High-tech crime rises – Parkland County man arrested for radio jammers and drugs

On November 2, 2023, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Parkland County, Canada successfully intercepted a stolen truck and found a large number of illegal items in the car, including a loaded Marlin 45-70 rifle and a radio frequency device (RF jammer) that can interfere with cellular and GPS signals. This operation reveals the application of high-tech equipment in modern criminal methods, especially the widespread use of jammers in criminal activities.

Criminal background and seized items

On the same day, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police discovered a suspected stolen 2000 Ford SRW pickup truck during a routine patrol in Parkland County. cell phone jammer After careful monitoring, the Mounted Police intercepted it at a safe location and successfully detained the driver. Subsequently, the police conducted a detailed search of the vehicle and found a shocking array of items, including a Marlin 45-70 government rifle (loaded with bullets), an air gun based on the Sig Sauer design, multiple knives, handcuffs, and bear spray.GPS jammer

Unlike common weapons, the search also found a radio frequency jammer, a device that can interfere with communication signals, especially cellular and GPS signals. Wifi jammer Police also seized an app-enabled GPS tracker, suggesting that the man may have used these devices to engage in a range of high-tech crimes.signal jammer

RF Jammers: A New Weapon in Crime

RF jammers (RF jammers) have become a powerful tool for criminals around the world in recent years. The devices can block communication signals, paralyze vehicle anti-theft systems, and even affect emergency service communications. In this case, the jammer in the man’s possession was able to affect cellular and GPS signals, meaning that criminals were able to commit crimes without being tracked.

The use of this device is no longer limited to the military field, and has gradually expanded in recent years to illegal activities such as theft, kidnapping, and smuggling. By interfering with mobile phone signals, criminals can evade tracking and even complete crimes before the police arrive. The use of such devices not only makes it more difficult for the police to solve cases, but also poses more threats to the lives of ordinary citizens.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 投稿者jammer12 22:01 | コメントをどうぞ


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