日別アーカイブ: 2024年8月23日

The root causes and solutions to Georgia prison problems

The Georgia Senate recently passed a resolution to establish a research committee to support the safety and welfare of all people in correctional facilities, aiming to examine current issues affecting the ability of the correctional department to operate safe facilities. signal jammer However, whether this move can truly solve the problem or misdirect the focus to contraband mobile phones is worth exploring.cell phone jammer This article will analyze the real problems in Georgia prisons and propose possible solutions.

Understaffing and a surge in violence

Since 2020, the violence and suicide rates in Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) prisons have risen sharply. GPS jammer This phenomenon is closely related to the large-scale loss of prison staff. Data shows that GDC had 7,527 employees directly responsible for the incarceration of more than 50,000 people in 2020, and by 2022 this number had dropped to 5,546. This staff shortage has directly led to chaos in prison internal management and an increase in violent incidents.Wifi jammer

However, it is not yet known whether the Senate’s research committee can effectively meet this challenge. Although the resolution mentioned that understaffing was the root of the problem, the committee was more likely to focus on contraband mobile phones and ignore the core problem that really needs to be solved.

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The dual role of contraband mobile phones

Contraband mobile phones have been seen by the authorities as a catalyst for violence in prisons. However, this view may be biased. Mobile phones are not only a means of transmitting violent incidents, but also a means of exposing the poor environment inside prisons. Videos inside prisons recorded and disseminated by prisoners using mobile phones often reveal various problems in prisons, including violence and poor management.

But the authorities chose to see mobile phones as the root of the problem and invested heavily in trying to eliminate this “threat”. In February of this year, Georgia allocated $9.8 million to purchase mobile phone signal jammers in an attempt to eliminate the use of mobile phones through technical means. However, this approach did not solve the real problems inside the prison, but only covered up the surface of the problem.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 12:38 | コメントをどうぞ