Diet Tips For Corporate Brides To Flaunt Glowing Skin And Healthy Hair

Now-a-days, brides are mostly busy meeting work deadlines and carrying out responsibilities at workplace which does not allow them to plan their wedding in advance. Earlier they used to begin their beauty regimen a month or two prior to their wedding to ensure they flaunt a flawless skin and glow on their big day.

No worries! Corporate brides-to-be can still look resplendent and ravishing on their wedding day by just taking care of their diet if they have a tight schedule at office. It is very important to take care of food you consume as it directly affects your skin’s texture and also has long-term health benefits. Here we share five diet tips for corporate brides to look magnificent on their big day.

Diet Tips For Corporate Brides To Flaunt Glowing Skin and Healthy Hair

Images: yellow bridesmaid dresses·

Cut down on salt and sugar intake: High-sugar diets can cause premature aging and cell damage. If you have puffy eyes and dark circles under your eyes, it is because of high sodium intake. It is said that too much sodium can cause puffiness and facial bloating. Also, salt causes tissues to swell, making your face seem puffy and tired.

· Consume alcohol in moderation: Those who consume too much of alcohol suffer from dehydration, which can lead to dullness, wrinkles and dry skin. It also robs the body of vitamin A, which helps the skin renew and repair itself naturally. It also triggers skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.

· Drink more water: If you love your skin, drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water daily as it is one of the most important ways to get a glowing look. You should consume fruits and vegetables which have more water content – for example oranges, melons, cucumbers, and celery. These will help your skin stay healthy and hydrated.

· Avoid overdose of dairy products: Consuming too much of dairy products can be unhealthy as they can cause pimples, whiteheads and blackheads in people prone to acne. A hormone found in milk is said to stimulate the production of pore-clogging skin cells.

· Increase intake of food items that contain Omega-3 fatty acids: Food items that contain Omega-3 fatty acids keep your skin glowing and hair healthy. Therefore, try to get adequate doze of Omega-3 by increasing intake of chia seeds, seafood and flaxseed to get healthy skin.

· Cut down on your coffee intake: If you consume 2-3 cups of caffeinated beverages, it can lead to increased cortisol in your body that can damage your skin cells. It accelerates the aging process and also causes dehydration. This can further lead to fine lines and wrinkles, so cut down on coffee intake.

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