月別アーカイブ: 2016年4月

Enthusiam And The Spirit

In this article, I would like deal with one specific aspect of attitude, that is, “enthusiasm.” To have an enthusiastic attitude about we do is essential.

I have taken the time to look up the meaning and origin of the word enthusiasm:

ETYMOLOGY: Late Latin enthsiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god, from entheos, possessed: en-, in; see + theos, god; thus, a strong warmth of feeling, keen interest or fervor; Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause. 2. A source or cause of great excitement or interest. 3. Archaic a. Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god. b. Religious fanaticism herakles plus.

Irving Hexham’s concise Dictionary of religion explained it this way: ENTHUSIASM: the original Greek word means “rapture” or being possessed by a GOD. The word was used disparagingly in the seventeenth century to depict the religious attitude of the PURITANS and in the eighteenth century the METHODISTS.

Today the word has the general sense of a passionate eagerness in any pursuit degree course.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition gives the following: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm,” said the very quotable Ralph Waldo Emerson, who also said, “Everywhere the history of religion betrays a tendency to enthusiasm.” These two uses of the word enthusiasm-one positive and one negative-both derive from its source in Greek. Enthusiasm first appeared in English in 1603 with the meaning “possession by a god.” The source of the word is the Greek enthousiasmos, which ultimately comes from the adjective entheos, “having the god within,” formed from en, “in, within,” and theos, “god.” Over time the meaning of enthusiasm became extended to “rapturous inspiration like that caused by a “god” to “an overly confident or delusory belief that one is inspired by God,” to “ill-regulated religious fervor, religious extremism,” and eventually to the familiar sense “craze, excitement, strong liking for something.”[end of quote]

Although the word was originally used disparagingly, there must be some truth behind it’s origins. After all, when you think about God, how do you see him–as a lethargic being, not having any feeling for his handiwork? On the contrary. In Genesis we are told that God saw that what he had created was very good (Genesis 1:21). I believe he was excited about what he had made wedding event management.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者sdhfvchgw 13:34 | コメントをどうぞ

Ask and It Shall Be Given You

This statement sounds incredible. ASK and it shall be given. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it? It sounds almost unbelievable right? Imagine if all you had to do to get anything you wanted out of life is ASK. It sounds a little farfetched doesn’t it CoQ10?

But the Bible tells us to ASK and it shall be given you.

No matter how farfetched it may sound, it is so true. If it weren’t true, the Bible wouldn’t say it.

If you go to God and ask Him to help you discover His purpose for your life, and if you are truly sincere and truly desire to find your purpose, “it shall be given you.” It will. Try it. Go somewhere you can be alone. Find a quiet place where you can talk with God Laser Facial.

Tell him your desire. Let him know that you are unhappy with your present situation. You know you were meant to be great! Let Him know that want more for your life than your present situation.

Let Him know that you desire to lead the life He has planned for you. Remind Him that He said “Ask, and it shall be given you.” Let Him know that you are ready to start living His purpose for your life.

And then listen. Listen for the answer. Listen to your heart, to your soul, to your quiet spirit. Spend sometime in mediation and clear your mind until ideas start to flow from God directly to you. It will happen.

Write down what God is directing to your soul. Write down every thought and idea that enters your head.

For the next week, write down every single idea that comes to you. The idea may come when you are eating breakfast, or driving to work, or when you’re in the shower. Generally, it comes when your mind is not occupied with your daily thoughts. It will generally come when your mind is free of thought. That’s why it’s important to mediate each day.

By meditate, I don’t necessarily mean that you will have to sit with your legs crossed and palm up, chanting. I simply mean find some time when you are alone and in quiet surrounding. You cannot mediate if the kids are running around you, screaming. Or the spouse is telling you about their day. You can’t mediate watching the prime time special on television–because your mind will be occupied with other things ipv 4s box mod.

Make it a habit of spending at least 15 minutes each day in complete quietness. Clear your mind and let the thoughts and ideas flow. This is God’s way of communicating with you. Pay attention. He is trying to give you the answers you need to lead the life you know you are meant to live.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者sdhfvchgw 12:22 | コメントをどうぞ