月別アーカイブ: 2023年2月

Classic Sex Doll Product List

Not only do they look human, but they also feel sexually realistic. In addition, there is a selection of sex dolls ranging from life size asses and genitals to dolls with heads, arms, breasts and genitals. Or you can choose from a variety of sizes, shapes and colors of humanoid dolls. Silicone sex doll

Split by gender: male, female, transgender

1. Male sex dolls

Male sex dolls make up a much smaller portion of the market than female sex dolls for a number of reasons. For example, male sex dolls are relatively heavy, making them a little harder to move for female buyers. The most important reason is actually that male manufacturers have always dominated the adult market and always catered to the needs of men.Pregnant sex dolls

As dolls have increased in popularity, so has the market for male sex dolls that look equally realistic, sturdy and masculine and have great appeal to female buyers and gay men.








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