Global attention: China’s sale of drone jammers to Russia raises concerns

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to escalate, global attention is not only focused on progress on the battlefield, but also extends to the technology and material supply chain behind it. cell phone jammer Recently, the news that a Chinese trade organization is seeking to purchase drone jamming equipment for Russian buyers has attracted widespread global attention, especially against the backdrop of concerns in the United States and Europe about China selling dual-use products to Moscow.signal jammer The incident highlights the cooperation between China and Russia in the field of military technology and has raised questions about China’s role and position in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.GPS jammer

Background of the drone jammer procurement notice

In May this year, the Guangdong Provincial Russian Trade Promotion Association, which is affiliated with the Chinese government, posted a procurement notice on its official WeChat account, indicating that Russian buyers are interested in purchasing equipment including “drone jammers, detectors and communication band jammers.” Although the announcement was deleted shortly after it was released, the move has already attracted widespread international attention. Wifi jammer The United States and Europe have repeatedly expressed concerns about China’s provision of dual-use technology to Russia, and this procurement notice seems to provide further evidence of these concerns.

One of the devices mentioned in the procurement notice is the Bulat drone detector developed by St. Petersburg company 3mx, which was allegedly widely used on the front line during the Russo-Ukrainian war. Although the official caliber claims that Russian buyers are seeking “children’s toys”, this is clearly inconsistent with the military-grade equipment described in the procurement notice.

China’s drone supply chain and global role

China occupies a pivotal position in the global drone market. One of the most famous companies is DJI Innovations, headquartered in Shenzhen. As the world’s largest commercial drone manufacturer, it dominates the global drone supply chain. Drone technology is increasingly used in modern warfare, especially the technology to detect, interfere with and suppress enemy drones.

Drone jammers are considered a vital defensive tool in modern warfare. They are able to reduce threats on the battlefield by interfering with the communication and navigation signals of drones, causing them to lose control. However, the boundaries between civilian and military use of such technologies are relatively blurred, especially in the context of fierce wars such as the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, where many military equipment may be traded and used in the name of civilian products.

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US and European reactions

The reaction of the United States and Europe to this incident was strong. The U.S. Treasury Department has repeatedly called on global companies, especially Chinese companies, to choose between supporting global economic development and supporting the Russian war machine. U.S. Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo even pointed out in a speech to the German business community in Berlin: “Chinese companies either do business in our economy or provide dual-use products for the Russian war machine. They can’t do both.”

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:40 | コメントをどうぞ

The widespread use of GPS jammers in truck thefts

With the expansion of the global logistics industry, the safety of transport vehicles has become a growing concern, especially in Latin America, where the illegal use of GPS jammers has become one of the important factors threatening the safety of cargo transportation.cell phone jammer According to data released by the Mexican government in recent years, about 85% of the 3,400 truck thefts involved the use of GPS jammers. GPS jammer This phenomenon highlights the widespread use of jamming technology and its profound impact on transportation safety.signal jammer

How GPS jammers work and their threat to truck transportation

The principle of GPS jammers is very simple. It transmits jamming signals to cover the communication link between GPS satellites and vehicles, causing the vehicle’s positioning function to fail. This means that even if the truck is equipped with the most advanced GPS tracking equipment, as long as the jammer is activated, the vehicle’s location will disappear from the system, leaving criminals with a lot of room for operation.

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When stealing trucks, criminals usually install GPS jammers on the vehicle. Once the vehicle enters a remote area or unsupervised area, they can easily steal the vehicle and cargo, and law enforcement or freight companies cannot locate the vehicle through the GPS system. This type of crime is not only fast and difficult to track, but also causes huge losses to logistics companies.

The illegality of jammers and their legal status in different countries

Although the use of jammers is illegal in many countries, these devices are relatively easy to obtain. In Mexico, the manufacture, sale, distribution and use of jammers are strictly prohibited by law. Under current Mexican law, people who manufacture or sell jammers face up to 15 years in prison, and government officials who participate in such crimes may be sentenced to up to 18 years in prison. This severe punishment reflects the Mexican government’s determination to deal with this problem.

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In contrast, the relevant laws in the United States are relatively relaxed. Although it is illegal to use GPS jammers in the United States, it is not illegal to manufacture and possess jammers. This means that if the police find someone holding but not operating a jammer, they will not have the right to arrest the person or even impose a fine. This legal loophole undoubtedly provides opportunities for criminals.

Why is the situation in Mexico particularly serious?

Mexico is one of the important hubs of global logistics, with frequent cross-border freight and complex transportation routes, especially at the Mexico-US border, where trucks are the main means of transportation. Due to the high value of goods and the fact that trucks must pass through remote areas during transportation, criminal gangs have found that stealing trucks is a high-return, low-risk crime method. The illegal market in Mexico is also very active in the sale of jammers and related equipment, which has further promoted the prevalence of truck theft crimes.

Mexican law enforcement agencies and freight companies have found that jammers are not only a tool for truck theft, but can also be used in more complex criminal activities such as drug smuggling and kidnapping. This makes the jammer problem more complicated, and the widespread use of jammers has seriously affected the domestic security environment in Mexico.

Countermeasures to improve logistics security

In response to the threat posed by GPS jammers, the Mexican government has stepped up its crackdown on jammers and taken a series of measures to ensure freight safety. First, the government has increased supervision of jammer manufacturing and sales channels to cut off criminals’ access to equipment. At the same time, Mexico has begun to introduce advanced anti-jamming technology so that the location of goods can continue to be tracked when the vehicle is jammed. In addition, the government has launched a number of training programs for truck drivers to improve their ability to respond when encountering jammer threats.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 12:51 | コメントをどうぞ

The evolution of signal jammers in Brazil and the debate over their expanded use

BSRs, as a technical means of blocking wireless communications, have sparked widespread discussion in Brazil in recent years. cell phone jammer Although current laws only allow the use of such devices in prisons, the National Telecommunications signal jammerAgency (Anatel) is considering expanding their use to other government agencies. Neger Telecom, a major player in the field, has expressed strong opposition to this proposal. This article will explore in detail the evolution of BSR technology, the current legal controversy, and the possible impact of expanded use.GPS jammer

The evolution of signal jammers

Signal jammers were originally used mainly in the military field, and then gradually applied to prisons to prevent prisoners from contacting the outside world through their mobile phones, thereby preventing criminal activities.Wifi jammer Brazil first tested BSR in prisons in 2001, and then the technology was gradually promoted nationwide. Neger Telecom is an important company involved in the development of this technology, and its BSR equipment has become an important security tool in the prison system.

At the technical level, signal jammers interfere with communications by emitting radio waves at the same frequency as mobile phone signals. This device can prevent normal communication between mobile phones and base stations, thereby cutting off calls, text messages and data transmission. However, with the development of 5G networks and drone technology, BSR is also constantly upgrading. For example, Neger Telecom launched the first device capable of interfering with 5G signals in 2021, indicating that this field of technology is still evolving.

Legal and technical challenges of extended application

Currently, Anatel has proposed to expand the use of BSR to institutions such as the armed forces and the federal police to deal with a wider range of security threats. However, Neger Telecom explicitly opposes this proposal, arguing that current laws do not support such an expansion. According to Brazilian Law No. 10,792/2003, signal jammers can only be used in prisons, and any other use may involve violations of the law.

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In addition, Neger Telecom also pointed out that the extended application of signal jamming technology may have a negative impact on civilian communication networks. For example, the widespread use of BSR may interfere with Wi-Fi networks, aviation communications, emergency service calls, and even affect the normal operation of drones. Eduardo Neger, director of operations at Neger Telecom, believes that the use of BSR should be limited to specific scenarios as much as possible, and technical means should be used to ensure that it does not interfere with normal communications in the surrounding area.

Dilemma of security applications

Despite technical and legal challenges, the expanded use of BSR has indeed demonstrated its security value in some special cases. During the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, the Brazilian government deployed signal jammers around the competition venues to prevent drones from interfering with the events. Similarly, in 2018 and 2019, the Brazilian armed forces also used BSRs to prevent drone attacks during the protection of President Bolsonaro’s parades.

These application scenarios show that BSR plays an important role in maintaining national security. However, as Neger Telecom emphasizes, the widespread use of BSR may have unforeseen consequences. For example, if BSR equipment is widely used in cities, it may interfere with nearby civilian networks and affect the normal operation of emergency services. This potential risk makes the expanded application of BSR a dilemma.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 17:43 | コメントをどうぞ

The role of signal jammers in crime: a case study of the Tania N. gang

In recent years, the technical equipment of criminal gangs has been continuously upgraded, and the use of signal jammers has become increasingly common. signal jammerThe case of the Tania N. gang reveals how criminals use these devices to carry out illegal activities. cell phone jammer This article will analyze in detail the working principle of signal jammers, their application in criminal activities, and relevant legal provisions.GPS jammer

1. The basic principle of signal jammers

A signal jammer, also known as a signal suppressor or interceptor, is a device that can block communication signals. It interferes with the communication network by emitting strong electromagnetic waves, making mobile phones, GPS, radio communications and other devices unable to work properly. Criminal gangs use this technology to prevent the monitoring equipment of public security agencies or security companies from receiving signals, thereby covering up their criminal activities.

In the case of Tania N. and her gang, the use of signal jammers was revealed to be installed in the house where they were active. The device can block the police’s positioning and tracking, thereby helping criminals remain hidden when committing crimes. This behavior not only challenges the police’s investigative methods, but also increases the chances of success for their criminal activities.

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2. Specific application of signal jammers in criminal activities

Signal jammers are particularly common in criminal activities in Mexico, especially in motor vehicle robberies carried out on highways. Criminals use jammers to prevent vehicle anti-theft systems from sending alarms to security companies or police, thereby successfully completing the theft. In addition, jammers are widely used in crimes such as kidnapping, extortion and armed robbery to evade police tracking.

In the case of Tania N., this device was not only used to protect the criminals’ actions from police monitoring, but may also be used in conjunction with other illegal equipment and weapons. For example, the gang also had weapons and other high-tech equipment, indicating that they not only rely on jammers to protect their activities, but also prepare for possible conflicts.

3. Legal framework of signal jammers

The Mexican federal government passed the Anti-Interference Law in 2020, which clearly prohibits the manufacture, sale, carrying or use of signal jammers except for specially authorized agencies. Anyone who violates this law will face severe penalties, and the use of jammers can be sentenced to up to 15 to 18 years in prison.

In addition, the legal use of jammers is limited to secure places such as reintegration centers and prisons to ensure the safety of these places. However, Tania N. and her gang violated the law by illegally possessing and using jammers, and therefore faced more severe legal sanctions.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 19:42 | コメントをどうぞ

How advances in communications technology are weakening cellphone jammers in prisons

With the rapid development of global communication technology, mobile phone jammers used in prisons are facing increasingly severe challenges. cell phone jammer In Uruguay, statements by Interior Minister Eduardo Bonomi sparked widespread discussion about whether jammers can still be used. signal jammer Bonomi acknowledged that existing jammers in prisons are no longer able to prevent inmates from engaging in illegal activities via cellphones due to carriers boosting cellphone signals. GPS jammer This issue affects prison security management not only in Uruguay but also in other countries around the world. This article takes an in-depth look at how advances in cellphone technology have weakened jammers in prisons and suggests possible solutions for the future.

1. Development and challenges of communication technology

In the past decade, global mobile communication technology has made significant progress. From 2G to 5G, signal coverage has continued to expand, and communication speed and signal strength have also increased significantly. These technological advances have greatly improved the communication experience of ordinary users, but they have also brought new problems. For prison systems, advances in cellphone technology have made the jammers they relied on less reliable.

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In Uruguay, the first prisons to install jammers were Libertad Prison and Comcar Prison, aiming to prevent prisoners from using mobile phones to conduct illegal activities. However, as operators strengthened their signals, these jammers gradually lost their effectiveness. Bonomi said that after purchasing the jamming equipment, communications companies quickly strengthened the signal, making the jammers significantly less effective.

2. Conflict between operators and prisons

Bonomi admitted that the communication company’s technical improvements are based on market demand and that the operator’s first priority is to provide better services to customers, and the special circumstances within prisons will obviously not be taken into account. The original intention of communication companies to strengthen signal coverage was to meet the needs of ordinary users, but this move inadvertently helped inmates in prisons bypass jamming devices.

This contradiction creates huge problems in prison management. Despite the Home Office investing heavily in jammers, prisoners are still able to continue communicating via improved mobile phone signals. Not only does this make it difficult for prisons to effectively prevent criminal activity, it also further exposes the limitations of jamming technology in modern communications environments.

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3. Reflection of real-life problems: Longhayn case

One of the most striking examples of cell phone jammers failing is the Longhayn case. In this case, Nationals fan Lucas Langhain was shot and killed after inmate “Coco” Parentini gave murder orders via cellphone inside Libertad Prison. The incident not only raised questions about prison security but also brought into public view questions about the effectiveness of jammers.

Despite the jammer installed in the prison, Palentini was still able to communicate with the outside world through enhanced cell phone signals and direct his associates to commit crimes. The occurrence of this case shows that traditional jamming equipment is no longer able to cope with the challenges posed by modern communication technology, and the prison management system must find new technical means.

4. Future technology solutions

In order to deal with this problem, future prison security systems must rely on more advanced communication management technology. New technologies such as smart jammers and signal monitoring systems can help prisons more accurately identify and block illegal communications without causing interference to surrounding legitimate communications. In addition, combined with artificial intelligence and big data analysis, prison management departments can better monitor prisoners’ communication behaviors, thereby effectively preventing illegal activities from occurring.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 19:36 | コメントをどうぞ

 Legal and ethical controversy over prison signal jammers

The installation and use of prison signal jammers has sparked legal and ethical debates. Although these devices are designed to combat criminal activity in prisons, especially through cell phones, their operation can have an impact on surrounding communities, leading to public opposition and legal action.

1. Legal basis for prison signal jammers

International telecommunications regulations: According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the use of signal jammers must strictly comply with national and international telecommunications laws to avoid interfering with legitimate communications.signal jammer

Legislative status of signal jammers in various countries: In the United States, the use of signal jammers is strictly controlled and can only be used by the government and special agencies. In Chile, the measure must also be approved by relevant departments.cell phone jammer

Chilean legal framework: In recent years, the Chilean government has promoted the use of signal jammers to combat criminal activity in prisons, but the measure still faces legal and social challenges.GPS jammer

2. Ethical controversy

Balance between public safety and personal communication rights: The installation of signal jammers involves public safety issues, but it may also infringe on personal freedom of communication, especially for residents near prisons.Wifi jammer

The position of the Gendarmerie Association: Pablo Jaques, president of the Chilean Gendarmerie Association, said that signal jammers are a necessary measure, especially in the fight against organized crime. However, they also realize that technology needs to be constantly updated to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on residents outside the prison.

Criticism of human rights organizations: Some human rights organizations believe that the widespread use of signal jammers may violate the basic rights of prisoners, prevent them from keeping in touch with the outside world, and even hinder rescue communications in emergency situations.

3. The impact of equipment operation on neighborhood communities

The rise of neighborhood opposition: In some cases, residents near prisons complain that signal jammers affect their normal communications, especially mobile phones and the use of the Internet.

Case analysis: Neighbors’ complaints and government responses: In Chile, although the government claims that signal jammers will not affect residents, some communities still express concerns. This prompted the government to commit to using more directional antenna technology to reduce the range of interference.

Opinion of the academic community: Scholars generally believe that if high-precision directional antennas are used, interference with communities around prisons can be effectively reduced. However, the implementation of this technology requires a high level of technical support and monitoring.

4. Social impact of signal jammers

Crime control in prisons: Signal jammers have achieved significant results in reducing criminal activity in prisons, especially in blocking illegal mobile phone communications and reducing the incidence of command criminal activities.

Responses from prisoners’ families: Prisoner families believe that the use of signal jammers may prevent them from staying in touch with their loved ones, further exacerbating the sense of isolation in the prison environment.

Community concerns and cooperation: To alleviate the concerns of neighbors, governments and community representatives need to work together to explore technical solutions to ensure that the use of signal jammers can achieve prison security goals without interfering with daily communications in the surrounding area.


The use of signal jammers in prisons is a complex topic both legally and ethically. While they have obvious benefits in fighting crime, their potential impact on neighboring communities needs to be fully considered. Governments and technology providers should work together to ensure that the installation and use of signal jammers can ensure the safety of prisons without infringing on the legitimate communication rights of community residents.

Legal and ethical controversy over prison signal jammers

The installation and use of prison signal jammers has sparked legal and ethical debates. Although these devices are designed to combat criminal activity in prisons, especially through cell phones, their operation can have an impact on surrounding communities, leading to public opposition and legal action.

1. Legal basis for prison signal jammers

International telecommunications regulations: According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the use of signal jammers must strictly comply with national and international telecommunications laws to avoid interfering with legitimate communications.signal jammer

Legislative status of signal jammers in various countries: In the United States, the use of signal jammers is strictly controlled and can only be used by the government and special agencies. In Chile, the measure must also be approved by relevant departments.cell phone jammer

Chilean legal framework: In recent years, the Chilean government has promoted the use of signal jammers to combat criminal activity in prisons, but the measure still faces legal and social challenges.GPS jammer

2. Ethical controversy

Balance between public safety and personal communication rights: The installation of signal jammers involves public safety issues, but it may also infringe on personal freedom of communication, especially for residents near prisons.Wifi jammer

The position of the Gendarmerie Association: Pablo Jaques, president of the Chilean Gendarmerie Association, said that signal jammers are a necessary measure, especially in the fight against organized crime. However, they also realize that technology needs to be constantly updated to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on residents outside the prison.

Criticism of human rights organizations: Some human rights organizations believe that the widespread use of signal jammers may violate the basic rights of prisoners, prevent them from keeping in touch with the outside world, and even hinder rescue communications in emergency situations.

3. The impact of equipment operation on neighborhood communities

The rise of neighborhood opposition: In some cases, residents near prisons complain that signal jammers affect their normal communications, especially mobile phones and the use of the Internet.

Case analysis: Neighbors’ complaints and government responses: In Chile, although the government claims that signal jammers will not affect residents, some communities still express concerns. This prompted the government to commit to using more directional antenna technology to reduce the range of interference.

Opinion of the academic community: Scholars generally believe that if high-precision directional antennas are used, interference with communities around prisons can be effectively reduced. However, the implementation of this technology requires a high level of technical support and monitoring.

4. Social impact of signal jammers

Crime control in prisons: Signal jammers have achieved significant results in reducing criminal activity in prisons, especially in blocking illegal mobile phone communications and reducing the incidence of command criminal activities.

Responses from prisoners’ families: Prisoner families believe that the use of signal jammers may prevent them from staying in touch with their loved ones, further exacerbating the sense of isolation in the prison environment.

Community concerns and cooperation: To alleviate the concerns of neighbors, governments and community representatives need to work together to explore technical solutions to ensure that the use of signal jammers can achieve prison security goals without interfering with daily communications in the surrounding area.


The use of signal jammers in prisons is a complex topic both legally and ethically. While they have obvious benefits in fighting crime, their potential impact on neighboring communities needs to be fully considered. Governments and technology providers should work together to ensure that the installation and use of signal jammers can ensure the safety of prisons without infringing on the legitimate communication rights of community residents.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 02:22 | コメントをどうぞ

Prison signal shielding and its impact on surrounding residents

Prison signal shielding technology is widely used to prevent people inside prisons from engaging in illegal activities through mobile phones, especially telecommunications fraud. However, although this measure is crucial to prison safety, signal shielding has a significant impact on the normal lives of residents around prisons. cell phone jammer This article explores the background of the use of signal shielding technology and its impact on residents in surrounding areas, and discusses the responsibilities and challenges of relevant operators at the legal and technical levels. GPS jammer

Background and legal provisions of signal shielding

With the widespread popularity of mobile communication technology, mobile phones have become an important tool for prisoners to communicate illegally with the outside world. Wifi jammer This not only threatens the security of prison management, but also makes outsiders vulnerable to criminal acts such as telecommunications fraud. In order to solve this problem, many countries have introduced signal shielding technology to prevent the spread of mobile phone signals inside prisons. signal jammer Taking Costa Rica as an example, Article 49 of the General Telecommunications Law clearly stipulates that telecommunications service providers are obliged to shield mobile phone signals in prisons and ensure that they do not affect communication services in areas surrounding prisons.

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This legal provision places high technical requirements on telecommunications service providers, because they must not only ensure signal shielding inside prisons, but also avoid interfering with the normal communications of users in surrounding areas. The law, passed in 2018, aims to strictly restrict wireless telecommunications services in prisons through technical means, but its complexity also brings many challenges to practical operations.

Real-life user troubles

Take user Glenda Cabrera Valverde as an example. Her case reveals the impact of prison signal blocking on ordinary users. On January 31, Cabrera and her husband were driving through Boaz, Alajuela, when they suddenly lost their mobile phone signal and could not even send messages through the network. She did not realize at first that she had passed through a signal-blocked prison area, and found that the problem still existed after returning home. After contacting telecom operator Claro several times, she learned that her mobile phone signal was blocked because she passed through a shielded area near the prison.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 17:44 | コメントをどうぞ

Abuse of public resources – Jean Alain Rodríguez and the signal interceptor scandal

In 2021, Jean Alain Rodríguez, former Attorney General of the Dominican Republic, was involved in a scandal that shocked the country – he was accused of illegally using government-purchased signal interceptors in his private villa. signal jammer These devices were supposed to be used for border security and anti-drone monitoring, but they appeared in his private villa to prevent outside monitoring of him. cell phone jammerThis move not only exposed the abuse of public resources, but also revealed the corruption that Rodríguez was suspected of while in office.GPS jammer

Use and controversy of signal interceptors

Signal interceptors are a technology used to block communications of electronic devices and are widely used in special scenarios such as military and border monitoring. Wifi jammerThe original intention of the Dominican Republic Prosecutor’s Office to purchase these devices was to protect the country’s borders, especially the border with Haiti. However, Rodríguez transferred these devices to his private villa through fraudulent means for illegal use. This is not only an abuse of power, but also a violation of citizens’ privacy and undermining the legitimate use of public resources.

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Investigation and revelations by independent prosecutors

As the investigation deepened, the Office of the Independent Prosecutor and Special Prosecutor for Administrative Corruption (Pepca) found that there were many false information in the procurement documents of these signal interceptors. Rodriguez had signed documents claiming that these devices were used for Dominican-Haiti border security, but in fact, they were placed in his holiday villa in Casa de Campo.

In the interview, Soni Rosario José revealed that Rodriguez had asked him in the office to help forge documents to prove that these anti-drone devices were used for national security. He also said that Rodriguez installed these devices in his villa on the grounds of preventing illegal espionage, trying to cover up his excessive concern for private security.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 21:36 | コメントをどうぞ

The successful experience of shielding mobile phone signals in Brazilian prisons: Costa Rica’s reference

With the rapid development of science and technology, mobile phones play an increasingly important role in daily life. However, in some cases, the use of mobile phones may bring serious social problems, especially in prisons, where it is not uncommon for prisoners to continue criminal activities through mobile phones. signal jammerTherefore, shielding mobile phone signals in prisons has become an important measure to combat crime.

Brazil, as a country with the third largest prison population in the world, has successfully implemented prison signal shielding technology. cell phone jammerCosta Rica, as another country in Latin America, is also facing similar problems. Whether it can follow Brazil’s practice and shield mobile phone signals in prisons has become an important topic of domestic discussion.GPS jammer

1. Mobile phone use problems and signal shielding measures in Brazilian prisons

Brazil is the most populous country in South America and has a large prison system. Wifi jammerAs of 2023, Brazil has more than 726,000 people incarcerated, making the country the third largest prison population in the world. Similar to other countries, the illegal use of mobile phones in Brazilian prisons is becoming increasingly serious. Through mobile phones, prisoners are able to continue to contact the outside world and even organize criminal activities. Especially in drug trafficking and other organized crimes, mobile phones have become an important tool for prisoners to communicate with their accomplices.

To address this problem, the Brazilian government, in partnership with Neger Telecom, took a targeted approach, using small antennas and jammers to successfully block 23 of Sao Paulo’s 200 prisons. This initiative significantly reduced criminal activity via mobile phones in prisons and became an important tool in combating prison crime.

2. Technical Challenges and Innovative Solutions

Brazil faces a unique challenge in blocking prison signals: most of the country’s prisons are close to urban centers, and if left unchecked, signal blocking could spread to residential areas outside the prisons, cutting off cell phone signals for innocent citizens.

To address this problem, Neger Telecom introduced a new technical solution that uses small antennas and smart jammers to achieve precise blocking. The role of the small antenna is to precisely control the jamming signal within the prison to avoid affecting the normal communications of surrounding residents. Unlike the desolate area blocking solutions used in Europe, America and Asia, this Brazilian technology solves the special problems of prisons in urban centers.

According to Eduardo Neger, director of engineering at Neger Telecom, the key to the technology is that it can be fine-tuned based on terrain, building structure and signal coverage. Each prison is equipped with multiple small antennas to form a wireless shielding network covering the entire prison area, ensuring that prisoners cannot communicate through mobile phones inside the prison without causing interference to the outside world.

3. Current situation and challenges in Costa Rica

Costa Rica faces similar problems to Brazil. The country’s prisons are also located in areas close to cities, and the use of illegal mobile phones has become a chronic disease. Prisoners continue to engage in criminal activities through mobile phones, which not only affects the order inside the prison, but also poses a threat to social security.

In recent years, the Costa Rican government has begun to explore measures to block cell phone signals in prisons and has drafted relevant bills. However, unlike Brazil, Costa Rican bills stipulate that operators are responsible for blocking signals. Operators such as Claro and Telefónica are willing to support technically, but are not active in paying for shielding equipment.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 02:50 | コメントをどうぞ

Evolution and response of drone threats: Taking the Russian-Ukrainian war as an example

The rapid development of drone technology has set off a military revolution around the world. Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, drones have become increasingly important in modern warfare, especially in reconnaissance, surveillance and attack tasks.signal jammer In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the extensive use of drones by both armies has not only changed the way battlefields are fought, but also forced countries to re-examine their strategies for dealing with drone threats.

The key role of drones in the Russian-Ukrainian war

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict is a typical example of the widespread use of drones in modern warfare. cell phone jammerSince the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022, Russia and Ukraine have deployed a large number of drones for reconnaissance and surveillance. GPS jammerThese drones are not only used to monitor enemy actions, but also to identify targets, thereby providing key intelligence for precision strikes such as missiles and artillery. For example, the Ukrainian army used the Turkish-made “Bayraktar” drone to carry out precision strikes on important targets of the Russian army. Wifi jammerThe Bayraktar drone has become a powerful weapon for Ukraine to fight back against Russia because of its relatively low price and easy operation.

On the other hand, Russia has also imported a large number of drones from Iran, especially attack drones. These drones were widely used to bomb Ukraine’s infrastructure, including power grids, water supply systems and transportation hubs, causing serious damage. Iran’s drone technology has accumulated rich practical experience in the Middle East battlefield, especially in the conflicts in Yemen and Syria, and is favored for its high cost-effectiveness.

Impact of drone threats on modern battlefields

Brian Conner, a former Army sergeant and current instructor, once said in training that the use of drones has completely changed the battlefield environment. In the past, wars mainly relied on tanks, aircraft and infantry, but now drones make the battlefield more transparent, and commanders can quickly grasp the enemy situation through real-time images. This not only increases the risk of exposure to the enemy, but also makes the combat method more flexible and changeable.

The widespread use of drones has brought multiple threats. First, the transparency of battlefield intelligence has been greatly improved, and the concealment of both sides in the war has been significantly reduced. Secondly, drones also have the ability to strike accurately, and can directly attack enemy targets by carrying missiles or bombs. Finally, the cheapness and ease of operation of drones enable them to be widely deployed, thereby greatly improving the effectiveness of war.

Response to drone threats: Strategic deployment of the U.S. military

Faced with the growing threat of drones, the United States and its allies have had to take action to strengthen the research and application of drone interception technology. In May 2024, a U.S. Army unit stationed in Poland participated in a two-day drone jammer training, where soldiers learned and mastered how to use the “Dronebuster” handheld jammer gun. This device can emit radio jammer signals to prevent small commercial drones from communicating with their control stations, forcing the drones to return or crash.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 00:02 | コメントをどうぞ