The Dilemma of Cell Phones in Prisons and the Solution of Jammers

In recent years, the problem of cell phones in prisons has become increasingly serious, which not only endangers the security of prisons, but also facilitates prisoners to continue to engage in illegal activities. signal jammerThe prison break of Mohamed Amra particularly highlights the severity of this problem. cell phone jammer He used his cell phone to continue drug dealing in prison, resulting in the death of two agents. GPS jammer This incident revealed loopholes in prison management and also triggered discussions on how to effectively prevent prisoners from using cell phones. Although cell phone jammers are seen as an effective solution, their high cost and technical limitations make them face many challenges in practical application.

Cell Phone Problems in Prisons

The widespread presence of cell phones in prisons has become a global problem. Every year, tens of thousands of cell phones are seized during detention. Prisoners use these devices to continue to engage in criminal activities such as drug dealing, escape plans, and threatening witnesses. The case of Mohamed Amra is a typical example of using his cell phone to continue to manage his criminal network in prison, which not only threatens the security of the prison, but also poses a huge security risk to society.

Prison administrators and law enforcement agencies have been trying to stop the influx of mobile phones, but this has proven to be an almost impossible task. Mobile phones can enter prisons through a variety of channels, such as visitors, corrupt prison officials, and even drone drops. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to prevent mobile phones from entering prisons.

Application of mobile phone jammers

Although it is difficult to completely prevent mobile phones from entering prisons, it is possible to prevent their use. Mobile phone jammers are considered an effective tool to solve this problem. These devices can block mobile phone signals and prevent prisoners from communicating with the outside world, thereby cutting off their connection with the outside world and preventing them from continuing to engage in illegal activities.

Yann Bastière, national representative of the United Union, emphasized that the real value of mobile phone jammers is to cut off all communications between prisoners and the outside world, thereby effectively preventing them from continuing to organize criminal activities. However, despite the significant effect of mobile phone jammers, there are still many challenges in their actual application in France.

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