Texin Electronics: Detection and tracking of UAV countermeasures targets

There are many difficulties in detecting and tracking UAV countermeasures targets. In terms of radar detection, radar detection is currently an important method for detecting UAV targets, but radar detection cannot detect all moving targets.

There are many difficulties in detecting and tracking UAV countermeasures targets. In terms of radar detection, radar detection is currently the main method for detecting drone targets, but radar detection will not respond to all moving targets; drones are generally made of balsa wood and composite materials. This material It has the characteristics of transparency, which makes it have low detectability. It can only be made of stainless steel such as motors, engines, batteries, power lines, etc., coupled with its small size, which greatly reduces the radar detection transmission area of ​​the target itself. , reducing the distance and probability of detection by radar, and also reducing the time for road reflection.

In terms of acoustic detection, the noise of UAV targets is mainly engine noise and gas oscillation noise generated during the flight. However, at present, a large part of the driving force of UAV targets is electric power, and the noise is relatively small. Coupled with the relatively slow flight speed, the noise level is very low. In terms of optical detection, at present, most air defense guns use infrared fire control technology, and a very large number of surface-to-air missiles and air-to-air missiles also use infrared detection and infrared guidance technology; laser rangefinders and laser target indicators are used in short-range civil air defense It has been widely used in weapons and equipment.

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The motor or engine used as the driving force of the UAV target is small in size and high in efficiency, and its infrared radiation characteristics are low, which makes the detection distance through infrared detection greatly shortened. In terms of anti-laser detection, UAV targets are easy to use such as inhalation Materials such as waves, scattering, and light guides, reducing the laser reflection surface and hiding the design concept in the appearance, etc., all make optical detection more difficult.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:19 | コメントをどうぞ


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