Application and Impact of GPS Jamming and Shielding Technology

GPS jamming technology has become the focus of attention of all parties in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Russia frequently used analog radio jamming methods in the Ukrainian war, which prevented Ukraine from using GPS normally. This phenomenon has attracted great attention from the international community and prompted European and American countries to accelerate the research and application of non-satellite-dependent GPS alternatives. This article will explore the application of GPS jamming technology, its impact on the military and civilian fields, and the importance of shielding technology in this context.

Application of GPS Jamming Technology

Technical Principle

GPS jamming usually covers or disrupts GPS signals by emitting strong signals close to the frequency of GPS signals, causing the receiving device to be unable to correctly decode location data. signal jammer This interference can be widespread regional interference or precise interference against specific targets.

Application Cases

In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Russia widely used GPS jammers, causing the Ukrainian army’s navigation system to frequently fail. cell phone jammer According to the US Space Force, Russia’s jamming behavior has prevented Ukraine from using GPS. Caitlin Johnson of the Center for Strategic and International Studies pointed out that GPS jamming and deception technology will become more common in any future conflict. Some jamming technologies cost less than 100 pounds and are easy to obtain and use.

Impact of jamming technology on military and civilian fields

Military impact

In the military field, GPS jammer can have a serious impact on the command and control, navigation and weapon positioning of troops. Ukrainian diplomats in Brussels have urged European leaders to use “all means” to jam Russia’s GLONASS satellite positioning system, but this request has not been met. This is because jamming Russia’s navigation system could lead to serious international conflicts and even World War III.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 12:45 | コメントをどうぞ


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