Signal jammer, why can it affect your mobile signal?

Every year during the college entrance examination, the school will have network problems, such as mobile phone disconnection and slow Internet speed, because the school has turned on the mobile phone jammer. If we think of mobile phones as handheld two-way radios, radios will be interfered with, and mobile phones are no exception. Like any radio, mobile phone signals are interfered with.  cell phone jammer

Interference principle
Interfering with mobile phones is like interfering with any other type of radio communication. Mobile phones communicate with their service network through base stations. When mobile phone users drive on the street, the signal switches from one base station to another.

Frequency range of the three major operators
We know that wireless communication uses electromagnetic waves for communication. The functional characteristics of electromagnetic waves are determined by their frequency. Our mobile phones must emit electromagnetic waves that meet the requirements in order to connect to our communication operator base stations. Different communication systems use different frequencies, so everyone is calm and will not interfere with each other. The basic principle of mobile phone jammers is to transmit the same radio frequency as the mobile phone. Because the frequency is the same, the mobile phone cannot distinguish which signal is the normal base station signal, thus achieving “interference”. The noise covers the traditional sound.

When the base station tries to connect to the mobile phone, as long as there is a machine with the same frequency as the mobile phone that emits high-power “noise”. You will find that the signal from the mobile phone is too complex to be recognized, so you will refuse to communicate with the mobile phone. Early jammers can only block one set of frequencies, such as 2G, while complex jammers can block several types of networks at the same time, such as 2/3/4G. How is this multi-network interference achieved?

Actually, it is very simple. In a looping manner, the interference bands corresponding to the three signals are repeatedly played, covering three bands at a time, and the intervals between the loops are very small, so that the mobile phone has no chance to talk and can only sit quietly.

Multi-band signal jammer
2/3/4G are all covered, so what about Bluetooth and wifi? It doesn’t matter, it can be handled. The jammer has evolved again, adding the frequency bands of Bluetooth and wifi to the scanning range, so that several common communication methods in society are completely covered. Many people do not understand the difference between Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mobile data. They all seem to be wireless communication technologies, but the difference between the three of them is mainly in the frequency band. In mobile communication technology, 2G mainly works in the 900-1700MHz frequency band, 3G works in the 1900-2100MHz frequency band, and 4G works in the 2300-2500MHz frequency band. Bluetooth and WiFi work in 2.4GHz. The main principle of signal shielding and signal jammers is to emit huge noise in the frequency band used by mobile phones, disrupting the normal reception and transmission of mobile phone signals. This small object is not only used to prevent cheating during exams, but is also often used in politics and military to prevent terrorist attacks. But signal jammers are not like buying groceries and shopping. You can’t just buy and use them casually, otherwise it may involve breaking the law.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 12:18 | コメントをどうぞ


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