $395 Billions.

  2. XM.com: $320 Billions

  3. Forex.com: $300 Billions

  4. Saxo Bank: $300 Billions

  5. FXCM: $220 Billions.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:55 | コメントをどうぞ


I often face a lot of questions about forex contests from my traders: “What are forex contests? How can we win them? Which are the best forex contests?” New forex traders are drawn to the contests to get prizes, the rules and the withdrawal conditions.

This article is provided to compare those factors of the best forex brokers. In addition, I will share some brokers: Exness, FXTM, and FBS with current contests: Exness Forex World Cup 2018, FXTM Titans, and FBS Pro. Some advice is also given for you to profit in these best forex contests.


  1. What should we do when taking part in the best forex contests?

Risk management is not a big concern

Obviously, you are trading by demo accounts, you should not think of risky situations. You are trading free, you do not need to take the risk into account.

Choose the highest leverage

When you choose the highest leverage, you are likely to win a lot of money. Therefore, you need to determine exactly what you need to do when entering forex contests. In fact, Exness has the highest leverage, which greatly appeals to many traders.

Create many accounts

You should create as many accounts as possible with a view to increasing the possibility of winning.

Use your trading bots

If you want to save your time and effort, you had better make use of trading bots. In fact, the profit rate is only 10,000%, you thus should not spend your valuable time.

Here are the list of current best forex contests for all traders.

FXTM Titans

Exness World Cup Contest



  1. Prizes of best forex contests that you should know.

Indisputably, traders are often attracted by some prizes when they join forex contests. They all believe that they will take part in these forex contests with a view to gaining more and more profit. In fact, the total prize of FXTM is $40,000 for 4 rounds. The total prize of FBS Pro is very low, which is only $1000, and their first prize is $450. Exness has the biggest prize, which is $120,000 for 12 rounds.

Here are the table which illustrates the prizes of these forex brokers.

Broker’s name

Number of rounds

Detailed prizes for each round



1st place – $3000

2nd place – $2000

3rd place – $1000

4th and 5th place – $500



1st place – $5000

2nd place – $2500

3rd place – $1200

4th place – $800

5th place – $500



1st place – $450

2nd place – $250

3rd place – $150

4th place – $100

5th place – $50

It is obvious that you have a chance to withdraw all your prizes when you win the contest hosted by FXTM. You can withdraw your half of prize when you win the contests offered by Exness. You can gain the rest of your prize when you trade at Exness.


  1. Is it important to follow rules of best forex contests?

When you decide to enter this competition, you just need to have a demo account. Due to the fact that they are demo trading contests, you do not need to pay much attention to the rules. It is very simple for you to know some basic things about this. After opening an account, you will be provided virtual amount of money from best forex brokers. Unquestionably, they will give you different virtual amounts of money. You will receive $100,000 from FXTM broker. In terms of FBS and Exness, they give you less amounts of virtual money than FXTM. It is transparent that the leverages applied for contests will be different among these brokers. Many traders prefer to choose Exness because they have the best leverage, which is 1:2000. FXTM and FBS have lower leverages, which are 1:500 and 1:100 respectively.

Some other rules of those brokers:

  • Traders can only get profit based on the amount of money provided by brokers at the beginning. They have no chance to deposit more.

  • When you win the contests, you have 5 days to inform your broker’s about the prize.

  • The brokers all have the right to solve something when arguments happen.

  • Each trader open and trade with 1 demo account in the contests.


  1. The main purpose of forex contests.

In fact, the chief purpose of providing traders these contests is to attract their attention. Basically, brokers have a tendency to make use of something which appeals to traders. On the other hand, it is advisable to do not care much about these contests. It is simply because you have roughly no chance to win these competition in reality. The only useful thing when you enter these competitions is to have a good insight into the operation of those forex brokers.

Normally, experienced traders are dominant over new ones, so they can win these contests.


カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:55 | コメントをどうぞ


Beginners are those who start their trading at the first time without any experience and knowledge about forex. What they find here is not the best forex brokers, they find the perfect ones for their own trading. They research much information about brokers and which brokers they should cooperate at each trading stage. It also depends on their trading strategies as well. Below list includes top three best forex brokers for beginners’ reference:

XM.com : 9/10

Exness.com : 9/10

FBS.com : 8/10

Down below is my advices and explanation for some mistakes and misunderstandings of beginners at their first approach on forex. Hope that it will support much for them.

  1. Beginners’ misunderstandings on demo account, high profit rate and news release time

  • Demo account: many beginners believe that trading with demo forex account at their first order is very good for them to practice and make acquainted with forex market however it is opposite. If you use demo account with easy trading conditions which is different from the real condition of real account. You must waste time practicing again with real account. So I recommend that beginners should trade with Cent account at the first trading. Many people suggest beginners to use ECN account. But you should know that ECN account is especially for experts only. There are many slippages and gaps so 95% beginners will lose their money so beginners should stay away ECN account.

  • Profit rate: if the profit rate is too high, the risks exist as well. Many traders win even up to 10,000% but 99.99% of them will lose later. With long years of working with many big brokers, I recommend that beginners should keep their profit rate at 3 to 5% monthly.

  • News release time: together with expert’s experience, I suggested that beginners should open/close positions about 15 minutes before/ after the news release time.

Xem danh sách những sàn forex có spread thấp nhất ngay.

  1. Standards of the perfect brokers for beginners:

Choosing a best forex broker is good for beginners but if the most suitable forex broker is much better. Because choosing a broker include traders’ trading strategies, experiences, and country trading conditions. So beginners should learn more and minimize their loss at the first stage. Below are standards of a perfect brokers for your consideration:

  • Low deposit requirements: experts or experienced traders often care about brokers’ credit, trading cost and quote quality. In contrast, beginners don’t need to care about them, they just care the low deposit. Because they just invest small money so no one wants to cheat them. Brokers often offer the good trading conditions to traders. So I advised you to deposit less than $100 for this stage (within 3 months) because you trade a little of money and you don’t need to care about trading cost.

  • Small trading lot: Because of high risk for beginners, they should open positions as small as possible to avoid any big loss. Many brokers offer Micro accounts which you can open as small as 0.00001Lot USD such as XM. Other brokers also provide Cent accounts whose minimum lot trade is only 0.0001 Lot USD such as FBS and Exness. When you trade with Micro and Cent account, you can deposit any amount you want because there is no minimum deposit requirements. So beginners just spend $10 for practicing within one month.

  • Easy: Forex market and the trading system is becoming more complicated nowadays so if beginners want to survive in this field, they should simplify everything. Below is my advices for beginners:

  1. Choose the easiest brokers;

  2. Trading by web trade/ web terminal at the beginning. Trade MT4/MT5 later.

  3. Deposit by Visa/ Master at the beginning, because it is much easier than other payment methods.

  • Local supports: Brokers will have their own customer of many countries in the world while traders are very serious with their business so they often have some questions for brokers to clearly understand about brokers. So brokers should create some local offices in these countries with their native languages to easily support their customers.

  • Trusted brokers: Actually experts put the trusted brokers at the first position when they choose a best broker. But beginners just deposit a small money for their trading so no brokers want to cheat them so they don’t care much about trusted brokers. They can trade with any brokers as long as they are easy and convenient for those traders. When they have enough knowledge, experience and qualification, they want to invest a bigger amount of money, they will consider to change to the reliable brokers.


  • Good training and coaching programs: Some brokers open some weekly and monthly training for their clients. So beginners should register one account to experience, learn and experience and then change to better brokers after the training course ended.

  1. Whether demo contest is good for beginners or not?

Many beginners think that demo contest is organized for them but the answer is “no”. Most of demo contest’s winners are experienced traders only. Most of them come from China, Thailand and Indonesia. They use robot trading to win demo contests. That is the reason why beginners don’t have high profit rate to win the contest. Moreover, demo contest trading strategy is focusing on profit and ignoring risks, which is opposite to the normal trading strategy. So beginners don’t waste time taking part in these demo contests.

  1. Welcome bonus is good for beginners:

Welcome bonus is very good for beginner but if brokers don’t provide it, it does not affect much on traders. Because it is very hard to withdraw this bonus. Brokers often have conditions to withdraw such as requirement of completing enough number of lots, which often lead to loss.

  1. Top 3 best forex brokers for beginners:

XM.com : 9/10

Exness.com : 8.5/10

FBS.com : 8/10

XM and Exness are in the top biggest forex brokers, so they are trusted brokers. XM is a little bit better because XM allow traders to open smaller positions (0.00001 lot USD). They also offer many training programs to help traders practice.

Exness is the biggest retail forex broker. They have Cent account with which you can open as small position as 0.0001 USD. Their advantages are the support and payment systems.

FBS also have Cent account. Their support and payment systems are very good, but they only offer good services in countries where they have local offices. Most of them are South East Asian countries such as: Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.


  1. Some advices for beginners:

  • Trade with Micro/ Cent account to avoid big loss.

  • Don’t deposit more than $100 for the first month.

  • Learn and follow risk management.

  • Don’t believe in high percentage of profit. The higher the profit, the higher the risk.

  • Don’t use robot trading from experts.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:54 | コメントをどうぞ


Asian traders, while make up for more than 30% of the total global forex trading volume, are the ones that have the biggest disadvantage when it comes to forex trading. Most of them are used to not having any financial protection because in most Asian countries, there’s simply no regulator body to protect them. In some developing Asian countries, forex trading is even strictly forbidden by laws thus making forex trading an illegal career. That’s why in my opinion, the overall most important thing for Asian trader is to find a reliable forex broker to do business with. In this article today, I’ll be exclusively reviewing some of the best Asia Forex brokers based on many different criteria listed as below:

  1. Top largest forex brokers

  2. Regulations/regulators

  3. Payment system

  4. Company history – Scam reports

  5. Local offices

The following brokers will be included in the article:

  1. Exness.com >> Check more here

  2. XM.com >> Check more here

  3. Forex.com

  4. Saxobank

  5. IG Group


A reliable broker should also be in the top largest broker

There’s a reason as for why people choose one thing over the others, and it’s the same story when it comes to choosing brokers. Over my years of trading with many different brokers, I find the top brokers the offer relatively great services, security as well as trading conditions. The smaller brokers might offer significantly better trading conditions and other perks, but they also severely lack security and just terrible service in general.

If you’re an experienced trader, you should know to always test the broker yourself and never mind what the others might say. A broker that most traders reviewed good might not be that great for you because it might not suit your trading tactics, your location conditions, … which is why for the best forex trading efficiency, you should always take your trading styles into consideration.

Xem danh sách những sàn forex có spread thấp nhất ngay.

For example:

For long tern traders, you’d want to choose a broker that is reliable and has low swap since your trading style is mostly about keeping your order positions opened for a long period of time.

For scalpers, a best forex broker that has good trading conditions such as low spreads, low commissions and high execution quality is always preferred.

For the gamble trading style, you always want to choose a broker that offers high leverages.

Or if by any chance, your country doesn’t support a wide variety of payment method, you’d want a broker that offers local payment support.

No matter which broker you want to choose, I think that us traders should always take extra caution and test the broker’s reliability for yourself. As for me, I always create many regular accounts at the brokers that I want to trade with, deposit $50 or $100 to each one of them and trade as I normally would. At the end of the month, whichever broker profits me the most would be the best broker for me.

Here are the current 5 largest forex brokers:

  1. Exness.com: $400 Billions/month Check more here

  2. Forex.com: $300 Billions/Month

  3. XM.com $290 Billions/Month. Check more here

  4. Saxobank: $265 Billion/Month

  5. Hotforex.com $209 Billions/month.


As a rule of thumb, you should always do business with brokers that are regulated by one or two trusted regulator agencies. Doing business with regulated brokers mean that you’ll have your forex trading rights protected and overall better security. As for Asian traders, since there hardly any official Asia regulator body, it could be quite hard at times to find a broker that offers equivalent security benefits as the western brokers. Many Asian traders choose US or UK brokers over the Asian brokers simply because they offer better services and trading conditions. This might be true and beneficial in some cases but in my professional opinion, you don’t want to choose US or UK brokers because they’re known to charge a great amount of fees in exchange for their costly services, while their trading conditions are the same if not worse than some other smaller brokers.

Asian brokers aren’t all that bad and some of them recently even managed to climb to the top because of their great service and dedications to their Asian traders. Not long ago, Exness was just one another Asian broker but now they’re among the top largest broker in the world, if not the largest. Their forex trading last month reached nearly $400 billions dollars, the majority of it came from Asian. What’s more surprising is that Exness doesn’t need and probably won’t ever need to have a US trading license simply because they exclusively serve their Asian traders. For more information about Exness, we have our own review article about Exness here on our website.

All in all, my professional advice for Asian traders would be that you shouldn’t do business with the US and UK brokers unless you’re really out of option. Asian traders gain very little benefits from the US and UK brokers while being charged significantly more trading fees. (To furthermore learn about this, we have our own article about Disadvantages of US regulation).

Payment system

While payment system might not be that much of an issue for most people, I still consider a broker’s payment system to be quite an important aspect. I value efficiency in forex trading a lot and a painfully slow payment system just makes my blood boil. My personal criteria for a good payment system are as follow:

-  Quick depositing/withdrawing processing time.

-  No withdrawal limit

-  Small depositing/withdrawing fees.

-  Supports for local payments.

Having traded with lots of different forex brokers, I find that Exness is the best in this field and there’s simply no competitor for them. Due to their fully automatic system, every transaction takes no more than milliseconds to complete. Exness also offers many great free-of-charge services and supports for local payment method.

Check out Exness Payment system here

Company histories – Scam reports

A company history is also one of the more important aspect to be taken into consideration when it comes to choosing a broker. As for me, I obviously don’t want to do business with brokers that have known scam reports and less than 10 years in the forex trading business. When choosing a broker, you should always investigate that broker thoroughly to ensure your financial safety.


Local offices

Local office for me is one of the things that is good to have around, but doesn’t really matter if there’s not one near me. All of the abovementioned brokers have a respectable number of branches all over Asia such as in Malaysia, Hongkong, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, …and customer supports in multiple languages as well. If you’re reluctant to look for the names of the brokers that I’ve mentioned above, here’s their name in my own personal ranking:

  1. Exness.com

  2. XM.com

  3. Forex.com

  4. Saxo bank

  5. IG Group

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:54 | コメントをどうぞ

What standards to get the best forex welcome bonuses from these 3 top brokers?

It must be good news if you get the best forex welcome bonuses. However, this kind of bonus is not accessible to everyone. And the forex welcome bonuses may seem like a simple concept to master, but it may actually not be as easy as it appears. This article is provided to help you to have a thorough understanding of the basic elements of the best forex welcome bonuses and how to get the best bonus for your investments.

What standards to get the best forex welcome bonuses from these 3 top brokers?


I will give you the definition of welcome bonus before going into details.

A welcome bonus (called: non-deposit bonuses) is typically a good motivation for traders to register with a best forex broker, which can either be a no deposit bonus or an ordinary deposit bonus. In both cases, the bonus is only offered once. Unlike an ordinary deposit bonus, the welcome deposit bonus refers only to the trader’s first investment.

In forex trading world, there are 3 brokers offering the best welcome bonuses.

- XM



What makes XM better than other types of brokers is that there are no re-quotes or rejections of trading orders, no hidden fees or commissions, and 99.35% of orders get executed in less than 1 second. When trading with XM, you can just deposit $ 5 and get $30 non-deposit bonus. This bonus will also depend on the client’s country of residence. There are no hidden terms and conditions, the bonus is just automatically credited to the account.

When trading with FBS, you can just deposit $ 1 and get $50 of welcome bonus. You can withdraw profits without restrictions. Bonus can be withdrawn when you reach at least 100 microlots (10 standard lots).

You will deposit $5 for FXTM. FXTM brokers offer a big welcome bonus to all new traders, giving them $10 to trade with when they register for a new account. You receive a trading bonus of $30 when you open an account and make your first deposit within 30 days. It is a fully tradable credit and a good bonus in your journey to making profits.

From my research and experience, I can strongly believe that XM is more reliable broker. And besides welcome bonus, they also have deposit bonus at 100% rate.


There are popular standards to be offered the best forex welcome bonuses. Here are some of them:

- Easy withdrawal conditions

- High welcome bonus value

- Reliable forex brokers

Easy withdrawal conditions

In general, we can’t withdraw bonuses. We only can withdraw profit that we won from bonus trades. All these brokers allow you to withdraw profit. The condition is: Traders have to complete minimum number of lot trade.

- XM has the easiest withdrawal condition. Traders only need to complete 0.1 Lot to withdraw all profit.

- FXTM is the second easy withdrawal condition. Traders have to complete 1 lot to withdraw profit.

- FBS has 123 bonus program. Traders can get up to 123$ welcome bonus. For each trading lot, you can withdraw 3$ profit. Example: After 7 days trading, you won 60$. In order to withdraw that 60$, you have to trade at least 20 lots.

High welcome bonus value

- FBS offers the highest welcome bonus value: 123$. This bonus is offered to every trader. No contact details or verification are requested. It’s valid for 7 days.

- XM and FXTM offer the same welcome bonuses value: 30$. For XM, this is a non-withdrawable bonus only available to new clients. You don’t have to deposit money into your account in order to be able to become eligible for this bonus and all profits that you earned can be withdrawn. It’s a wonderful thing.

For FXTM, this bonus is offered for any amount of the first deposit made and to a minimum of $500 USD for each of any further deposits.

What standards to get the best forex welcome bonuses from these 3 top brokers? - 01

If you want to choose other brokers for best forex welcome bonuses, remember that investments take a high level of risk. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Please be advised that certain brokers, products, bonus and/or leverage may not be available for traders from some countries due to legal restrictions.

Reliable forex brokers

In these 3 brokers, XM is the most reliable forex broker. They are also the best forex broker for beginners. They have ranked as 71/100 about trust core. Besides, they have good commissions & fees and high- quality customer service.


3. Besides welcome bonus, how many types of forex bonuses?

There are 2 types of forex bonuses left. They are:

Deposit bonuses: These are the amount of money you will be offered when you deposit. They are carefully calculated based on percentages of your deposit amount.

The bonus can be 20%, 50%, 100% of the total deposit. This is a good bonus. Brokers offer this rate because they want to encourage to deposit or reactivate their accounts which haven’t worked for a long time. Some brokers also offer this bonus to first time of depositing.

Lot back bonuses are just suitable for the loyalty program. When you finish 1 lot/transaction, brokers will pay you back an amount of money to your account automatically. The rebate amount will depend on your trading currencies, account types, and trading time. This bonus will minimize transaction cost, so it becomes favorite types for professional traders all around the world.



To withdraw forex bonus, you need to know 2 main withdrawal conditions:

Some brokers allow you to withdraw bonuses if you completed a certain number of trading lots.

For example: To withdraw $50 bonus, you have to complete at least 10 lots. When you register or deposit in 1 lot, they will deposit bonuses to your account instantly and let you trade. If you win, you only can withdraw that bonus when you have completed up to 10 lots.

What standards to get the best forex welcome bonuses from these 3 top brokers? - 02

Some brokers don’t allow you withdraw bonus. Luckily, you can still withdraw the profit.

They can ask you for a certain number of completed lots, it is very difficult to withdraw. You even have to pay more than the bonus value to complete those required lots.



For me, forex bonuses are good, especially the best forex welcome bonuses. However, it’s not the most important condition to choose a broker. The first condition to choose a broker is their credibility.

Every trader like getting forex bonuses. But keep in mind that, this is not decisive element to choose a good broker. The credibility is the most important and the first condition to pay attention to.

Here are some of my suggestions to be offered good bonus:

- List down 5 best brokers that are suitable for you.

- Choose best forex brokers that offer the program of best forex welcome bonuses. Of course these brokers are very reliable. So if they have bonuses, it is much better.

- Trade and get bonuses.



If you want to get a lot of forex bonuses, don’t hesitate to begin with these:

Best welcome bonus: 30$ welcome bonus of XM

Best welcome bonus: 50$ welcome bonus of FBS

Best deposit bonus: 100% deposit bonus of XM

Lot Back Bonuses: Rebate 2 – 16$ per lot of Exness



A bad news is you can only cheat welcome bonuses. It’s impossible to hack other types of bonuses. For welcome bonus, there are 2 tricks to hack them:

The first step is to create a lot of new accounts to get welcome bonuses. After, 2 accounts will be hedged together. At the meantime, 1 account will win and 1 account will lose. This cheating way can only be applied to brokers who allow you to withdraw bonus profit without conditions.

Several new accounts will be created by the cheaters to get welcome bonuses. After that, they use the high leverage to open very big positions. They also need to hedge them with other accounts to make sure the rate of winning is 50%.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:53 | コメントをどうぞ


Choosing the best forex broker of 2018 to start trading with sometimes can be a difficult decision since there are lots of things to consider. To name a few criteria when choosing a broker, you should always consider their trading conditions, customer service and transfer time, etc. Having traded with many different brokers from higher to lower tier, from international to local ones, I’m confident that I’ve had enough experience to offer advices responsibly. But still, it’s hard to say for sure which broker is the best because while one broker might be the best for someone, it might not suit the trading strategies as well as trading conditions to some people. In this article, I’ll be comparing some popular brokers based on 8 categories:

1.      LOW SPREAD

One thing you should know is that most top brokers often don’t charge commission, at least to their regular account. Top tier brokers make profit mostly by charging their traders/customers spread. If you didn’t know about spread, we have an article about this topic as well as commission here. To sum it up, spread is the difference between the ask and bid price. As traders, we obviously love brokers with low spread. To name a few ones with such low spread, there’s Exness, FBS, or Hot Forex, all have their spreads vary around 1.1 pip for the most currency pair, EUR/USD.


If you’d read the section above carefully, you’d know that most brokers don’t charge commission, but this is the case for regular accounts only. For accounts of higher tier, such as ECN account, the account that almost every professional and big forex trader prefer, the brokers charge commission fee due to the reason that these accounts have almost nonexistent spread. As for me, I consider Exness to be the best in this category since their commission fee is only 2.5 USD for each lot traded.


Needless to say, new traders/beginners most of the time don’t like depositing too much into their account. They would always like to start small, gather experience and that’s a good thing. However, lots of brokers out there implemented account restrictions to limit this kind of thing. Specifically, they’d require their new/beginner accounts to have the minimum deposit of $2000 and $500 respectively. Fortunately for the small traders, there too are brokers that require as little as $1 for their minimum deposit such as Exness mini accounts and FBS, or Hot Forex who require a little higher but still of an acceptable range, which is $5 minimum deposit.


The unexpectedly surprising element in this category is that Asian traders benefit a lot more from leverage comparing to the Western traders. This is due to the fact that there are laws in many developed countries such as the United States, United Kingdom or Japan that strictly prohibit brokers to offer their traders high leverage. As for developing countries in Asia, these laws seem to be almost nonexistent, which lead to Asia brokers having exceptionally high leverage.

Take Exness for example, the leverage is unlimited for accounts with less than $1000 and having traded more than 5 lots. The leverage then is up 1:2000 for accounts with over $1000. For more info about Exness accounts, click here.

Hot Forex: up to 1:1000. Click here for more info about Hot Forex accounts.

XM: up to 1:888. Click here for more info about XM accounts.


Exness maximum leverage



As I’ve mentioned in the beginning, transfer/withdrawal time is one of the main criteria you should also consider when choosing your broker. While it might not pose to be such an issue to other traders, the transfer/withdrawal time has a large effect on the speed that you make money, and efficiency should always be the utmost importance in working. Needless to say, the transfer/withdrawal time varies a lot from brokers to brokers. The international ones most of the times offer all-around excellent service as well as trading conditions, but with the trade-off of long transfer/withdrawal time. Whereas your local brokers might not be that professional but they can offer you exceptionally fast transfer/withdrawal time. As for me, I consider Exness to be the best in this category. There just seems to be no competitor in this field for them since their transfer/withdrawal works are fully automatic and are done by machine, thus making their transfer/withdrawal time to be only the matter of milliseconds.


A broker’s reputation is among the very first thing that you should consider when choosing your broker. Other traders have their different ways of determining a broker’s reputation. As for me, I base a broker’s reputation on 3 criteria:


A best forex broker should always have one or two licenses from trusted, famous agencies. To name a few famous agencies, there are ASIC (Australia), CySEC (Cyprus), FSA (Japan), CFTC (United States), NFA (also United States), and FCA (United Kingdom). Owning a license, however, limits a broker a lot. The agencies would charge the broker abundantly high fees in exchange for their services, thus making the broker finding more ways to make more profit such as charging higher spread, making leverages lower, …  Over my years of trading, I personally find Exness the most trustworthy when it comes to license. They have two licenses both from famous agencies which are CySEC and FCA.


Unless you didn’t know, audit is an official inspection of an organization’s financial records. In simpler term, an audit the act of determining a broker’s transparency in doing their business. Brokers that have their audit done by famous, trustworthy and non-corrupt firms such as Deloitte, PWC, EY and KPMG should be most of the times reliable. After all, doing business is all about trust and profit. There are even companies such as Exness and ExPro that go out of their way to gain their customer trust by making their financial information and records public. Exness even takes an extra step by showing how much money that they have in the bank.

Search traffic:

In this digital age, search traffic can be one of the more obvious way of determining a broker’s fame. A broker that has high traffic, which lead to high fame, must either be doing really good or bad. And by checking their customer’s satisfaction and reviews, we can know if a broker is worth doing business with.

Here’s the search traffic of 3 of the top brokers in 2018 that I’ve gathered using Google Keyword Planner.

XM: 40,000 search monthly.

Exness: 36,000 search monthly.

FBS: 30,000 search monthly.


Trading volume, as the category suggests, is basically the financial status of a broker. A broker that has exceptionally good trading volume and steady trading volume growth must be pretty reliable and trustworthy. Below is the trading volume each month of some top forex brokers.

Exness: $323 billion a month.

Hot Forex: $280 billion a month.

Forex.com: $185 billion a month.

FXCM: $108 billion a month.


Customer care is always important in business, it shows that a company cares about its customers. I mean, why would you want to do business to a company that doesn’t care about their customers. Not to mention that the whole forex trading market is a big and rather complicated place, new traders most of the time always find themselves lost and in need of professional help. In my opinion, a good broker is one that offer good trading conditions as well as excellent customer care. The top brokers such as Exness, FBS, FxPro and XM without a doubt all have amazing customer care (24/7 customer service, multiple language support).

Overall, when choosing your broker, there are lots of things that you should consider. I hope that this article could somehow ease your headache of choosing a broker. Personally, I find almost all the top brokers to be the same, each with its own perks. As a trader, you should always consider the broker that you feel the most comfortable doing business with after carefully weighing their pros and cons.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:53 | コメントをどうぞ


“Who are lowest spread brokers?” is the question which most beginners ask me. That  list down 5 lowest spread brokers is no problem, but what is the issue here? I don’t make sure what is the purpose they ask? In order to meet the different demands today I write this article to help you understand every aspects of low spread brokers. I believe that you use the following information efficiently.


Here are top 5 lowest spread brokers:

  1. Exness.com

  2. Hotforex.com

  3. FBS.com

  4. XM.com

  5. FxPro.com

1.  The things you need to know low spread and low commission:

- What is a spread?

The difference between the buy and the sell price is called spread. It is the transaction fee you have to pay for brokers or banks.

- How it impacts your trades?

It could have a significantly impact on the profitability of your trades. The higher the spread, the higher the transaction cost. Therefore, most traders tend to trade with low spread brokers. It is worth nothing that no all traders are keen on trading with lowest spread brokers. According to their purposes, traders co-operate with different brokers.

- What is commission?

This is an amount of money which traders or investors have pay for brokers to carry out trading.

- How does it affect the trading?

You only don’t charge commission for regular accounts. You will earn a money if commission fee low. The best forex broker in this category is Exness, who only charge 2.5 USD for each lot traded. You can check this here.

There are 3 types of brokers: Market Maker, STP and ECN brokers. They have differently main income. For Market and STP brokers, their main profit is spreads. On the contrary, main income of ECN brokers is commission.

Because today’s article relate to low spread brokers I cannot review all broker types here. I will list down 5 lowest spread non-ECN brokers, and provide some information about Market Maker and STP brokers’ spreads. If you want to know more about ECN brokers, click ECN brokers.

2.  Type of traders need low spread brokers.

Only scalpers should choose low spread brokers. If you are long term investors, swap is more important. Why I said so?

For scalpers, they open many positions in a short time (less than 1 month), so their main transaction cost are spread and commission. Low spread brokers is their top brokers. If traders want to earn much money, you have to select them.

For long term investors, because they keep their positions longer (over 1 month), they earn some hundreds of pips per position. Moreover, they only pay a maximum of 2% of their profit for spread. Vice versa, they have to pay up to 90% of their profit for swap. That is the reason why their main transaction cost is swap.

3. Why US and UK brokers’ spreads are higher?

Here are the spreads for EUR/USD of top forex brokers:

Broker Name

EUR/USD spread



0.7 Pip (Classic account)



1.1 Pip (Premium account)



1.1 Pip (Standard account)



1.7 Pips (Zero account)



1.7 Pips (Standard account)



1.8 Pips



1.7 Pips


Although US and UK are the 2 biggest forex markets in the world,  the CySEC broker, and Exness take possession of the lowest spread. UK and US brokers have the highest spreads. This figure is 2 times higher that of Exness. As I mentioned the article before, be the side of advantages, regulations create some disadvantages. US and UK regulations don’t allow them to offer high leverage or bonuses, and they have to pay more for the regulation fee. That’s why they have to charge more spread and commission.

To prove that I also did a research of hundreds of top forex brokers all over the world and I discovered that US and UK brokers usually offer higher spreads and commission than Australia and CySEC brokers. Clearly, CySEC brokers offer the lowest spreads.

4. How to choose the best low spread broker?

In this part, I will orient some conditions to traders in choosing the best low spread brokers:

  • Regulated brokers: you can always trust a broker with a license in your country, If there is no broker regulated in your country, choose the trusted and lowest spread broker.

  • Brokers who have local payment system. It is not convenient for traders if some low spread brokers don’t have local payment system. You have to pay 2 – 4% of your total deposit amount as the fee for those international payment methods by Visa, Credit card, Neteller, and Skrill. I think you spend money on them is not essential. Local payment system will help you get and withdraw immediately through automated machine.

  • Low spread and commission: depending on your strategies you select a broker with low spread and commission.

  • Good local supporters: as you know, most everyone find the forex market very difficult and complicated, so it is very vital for a broker to have a good customer service to give advices and instructions. A good broker should be available for the customers 24/7 and can help them in different languages. I choose Exness is my best friend. How about you? open account by clicking Exness’s account.

Sum up:

If you are ASIAN traders, Exness is the best brokers for Scalpers.

If you are Africa traders, XM and FxPro are the best.

If you are US traders, Forex.com is the best

If you are European traders, XM, FxPro and Exness are the best.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者patrickevra 18:52 | コメントをどうぞ


You feel difficult to search for brokers that propose the best forex bonuses. You don’t know which bonuses are good or not good. You are unaware who will help you reply to these questions. You are really lucky when reading this article. In today’s article, I will show some problems in connection with forex bonuses.

Here are sections which I mention in this article:

  1. Sorts of forex bonuses.

  2. Drawbacks of each kind of forex bonuses.

  3. Good bonuses or low spread are the most important?

  4. Top 5 reliable forex brokers offer best forex bonuses.

  5. 2 main conditions for withdrawing.

  6. Methods of cheating bonuses.

One of outstanding advantages of bonuses is to reduce their trading cost and minimize trading margins. For the sake of this pros, the majority of traders go in for forex bonuses. I don’t deny that some brokers dislike forex bonuses because they guess many disadvantages will happen in process of using bonus. Most importantly I will also teach you some regular techniques used to hack broker’s bonus programs and withdraw profit in this article.


1. 3 sorts of forex bonuses.

- Welcome bonuses (or non-deposit bonuses) refer to reward given to traders when they sign up as a member. Generally, these traders are new traders or competitors’ customer and bonus cheaters. To draw attention of traders most brokers can suggest from 30 to 50 dollars welcome bonus for the first time register. Traders use welcome bonuses with different purpose. Beginner’s goal is to check the broker’s trading conditions and consider whether these brokers are suitable for their trading strategies or not. Opening as many accounts as possible to gain these free bonus, then trading and withdrawing the profit is the purpose of bonus cheaters.

- A deposit bonus is a type of bonus that you get when you make a real money deposit, which means that you have to deposit money into your account to unlock the bonus. The amount of money you receive depends on percentages of deposit amount. For example, brokers can calculated 20%, 50%, 100% of the total deposit.

- Lot back bonuses apply for traders which have worked with brokers for a long time. When you complete 1 lot/transaction, brokers will rebate an amount of money to your account automatically. Brokers consider your trading currencies, account types, and trading time to give bonuses for you. This is the most common bonus program because of minimizing transaction cost.

For example: XM’s spread for EUR/USD is 1.4 pip, and they will lot back $3 for each completed trading lot. It means you only pay $11 for each EUR/USD lot instead of $14 of the original spread.

2. Drawbacks of each kind of forex bonuses.

- Welcome bonuses:

  • These brokers are not reliable.

  • The amount of money which you get is rather little.

  • It is not easy to withdraw money.

    • Deposit bonuses:

  • For the sake of withdrawal conditions it is hard to get money.

  • When you withdraw profit, your forex bonuses will be lost in some cases.

- Lot back bonuses:

  • Everything is good but you will problems with time. It takes you really long to finally get some profit in trading.

  • It’s only wonderful if you invest in a lot of money.

3. Good bonuses or low spread is the most important factor?

As I mention in some article before, low spread plays an important role in choosing a good broker. Therefore, good forex bonuses aren’t the most vital condition to select a broker. However, if your broker propose wonderful bonuses, you also should pick out it.

Here are steps help you to choose a good bonus:

Step 1: Write down some good brokers.


Step 2: Write down best forex brokers that have good bonus program and make sure that you can get bonuses from brokers.

Step 3: Gather information and choose best forex brokers that have the best bonus program.

Step 4: Trade and enjoy bonuses.

4. Top 5 reliable forex brokers offer best forex bonuses.

With many experienced years in trading I list down 4 best forex bonuses as follow:

  • Best welcome bonus: 30$ welcome bonus of XM


  • Best welcome bonus: 50$ welcome bonus of FBS


  • Best deposit bonus: 100% deposit bonus of XM


  • Lot Back Bonuses: Rebate 2 – 16$ per lot of Exness


5. Two main conditions for withdrawing.

Firstly, whenever you completed a certain number of trading lots, you certainly withdraw broker’s bonuses. What a easy condition!

Secondly, you can still withdraw the profit without their permission.

It is a deniable fact that everything becomes much easier when brokers don’t require any conditions. In some situations, they ask for a certain number of completed lots, it is very difficult to withdraw. You even have to pay more than the bonus value to complete those required lots.

6. Methods of cheating bonuses.

The last part you desire to share for you is that 2 techniques in order to cheat welcome bonuses. Follow me, please!

1. You open as many accounts as possible to get welcome bonuses. Next, they hedge 2 accounts together which means that 1 account win and 1 account loss. á a result, you have a chance 50% for win. Remember! You only carry out this methods if brokers don’t offer any conditions.

2. This method primarily uses the high leverage to open very big positions. Firstly, the cheaters also open many new accounts to receive welcome bonuses. After that, you also need to hedge them with other accounts to make sure the win rate is 50%.


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