月別アーカイブ: 2024年6月

The “secret guardian” of the meeting room

In busy business around the world, time is money, and every meeting is important. However, mobile phone bells, signal beeps and the constant buzzing of screens and constantly interrupting meetings make it difficult for people to concentrate. At that time, we had the miniature hood, a clever and magical piece of equipment that became the “secret guardian” of the meeting room.cell phone jammer

Last week, the company’s high-rise employees gathered together to discuss new strategic plans. As the meeting began, the CEO took out a mini converter from his pocket and pressed a button, and all the mobile phones in the meeting room immediately lost their signals. Participants, having some unfamiliar habits, started to unconsciously hold their hands up, and realized that this meeting would be an experience of “no mobile phone interference.”signal jammer

Without any mobile phone bells to disturb, everyone’s attention was focused on the meeting topic. The discussion goes deep and creative points emerge. Market analysts even joked: “This creative idea is so simple and straightforward that it’s like creating a new water dragon!” In fact, miniature devices don’t just allow everyone to pay close attention to the meeting, they also greatly improve the efficiency and quality of the discussion.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 22:11 | コメントをどうぞ

Advances and Challenges of Smart Security Technology

In recent years, with the popularity of smartphones and the development of science and technology, cheating methods for the college entrance examination have emerged one after another, posing a huge challenge to educational equity. To address this problem, examination halls across China have strengthened security measures and upgraded smart security equipment to strive to eliminate cheating in the college entrance examination.

cell phone jammer

This year, the examination hall in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, specially added a security gate that requires candidates to lift their feet. According to The Paper, the Municipal Admissions Committee emphasized the application of new technologies in preventing mobile phone cheating. Through the upgrade of smart security gates, the detection function of illegal items such as mobile phone shielding bags, smart glasses, smart watches, smart bracelets and ceramic headphones has been added to ensure that the smart security gates are in the best working condition during the college entrance examination. The core of this measure is to identify the possibility of candidates hiding mobile phones on the soles of their shoes, and through the action of candidates lifting their feet, strengthen the security inspection at the bottom to prevent candidates from bringing mobile phones into the examination room. signal jammer

Not only in Xiangyang, Hubei, but also in Jinzhou, Liaoning, the examination halls have installed 15 cm high pedals to ensure that candidates will not hide their mobile phones in the soles of their shoes and bring them into the examination room. In addition, this year the city added 110 5G signal blockers, achieving full coverage of 5G signal shielding in all areas where candidates may appear, including toilets, corridors, washrooms and foyers. The upgrade of this series of measures shows the determination and efforts of the local education department in preventing cheating.

Wuhan’s college entrance examination regulations further emphasize the prevention of mobile phones hidden in the soles of shoes. When entering the examination room through the smart security gate, candidates need to cross a 20-centimeter isolation pier. This regulation is designed to trigger the alarm of prohibited items on the soles of shoes, and candidates are also required to undergo security checks with handheld metal detectors under video surveillance. Through this multi-level and multi-means security inspection measure, cheating tools such as mobile phones will “not be hidden or brought in.”

Hebei Provincial Education Examination Institute has also comprehensively optimized and upgraded the smart security gates of all examination rooms in the province. This large-scale technological investment reflects the country’s emphasis on the fairness of the college entrance examination and its reliance on scientific and technological prevention measures.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 12:31 | コメントをどうぞ

BC restricts the use of mobile phones in public schools: new policy to be implemented in September

BC Premier David Eby recently announced that BC will restrict the use of mobile phones in public schools starting in September this year and take a tougher stance on social media platforms that provide addictive content to children. The move has been supported by cybersecurity experts, who believe it will reduce digital distractions and cyberbullying. However, opposition critics believe that the measure should have been implemented long ago. cell phone jammer

Eby said in a statement released in Surrey that modern children are facing unprecedented challenges, and mobile phones, the Internet and social media, while helping people connect to a certain extent, also bring huge risks. Eby cited his conversations with his nine-year-old son Ezra about cybersecurity, emphasizing that children in school have access to unregulated Internet, which makes it difficult for parents to know what their children are doing online. signal jammer

Important research shows that frequent mobile phone distractions in the classroom, addictive social media platforms, and online predators all pose significant risks to young people. Therefore, BC will require school boards to develop policies to restrict the use of mobile phones before the start of the new school year in September. How to implement these restrictions specifically and how to provide convenience for students with special needs will be decided by individual schools.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 18:55 | コメントをどうぞ

Victoria’s policy banning mobile phone use by public school students

From next year, the Victorian government will ban all students in public primary and secondary schools from using mobile phones during school hours. Students must turn off their cell phones and store them in school lockers during school hours, and may not use them even during recess and lunchtimes. This policy is considered one of the most stringent measures in the world regarding students’ use of mobile phones. signal jammer

The policy was announced by Victoria’s Education Minister James Merlino. He said that teachers and parents are deeply concerned about the negative impact of mobile phones on students. He believes that the policy can reduce classroom disruptions, improve students’ concentration, and create a more positive environment. learning environment. Merlino also stressed that this policy will help reduce cyberbullying.  cell phone jammer

McKinnon Secondary School was one of the first schools in Victoria to implement a mobile phone ban. Principal Binnion said that after the ban came into effect, students’ concentration in class and interpersonal interaction between classes have improved significantly. However, this ban only applies to public schools and excludes private and Catholic schools. Despite this, many independent schools in Victoria have voluntarily implemented similar bans.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:28 | コメントをどうぞ

Mobile phone management in modern schools: the role and challenges of blockers


The widespread use of smartphones has sparked widespread discussion in the field of education. How to use mobile phones to bring convenience while avoiding their negative impact on students’ learning has become an important issue in school management. This article will explore the application of mobile phone blockers in modern schools and the challenges they face.signal jammer

1. Application scenarios of mobile phone blockers
Classroom teaching: Using mobile phone blockers in class can effectively prevent students from being distracted and help them concentrate on listening and participating in class discussions.

Examination management: Using mobile phone blockers during exams can prevent cheating and ensure the fairness and impartiality of exams. cell phone jammer

Specific activities: Using blockers in specific activities such as lectures and meetings can avoid interference caused by mobile phone ringing and use, and ensure the smooth progress of activities.

2. Advantages of mobile phone blockers
Improve learning results: Blocking mobile phone signals can reduce interference, help students concentrate, and improve learning efficiency and classroom participation.

Ensure the fairness of exams: Using blockers during exams can effectively prevent students from cheating with mobile phones and maintain the fairness of exams.

Optimizing the campus environment: Reducing the use of mobile phones can reduce the risk of cyberbullying and the spread of bad information, and create a healthy campus environment.

3. Challenges of mobile phone jammers
Technical limitations: The effective range and signal shielding strength of mobile phone jammers may be limited, and some students may still find signal loopholes.

Emergency communication issues: Jammers may affect emergency communications between students and parents, especially in the event of an accident, which may cause inconvenience.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 23:15 | コメントをどうぞ

  Background Analysis of GPS Jamming Incidents in New NATO Member

Background of the incident

“Unprecedented” GPS signal jamming occurred in eastern and southeastern Finland, causing serious impact on flights. Although Finland did not accuse specific countries, Western analysts quickly turned their attention to Russia. Since the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Western countries have strengthened their containment of Russia by means of military aid to Ukraine and absorbing new member states. This jamming incident has become a new excuse for the West to accuse Russia. GPS jammer

Geopolitical Struggle

Located in Eurasia, Russia has rich resources and vast territory, and has important geopolitical significance. Western countries are worried that if Russia is allowed to develop, it may surpass the West and pose a threat to its global influence. By restricting Russia, the West can maintain its influence in Europe and the world and prevent it from becoming a competitor.

cell phone jammer

Conflict of political systems

Western governments accuse Russia of adopting an “authoritarian political system” that is quite different from the liberal democratic system of Western countries. Western countries believe that restricting Russia will help promote their democratic values ​​and prevent Russia’s political system from posing a challenge to them. The difference in political systems between the two sides has become an important source of conflict between the two.

Continuation of historical issues

There are some historical issues between Russia and Western countries, such as territorial disputes and ethnic conflicts. These issues have led to tensions between the two. By restricting Russia, Western countries hope to ensure that these issues will not affect their own interests and create a “whole Europe that strikes Russia”.


カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:11 | コメントをどうぞ

 Offensive and defensive game of GPS jamming technology between the United States and Russia

In recent years, the United States and Russia have launched a fierce confrontation in the field of GPS technology, and both sides have continuously upgraded and improved their own technical means to ensure their advantages on the battlefield. As the most mature satellite positioning system in the world, the US GPS system has become an important part of modern military. However, Russia has tried to disrupt the operation of the US GPS system by developing a new electronic jamming system, thereby weakening the US military advantage.

Development of Russian jamming technology

Russia’s latest “Magnetic Field-21″ electronic jamming system is the latest achievement in its electronic countermeasures field. This system can effectively interfere with satellite positioning signals in a certain area and protect important military targets and strategic facilities. GPS jammerThe system is networked through R-340 RP radio jammers and transmitting antennas, with a wide coverage range, and can even affect navigation satellite signals in the entire region. Russian experts said that the “Magnetic Field-21″ system can interfere with the signals of all satellite navigation systems, especially GPS signals.

History of GPS jamming between the United States and Russia

The GPS jamming confrontation between the United States and Russia has a long history. As early as the 1990s, Russia launched early electronic jammers that could interfere with the GPS positioning devices on US early warning aircraft. During the Iraq War, Russian-developed jamming equipment successfully interfered with U.S. missile flights, especially preventing missiles from locking onto targets during their final stages of flight. This technology had a significant impact on U.S. combat operations.

cell phone jammer

U.S. countermeasures

Faced with Russia’s increasingly advanced jamming technology, the United States is also constantly upgrading its GPS system. The third-generation GPS satellites added M codes with stronger anti-jamming capabilities and achieved a complete separation of military and civilian signals. These improvements have greatly improved the security and reliability of the U.S. GPS system. In addition, the United States is also developing low-cost inertial navigation technology and other guidance methods to deal with potential GPS jamming threats.

signal jammer

In summary, the offensive and defensive game of GPS technology between the United States and Russia reflects the intensity of modern military technology competition. In the future, with the continuous development of technology, this game is bound to become more complex and fierce.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 23:45 | コメントをどうぞ

Mysterious GPS signal outages plague the world: frequent geopolitical conflict hotspots

The expanding interference has exposed the vulnerability of GPS and the ocean-going shipping that relies on it, an industry that carries more than 80% of global trade, according to the International Maritime Organization, a UN regulator. One night in September 2019, a cargo ship carrying 5,000 tons of ethanol sailing in the Cyprus Strait suddenly issued an emergency distress call, and the captain reported that the GPS signal suddenly disappeared and could not continue to sail in the dark.

Stelios Christoforou, the pilot on duty, immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. During the day, experienced captains can use paper maps, markers and coastlines as references to navigate. But at night, GPS becomes an important tool in unfamiliar waters, especially near Cyprus, where NATO and Russian warships roam. An accident would be catastrophic for the captain of this ship carrying 5,000 tons of dangerous goods.  cell phone jammer

In Cyprus, the abnormality of the global positioning system has become commonplace: GPS signals have been unreliable for most of the past two years. GPS jamming has turned this tiny Mediterranean country into a global celebrity.

Worse, GPS problems aren’t limited to the Cyprus Strait.

Over the past four years, GPS disruptions have become increasingly common around the world. In some hot spots:

February 2016: Black Sea ports
Hundreds of ships reported that their GPS positions suddenly drifted dozens of miles inland. A subsequent report by U.S. researchers linked many of the incidents to visits by Putin and other senior Russian officials to Russia’s Crimea

March-April 2016: South Korea
A six-day outage near the North Korean border affected more than 1,000 planes and 700 ships.

Late 2017-Present: Suez Canal
Permanent GPS disruptions plague Egypt’s shipping artery. Potential causes include an insurgency in the nearby Sinai Peninsula and illegal fishing.

Fall 2017 and 2018: Russia-Nordic border
Finnish and Norwegian authorities complained that GPS signals were jammed and spoofed during NATO military exercises in the region bordering Russia. Russian officials denied responsibility.

January 2018-September 2019: Cyprus and the “Eastern Mediterranean”
Sporadic blackouts in the eastern Mediterranean, concentrated around Cyprus and near Lebanon and Israel. Cypriot and U.S. investigators linked the disruptions to military activity in Syria.

June-July 2019: Israel
Pilots taking off and landing at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport reported jamming for weeks. Israeli officials publicly pointed the finger at Russia.

In recent years, GPS has become so reliable and ubiquitous that it has been overlooked. It has proven remarkably easy to disrupt the system. And the shipping industry seems ill-prepared and powerless to change. Rick Hamilton, head of the GPS Information Analysis Team at the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center, said the shipping industry and governments face a realistic question: “How much risk are you willing to take to avoid spending a lot of money?”

The Global Positioning System began as a military project of the Pentagon. In the 1990s, it was opened to civilian use, and in 2000, the U.S. government stopped degrading civilian signals, making GPS more powerful and reliable and accelerating its adoption around the world.

Russia, China and the European Union are all building their own similar systems. But GPS’s biggest advantage is its wide coverage: a network of at least 24 live satellites around the world means that at any given moment, there are at least four satellites anywhere, allowing receivers to triangulate a user’s exact location. Today, GPS is deeply embedded in daily life. In business: widely used in transportation, agriculture, mining and oil drilling, and every technological upgrade relies on GPS.

But as GPS becomes commonplace, the risks associated with losing it are also increasing. The United States loses $1 billion a day for every 30 days of GPS outages. The marine industry will be one of the hardest hit as the outage will create bottlenecks in ports and waterways. The losses in the United States account for only a small part of the global impact.

Like other signal jamming, GPS jamming is divided into two categories: jamming and spoofing. Jamming includes narrowband jamming (aiming) and wideband jamming (blocking), and there are continuous jamming and pulse jamming in terms of jamming time. The advantage of jamming is that the technical difficulty is relatively low, but the jamming power required is relatively high. Spoofing is to transmit jamming signals similar to GPS signals to mislead GPS receivers away from accurate navigation and positioning. The advantages of this type of jamming are obvious, the jamming power required is small, and the jamming effect is much better than jamming. Of course, the technical difficulty of spoofing is much greater than jamming.

Jamming (Jamming) is to transmit high-power radio signals (usually the transmitter is closer to the receiving source than the satellite) so that the jamming signal covers or destroys the GPS satellite signal. Spoofing (Spoofing) is to simulate the signals of several satellites by transmitting spoofing signals. If the signal is strong enough, the system can make calculation errors.

It may not take a special attack to completely offline GPS. In fact, all satellite navigation systems are vulnerable. As they travel from orbit to Earth, their signals weaken, often accidentally interrupted by atmospheric disturbances or malfunctioning equipment. So, disruptions can be caused by transmitting conflicting signals, a technique called “jamming.” Generally, the stronger the conflicting signal, the farther the disruption covers. More complex and malicious is “spoofing,” which generates false signals to deceive the receiver, such as telling the wrong location of an oil tanker and directing it off course.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 11:19 | コメントをどうぞ

Playing with mobile phones in traffic jams will constitute a violation in Washington

Talking on the phone or sending text messages while driving is already a violation under the current traffic laws of Washington State. In the new law that was officially implemented on the 23rd, the scope of the crackdown on things that may cause drivers to be distracted while driving has been expanded, including holding any electronic devices in their hands while driving, such as mobile phones, tablets or other electronic devices, which will be banned in the future.

cell phone jammer

According to the new law, if a driver holds a mobile phone in his hand while driving, it will constitute a violation, and he is not allowed to check text messages on his mobile phone while driving. Even if you encounter a red light or traffic jam, and the car is stationary, you are still not allowed to use your mobile phone to watch videos.

Darrin Grondel, chairman of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission, said the new law is aimed at drivers “not touching their phones when they are on the road.”

According to statistics from the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission, the proportion of fatal car accidents caused by distracted driving in Washington State increased by 32% from 2014 to 2015; about 71% of drivers’ inattention to driving are related to mobile phones.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 20:56 | コメントをどうぞ

Russia passes law: primary and secondary schools will completely ban mobile phones

Recently, the Russian State Duma passed a new law that clearly stipulates that from September 1, 2024, primary and secondary schools across the country will completely ban students from using all communication tools, including smartphones. The main purpose of this measure is to reduce the distraction of mobile phones on students and their potential impact on health.

In fact, as early as last year, Russia had banned primary and secondary school students from using mobile phones in class. In a speech to parents, Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov pointed out that “according to the new health regulations, starting from the new semester, students will not be allowed to use mobile phones in class to prevent them from distracting students.” He further explained that mobile phones not only affect students’ concentration in learning, but also have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of young people. He particularly emphasized that if parents need to contact their children in an emergency, they can choose to call the school or the students themselves during class breaks.

The passage of this law was not achieved overnight. According to reports, a previous opinion poll conducted in Russia showed that half of the teachers supported a complete ban on the use of mobile phones in schools, but only 30% of parents of students agreed with this idea. Despite the low support rate from parents, legislators decided to take stricter measures to maintain the teaching order in schools and the learning environment for students.  cell phone jammer

It is worth noting that the ban does not completely prohibit the existence of mobile phones. In some specific circumstances, such as teaching needs and emergencies, the use of mobile phones is still allowed. This flexible regulation aims to balance the relationship between students’ learning and emergency communication needs.

Russia is not the only country to implement a mobile phone ban in schools. Just a few days ago, New Zealand also announced a similar policy. In a statement on December 1, Christopher Laxon, the new Prime Minister of New Zealand, said that students will be banned from using mobile phones in primary and secondary schools across the country. He emphasized, “We want children to focus on learning and teachers to focus on teaching.” Educationists pointed out that the reading and writing skills of primary and secondary school students in New Zealand have declined significantly in recent years, even reaching a “crisis” level, and banning the use of mobile phones is seen as an important measure to improve this problem.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 15:11 | コメントをどうぞ