日別アーカイブ: 2024年7月10日

 If BC United Party in power, will ban mobile phones in K-12 classrooms

The impact of mobile phones on student learning

The leader of the BC United Party, Kevin Falcon, recently reiterated that if the United Party comes to power, it will fulfill its promise to ban the use of mobile phones in kindergarten to grade 12 classrooms. He said that there is increasing evidence that the use of mobile phones in the classroom has a negative impact on students, and parents and teachers are increasingly concerned. Last month, British Columbia achieved poor results in the 2023 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings, lagging behind other provinces in all types of education rankings, especially mathematics scores that were far below the national average, falling by more than 8 points.

cell phone jammer

The use of mobile phones in the classroom distracts students. Studies have shown that it takes about 20 minutes for students to refocus after being distracted by mobile phones. For a long time, the use of mobile phones in the classroom has not only affected students’ learning efficiency, but also increased the difficulty of management for teachers. Falcon believes that this problem must be solved and students’ attention should be returned to learning.signal jammer

Success stories in Quebec and Ontario

The proposal of the BC United Party is not without basis. Quebec and Ontario have taken the lead in taking measures to ban students from using mobile phones in class, and have achieved good results. GPS jammer The Quebec education department found that after banning the use of mobile phones, students’ classroom participation and grades have significantly improved. Ontario has successfully implemented this policy through close cooperation with parents and teachers. Feng Yigan said that the BC United Party will refer to these successful cases and formulate an implementation plan suitable for BC.

Specific measures and implementation plans

Feng Yigan also promised to provide lockers for all kindergarten to grade 12 schools that currently lack safe storage space for students to store their mobile phones during teaching time, and supervised by teachers. Students can take out their mobile phones during lunch breaks and after school. He emphasized that this measure does not require too much money and time to implement. The key lies in the implementation and supervision of the policy.

Specifically, schools can set up lockers at the door of each classroom, and students can store their mobile phones in the lockers before entering the classroom. Teachers are responsible for supervising the process of students storing and retrieving mobile phones before and after class to ensure that students do not use mobile phones in class. This measure can not only reduce the interference of mobile phones in the classroom, but also cultivate students’ good learning habits and self-discipline.

Objections and coping strategies

Although this proposal has been supported by many parents and teachers, there are also some objections. For example, Patti Bacchus, former president of the Vancouver School Board, believes that mobile phones are not a big problem. Students need mobile phones to deal with their lives outside of school. Teachers should take this opportunity to talk about addiction, list the pros and cons of using mobile phones, and let students decide for themselves. Her views are worthy of attention, but Feng Yigan believes that under the current circumstances, a complete ban on mobile phone use is a more effective measure.

In response to this objection, the BC United Party can take some compromise measures. For example, while banning mobile phone use, schools can increase educational courses on mobile phone use and addiction issues, so that students can consciously reduce their dependence on mobile phones on the basis of understanding the pros and cons of mobile phones. In addition, schools can also set up special counseling services to help students deal with possible mobile phone addiction problems and provide psychological and behavioral guidance.

Application of mobile phone jammers

In the process of implementing this policy, mobile phone signal jammers can play an important role. A cell phone signal blocker is an information security protection device that can effectively block cell phone signals and prevent students from using cell phones in class. By installing a cell phone signal blocker in the classroom, students can be ensured not to make calls or use the Internet in class, so that they can concentrate on their studies.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 10:59 | コメントをどうぞ